^I am just doing what he wants us to do Jagger, in Obama's own words.
Dogged, but irrelevant.
^I am just doing what he wants us to do Jagger, in Obama's own words.
Dogged, but irrelevant.
How is it irrelvant?
I stated in the 6th post of this thread when do we hold him accountable? here is he telling us to hold him accountable, but every left wing bleeding heart liberal is quick to blame Bush for Obama's short commings and when someone does ask questions they are labled a NeoCon, warmonger, racist right wing nutjob.
Just like I got pissed for 8 years hearing about how it is all Clinton's fault.
Man up and take responbility for your decisions!
If I was working dayshift and I dropped the case of rotten eggs and then didn't do much to try and clean it up before my shift ended, should b-man write up evening shift for the mess?
^I am just doing what he wants us to do Jagger, in Obama's own words.
You should hold Obama accountable starting at the point when, if it were still Bush president, or McCain, or whatever right-wing darling you would've preferred, when you would've started holding THEM accountable. I'm guessing that would only begin sometime after you were scrounging in dumpsters for stale bread. :dunno:
So what we gonna do with all this debt? What's the solution? :dunno:
How is it irrelvant?
I stated in the 6th post of this thread when do we hold him accountable? here is he telling us to hold him accountable, but every left wing bleeding heart liberal is quick to blame Bush for Obama's short commings and when someone does ask questions they are labled a NeoCon, warmonger, racist right wing nutjob.
Just like I got pissed for 8 years hearing about how it is all Clinton's fault.
Man up and take responbility for your decisions!
So what we gonna do with all this debt? What's the solution? :dunno:
If I was working dayshift and I dropped the case of rotten eggs and then didn't do much to try and clean it up before my shift ended, should b-man write up evening shift for the mess?
No, the evening shift should deal with it and clean it up. Does not matter who made the mess it just needs to be fixed.
What does he have to take responsibility for? He hasn't fucked anything up. He's got people working on trying to fix problems. But has he or his actions really created any new ones?
EXCUSE ME! It was Corporations who Bankrupted and FUCKED THE ECONOMY into perpetuity! It wasn't the Gov't!!! We don't want the same business dooshbags who ruined their companies and our economy to have ANY SAY in how to fix the mess. How wise for the farmer to ask the Fox to build the Chicken Coop.First things first ! Stop the spending on government programs in perpetuity. Second, shore up meaningful employment opportunities here in America by cutting out some of the oppressive business unfriendly red tape as well as corporate taxes of which are amongst the highest in the world.
And forget about "jobs - jobs - jobs" when this country needs careers - careers - careers ... less government careers that is. We seem to be tightening the noose around the private sector's neck and it must stop ! The fewer the burdens (subsidies) the quicker our debts get paid off.
Only private sector employment creates prosperity
and you can take that to the ..... well... local savings & loan.
EXCUSE ME! It was Corporations who Bankrupted and FUCKED THE ECONOMY into perpetuity! It wasn't the Gov't!!! We don't want the same business dooshbags who ruined their companies and our economy to have ANY SAY in how to fix the mess. How wise for the farmer to ask the Fox to build the Chicken Coop.
Imagine if Obama turned his back on the economy and "let the free market decide the winners and losers."
Scenario A--BankOfAmerica, AIG, GM, Ford etc. all fail. Hundreds of community banks fail. Hundreds of car parts companies fail. Unemployment soars to 40% and bread lines form on every corner in every street of America. WHat would Republicans say if Obama let this happen? Wouldn't GOP voters lose their jobs too, or would only Democrats lose their jobs? Wouldn't the GOP say, "My gawd how could he have sat back and done nothing while our nation failed??"
Yes, Ford didn't take bailout money. My point was if GM failed and went bellyup, Ford would fail and go bellyup, Chrysler would fail and go bellyup. We lose them all at once.