3/4 mile kill with .308 in Iraq

I know (.....or so I say now :D ) I coudn't believe that someone could say something like that and keep a straight face......


Retired Moderator
I would hope no one would take that comment seriously :1orglaugh

I love how we can all have differences of opinions, but still be respectful of them as well!
If politicians were members in here, and Saddam could point Bush where he could find some "Nice Iraqi chicks" instead of both of them searching for a reason to get to each others throats, the world might have been a better place :D


Damn ! Yea ! I had forgotten about that shot.

What optics was he employing ? That's one whole hell alota of evevation ! That's roughly 3K Feet !

With the Lake City M -118 Sierra 175 Gr. SMK BTHP, it can be done . . Mortar - like trajectory though.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Excellent shot!