There are 2 huge differences between UCLA's situation this week as opposed to last week:
1) The game is in Austin, not Pasadena.
This is true. Much longer drive home for the victorious Bruins.
2) The Bruins won't be facing the Cougar defense....they'll be up against what is perhaps the best defense in the NCAA.
You've been drinking WAY too much burnt orange Kool Aid pal! The way they played today, they may not even have the best defense in the Big 12 South.
The pitiful Cougar D made Kevin Prince look like the second coming of Michael Vick. He won't be able to do that against the 'Horns.
That's right. He looked he a lot more like Kordell Stewart.
If you're going to "take a flyer" on them, I'd make it REALLY small.
Reasoning like this is why I must continue to toil for a living. Sorry if you listened to me Bodie.
If anyone has some crow, I'll be pleased to devour it....just as long as there's a nice big slice of humble pie to go along with it. This game was an absolute disaster. Congrats to UCLA. They beat us in every phase of the game.
Unless there is a miracle metamorphosis, OU will blow the 'Horns off the field. Around here, Longhorn fans like to say that we don't rebuild, we reload. I'm sorry but right now we're rebuilding.
