*2024 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Al Franken, Amy Klobuchar … and bonus points for knowing Ernest Lundeen.
Good. Off topic. Now what happened to Tom Davis? ** He's sort of like a non-musical Andrew Ridgeley -- the guy you don't hear from at Wham, George Michael's group.

** Wikipedia says Davis died of neck and throat cancer in 2012 at age 59. Rest in Peace. Davis was also from Minnesota.
I find it deliciously ironic how republicans are criticizing the "coronation" and "appointment" of Harris as the nominee, when they are backing a guy who literally refused to take part in the candidate debates.
They're Republicans. With them every accusation is a confession.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
People who have been talking about voting for Donald Trump. If he gets elected, he says that under his new Administration that he'll begin deporting illegal aliens. The most in history. The biggest ever. Well, guess what that will do to the economy? It will cause it to crash. Think about it. Who's going to do your housekeeping? Your lawn service? Your maid service? Masonry work? Demolition work? All those undesirable jobs that Americans don't want to do. And forget about getting food at your favorite Chinese restaurant? It will probably be closed permanently.

Here's a true story. Three inmates escaped from the Nassau County jail a few years ago. Maybe a decade ago. A White guy, a Black guy and a Chinese guy. They found the White guy in a tree off the Meadowbrook Parkway. They found him by using binoculars off a cross bridge which was about 200 feet from the tree. He was found shirtless with the NC orange prison jumpsuit on. They found the Black guy in Manhattan. After about two weeks of being under surveillance. He was doing Three Card Monte tricks and selling fake Rolex watches. So both of those guys were recaptured. As for the Chinese guy, authorities say they tracked him into NYC's Chinatown section in Manhattan. He was never found. He probably went back to China or Taiwan. The people in Chinatown helping him to escape kept him hidden so that law enforcement couldn't find him.
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People who have been talking about voting for Donald Trump. If he gets elected, he says that under his new Administration that he'll begin deporting illegal aliens. The most in history. The biggest ever. Well, guess what that will do to the economy? It will cause it to crash. Think about it. Who's going to do your housekeeping? Your lawn service? Your maid service? Masonry work? Demolition work? All those undesirable jobs that Americans don't want to do. And forget about getting food at your favorite Chinese restaurant? It will probably be closed permanently.
This is something I'm professionally involved in, so I feel I can add something to the discussion.

Whether it's the US or Canada (or presumably most 1st world countries), not going after the undocumented isn't by choice. It's not like they just leave these people alone until one day someone says "We should go after these people".

Let's start with the basics - you don't have the manpower to go after any more than at the pace you are now. Ok, so then why not just hire more ICE agents?
First, that costs money. A hell of a lot of it. And for the most part, these people aren't collecting social benefits, so they aren't costing the government much money. So kicking them out isn't going to make or save the government money - it is going to be a net cost. Especially when many of those are working under the table.

But let's say you get the budget to fund this. What do you think happens when you do a mass recruitment on that scale? If you have hiring quotas to hit, Quality will inevitably go down. You NEED to keep quality control up for immigration enforcement; otherwise there's a very good chance that you're going to hire overzealous agents who will go on a power trip on these people in the course of their official duties. Can you imagine the nightmare that will cause?
This is something I'm professionally involved in, so I feel I can add something to the discussion.

Whether it's the US or Canada (or presumably most 1st world countries), not going after the undocumented isn't by choice. It's not like they just leave these people alone until one day someone says "We should go after these people".

Let's start with the basics - you don't have the manpower to go after any more than at the pace you are now. Ok, so then why not just hire more ICE agents?
First, that costs money. A hell of a lot of it. And for the most part, these people aren't collecting social benefits, so they aren't costing the government much money. So kicking them out isn't going to make or save the government money - it is going to be a net cost. Especially when many of those are working under the table.

But let's say you get the budget to fund this. What do you think happens when you do a mass recruitment on that scale? If you have hiring quotas to hit, Quality will inevitably go down. You NEED to keep quality control up for immigration enforcement; otherwise there's a very good chance that you're going to hire overzealous agents who will go on a power trip on these people in the course of their official duties. Can you imagine the nightmare that will cause?
Yes I can. And don't even start about the general turmoil it will cause when thousands of people who are providing services and picking your food disappear. The only way to do this at all that I can see is to use the National Guard or some such group. And will they obey? Will Govenors go along? I don't think all will. Then what. Call out the Army. Will the California National Guard face off with the 101 Airborne at the boarder of Nevada and California? Popcorn stock will rise explosively.
Undocumented people and homeless people in America are easy to pick on because they are hiding and are less likely to cast a ballot. It like what Will Rogers said, everyone likes to talk about the weather, yet, nobody can do anything about it. Drought in Guatemala makes it very difficult to grow maize. A farmer has two choices, stay and watch your family starve or seek greener pastures. Many in Venezuela have left the country for greener pastures. Right now, America is the land of greener pastures for many around the world. A giant magnet, if you will. So, keep it up with bashing them and blocking any comprehensive, bi-partisan immigration reform. Global warming, either natural or man-made, is going to bring millions more.
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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
The Discombobulation of Donald Trump
I just saw a clip of Trump speaking from PREPARED NOTES in which he says (and I kid you not) :

Kamala Harris "broke the world"

Is this guy in a worse state than Biden ever was or will be ?

Can any supporter of his POSSIBLY explain what he meant ?!
He means ‘She broke MY world.’ This election was to be his coronation; his triumphant second coming. She broke that and now he needs to fight for it. Poor guy.

By his own admission “I am very angry at her.”

He spends years saying Joe is terrible and should not be president. He is angry Biden agrees with him. Just like he was angry about Harris concurring with him about eliminating taxes on tips.

The Trump act is way too old. We usually get tired of our Presidents after 6 years. That fatigue has set in for him. It feels like Trump has ‘jumped the shark’.

In other news: Biden woke up and called him Donald Dump!
He means ‘She broke MY world.’ This election was to be his coronation; his triumphant second coming. She broke that and now he needs to fight for it. Poor guy.
I mean, between the debate and the assassination attempt, he really did look to have it won.
I feel the GOP should have laid low until joe got the nom. But they kept pushing that he was too old/senile/etc to lead.

Like they say "Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it"


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I mean, between the debate and the assassination attempt, he really did look to have it won.
I feel the GOP should have laid low until joe got the nom. But they kept pushing that he was too old/senile/etc to lead.

Like they say "Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it"
We likely will not know until after a few campaign books are written, but I believe the timing of Joe’s stepping down was an intentional strategy.

The House GOP will now be investigating Walz. Comer is so transparent it is not funny anymore.


Closed Account

We likely will not know until after a few campaign books are written, but I believe the timing of Joe’s stepping down was an intentional strategy.
That would be the greatest political troll in history.
You'll have to excuse me if I feel that the dems would be too incompetent to intentionally pull it off.


Closed Account
Arguing about political figures is like parents arguing over which of their kids in the third grade play was a better actor.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
That would be the greatest political troll in history.
You'll have to excuse me if I feel that the dems would be too incompetent to intentionally pull it off.
Someone would have leaked it. It was coincidental timing fueled by an upcoming deadline.
What a show of a debate going on right now...

Moderators need to be more assertive or given the ability to shut off mics.

How hard is it to say "Answer the damn question!!"
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