youlneverstopme said:
I'm afraid this ignorant remark sums up many so many people around the world despise the USA now.
The USA seems to think that, because it possesses the biggest military arsenal, it is above international law.
Sadly, this means that even sensible, liberal, progressively-minded USA citizens get tarred with the same brush as the red-necks.
The ''War On Terrorism'' is a misnomer because one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter and you can never beat fanatics.
Iraq has acted as a recruitment lightning rod for Al Quaeda, whose membership is now at record levels.
That means more 9/11s - it's just a matter of time.
Terrorists are murderers, no doubt of that, but countries which invade other countries without UN backing are also murderers.
Historically, terrorism is only ever defeated by compromise - like it or not most terrorists have a seed of legitimacy in their issues and it's only by acknowledging the seed and assuaging with it that you marginalise extremists and support for them falls away.
It will take a more thoughtful and intelligent US President than George Bush to achieve that.
Forgive my French, but this really struck a nerve.
People will always despise the US. As a US citizen I could truly give a shit. We cannot satisfy everyone. You have to draw the line somewhere. It was drawn in the sands of Afghanistan and Iraq.
The US will not and never will need or seek permission to protect it's interests.
International law? Where the fuck was international law when the sons of bitch's flew three jet liners into buildings killing truly innocent civilians? The bastards attacked non-military targets and what did the UN do? Offer talks, compromises, sanctions bull shit! The invasion of Afghanistan was justified and in my mind was long over due.
As for Iraq, fuck Saddam Hussein and his regimen. The people of Iraq lived in constant fear of their dictator and his blatant violation of human rights. How many time did he disregard International Law? What did the UN do when he was kicking out UN inspectors? Not a damn thing!
I mean come on people. If you were making WMD's and I told you that on such and such date I was coming to check on you, what would I find? Not a damn thing. The UN is a joke! It has no real muscle to enforce anything it imposes.
The only mistake the US committed was freeing a people who did not seek it for themselves. Freedom that is given in never appreciated or cherished. The US fought for it's independence. Americans shed their won blood, loss their own sons. Had the Iraqi people fought and bled for their own freedom we wold see a different story in Iraq.
As for the bogus argument that terrorism is only ever defeated by compromise. Baloney! There is no seed of legitimacy in their issues. Killing civilians to spread terror is never OK. It's only by acknowledging that terrorism is an extremists last ditch effort to get his message out, by not bowing to such cowardly acts do you marginalize extremists. Support for them never falls away! Fine example is the situation between Israel and Palestine.