2009/2010 NCAA Football

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Are we going to start hearing some grumbling in Ann Arbor? How long is Rich Rod going to last?
I don't think you can shitcan a coach only after 2 seasons. That's harsh. You gotta give a coach 3 years. Michigan completely overhauled their entire program. Even if they lose out, I think they will stick with Rodriguez 1 more season. They have a replacement coach in the wings anytime they want--Jimmy Harbaugh at Stanfurf.

Is Michigan bowl eligible at least?


The One and Only Big Daddy
How 'bout my Boilermakers, baby? We can't beat Northern Illinois, but by God we can take down the Buckeyes and the Wolverines. Are we going to start hearing some grumbling in Ann Arbor? How long is Rich Rod going to last?

Remember what said earlier this year about them finishing with 5 wins hell I will give them 6 and how about the Music City Bowl Oregon-Standford looking more and more like a shoot out Oregon down by ten
dear Charlie Weisz,

you are bad at your job. You suck. A lot. Please leave so the Irish have a chance at winning again. Your play calling is bad. Your team is bad. Your decisions are bad. Please go away.

You lost at home to Navy. This ends your hopes for a BCS bowl game, which you would have lost anyway.

You have now been coaching long enough. You have top recruits, but can not make a team out of those recruits. You are incompetent. Your team is terrible - bad enough to be ranked and then lose at home to navy.

Please go away. Or just continue to eat as you do and then have a heart attack.

In any case, you're a bad coach. Your team is bad. The college, their alumni, the fans, the team, and the students are terribly disappointed in you and your lack-luster performance. Please go away.


Postal Paranoiac
'Bama wins. Hey...when was the last time Purdue beat BOTH Ohio State AND Michigan in the same year?


Postal Paranoiac
And Iowa got dumped by Northwestern...just a week after appearing on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
Charlie Weis gots to go now. He hasn't won anything at Notre Dame and he's not worth that big ass contract he got.
Fuck, the OU offense sucks! I know that Nebraska defense is good, but we should be able do a little something.

I'll be surprised if we win this game.
The SC offense hasn't exactly shaken off the malaise of last week. The Defense is playing decently. Not spectacularly, but decent. 14-3 beginning of the 3rd.

Craig James is the biggist fricken whiny little ahole to ever comment on a game. What a little b&tch he is....he picks a part every little thing. I used to think Dan Fouts was the worst ever...Craig James..YOU ARE THE WORST!


The One and Only Big Daddy
Fuck, the OU offense sucks! I know that Nebraska defense is good, but we should be able do a little something.

I'll be surprised if we win this game.

The SC offense hasn't exactly shaken off the malaise of last week. The Defense is playing decently. Not spectacularly, but decent. 14-3 beginning of the 3rd.

Craig James is the biggist fricken whiny little ahole to ever comment on a game. What a little b&tch he is....he picks a part every little thing. I used to think Dan Fouts was the worst ever...Craig James..YOU ARE THE WORST!

Well all three of us are on the same train Flordia State you hurtin me baby:crying:


WOWhuge upsets today going to be a big shake uop in the polls.
This is the most boring game I've ever seen 14-9 USC up on ASU. 21 seconds left...ASU has a true fresh in trying to win the game..

It's been such a penalty/turnover fest I can't recall how USC scored 2 TDs. I know 1 was a Pick 6...but I really don't remember the second TD:dunno::sleep:


The One and Only Big Daddy
This is the most boring game I've ever seen 14-9 USC up on ASU. 21 seconds left...ASU has a true fresh in trying to win the game..

It's been such a penalty/turnover fest I can't recall how USC scored 2 TDs. I know 1 was a Pick 6...but I really don't remember the second TD:dunno::sleep:

Oh that is bad when you can't remember two touchdowns well it is a win never the less
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