Hiliary 2020
If you are right, MP, and you very well may be, you do realize that sooner or later they're going to get to Trump, if he's not already lock stock in step with them. Think about it, you don't amass the kind of wealth Trump controls without being in with the people you're railing against.
Oh jeez thanks for not reaming me a new one.
For bodes, sorry we see it all so differently. Youre always countering my stuff with government source information.
Wish you could see its all part of a script basically. The "Official Story" which is a tool to make people think that any of it is justified.
If you just look at the actual situation in each event its pretty clear that the Official Story is mostly nonsense.
So no offense if I seem agressive to you.
Yeah X youre right.
Trump has a big flashing neon bullseye on his back.
Its all so similar to the circumstances prior to 11/22/63.
Tomorrow he's going to a big rally in FL I think, even that worries me.
People gotta understand if Trump is sincere and not a plant he is threatening to cost a lot of people an insane amount of money.
Powerful people just like JFK was doing.
There is even part of me that thinks that Reagan was a similar threat and they didn't waste time trying to get rid of him.
He survived but Bush I thinkwas basically in charge after that. Just like Cheney was higher on the totem pole then Bush II. And Obama, I dont think he had any real say about anything. He just followed orders.
Anyway I'm getting away from the point you made.
Yeah he's a threat and were seeing right now probably the biggest attempt to take down a PREZ ever short of exploding his head in public.
Right out of the gate. And its coming from all directions.
I expected resistence but this is nuts.
I'm sure Trump has played ball with some very powerful and corrupt people over the years, no doubt.
Greased many a pocket and fucked over a lot of smaller fish.
But not on this level. This is real deep state heavy duty shit he''s dealing with now.
And I doubt he's lock in step with them. He might be but if he was things would be cooling down not heating up.
If they do take him out, which I think they are trying to avoid, I doubt it will be publically as that would be too obvious and people would see it for what it is and go ape shit.
Then again hard to disprove and blame the GOV for another convenient lone nut who comes around right when they need him.