Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
It is really hard to tell with all three of these teams I mean The Huskers won 19-3 over SDSU really but beat Washington what 56-21 where are the real Huskers.Too be honest though I just don't understand Oklahoma they seem to have all the right pieces in the right places but they are just not playing OU football.I mean my 'Noles got man handled.But Utah State,Air Force and Cinny kept it close and lets face it none of those teams are own OU's level.They showed heart don't get me wrong,but talent wise the combine score should have been 110 to like 6:dunno:Okay,Okay 110 to 20 just to be fair to Air Force( Great team by the way I think) The Sooners has a great offense I think Ryan Broyles is a beast I'm just crazy over this kid what has he had like 4 stright 100-yard game.Okay I'll stop ridin' his nuts but he is good. Texas I just don't know they could be 3-3 in three weeks (Sorry Jagger I sill love ya) Okay 4-2 they should beat Iowa State Oct.23 but then again I said the same thing about UCLA.I want Texas to have a great year don't get me wrong but all those teams on the Longhorns remaining schedule are a little bit better well I don't know about OK State (I love their system but it seems like they have took a step back)anyway even FAU is a little better.Any the main thing is two of the three teams are undefeated and a win is a win ugly or pretty.and if Texas gets going and finds the right stride they could take all there anger out on their last 8 opponents.By the way where are all the Ohio state fans.:dunno:
LOL....no offense taken, Raider. Don't kid yourself....Texas is loaded with talent. They're just really young. Plus, they have no running game at all....zero. Greg Davis doesn't have enough confidence in the wideouts or Garrett Gilbert to wing the ball down the field like Colt McCoy used to so the offense is going to struggle. If we fall behind, we won't be able to play catch up. Plus, I really think that UCLA's pistol offense baffled the shit out of Muschamps. We don't see sets like that in the Big 12 and the young defense just couldn't adapt.
We'll be mediocre as we rebuild this year but we're still better than most of the conference....maybe 7-5 or 8-4 if we get lucky but no top 25 for the 'Horns this year. Wait a couple of years though. We'll be back.