1 year later, Obama still blames bush


My Penis Is Dancing!
I guess responsibility is supposed to jump a Presidential generation. Every time Bush or Cheney fucked up, it was Clinton's fault. Hell, I heard many claim the economic downfall was Clinton's fault. We heard that song and dance for eight years.
But golly gee, better not let Obama do it eight months later.


Closed Account
yeah he won't do shit cause the ppl above his ass don't wanna change shit.

corruption and shitty ass politics. < why did I reply LOL i hate politics :D


Dogged, but irrelevant.

How is it irrelvant?

I stated in the 6th post of this thread when do we hold him accountable? here is he telling us to hold him accountable, but every left wing bleeding heart liberal is quick to blame Bush for Obama's short commings and when someone does ask questions they are labled a NeoCon, warmonger, racist right wing nutjob.

Just like I got pissed for 8 years hearing about how it is all Clinton's fault.

Man up and take responbility for your decisions!
How is it irrelvant?

I stated in the 6th post of this thread when do we hold him accountable? here is he telling us to hold him accountable, but every left wing bleeding heart liberal is quick to blame Bush for Obama's short commings and when someone does ask questions they are labled a NeoCon, warmonger, racist right wing nutjob.

Just like I got pissed for 8 years hearing about how it is all Clinton's fault.

Man up and take responbility for your decisions!

If I was working dayshift and I dropped the case of rotten eggs and then didn't do much to try and clean it up before my shift ended, should b-man write up evening shift for the mess?


If I was working dayshift and I dropped the case of rotten eggs and then didn't do much to try and clean it up before my shift ended, should b-man write up evening shift for the mess?

No, the evening shift should deal with it and clean it up. Does not matter who made the mess it just needs to be fixed.
You should hold Obama accountable starting at the point when, if it were still Bush president, or McCain, or whatever right-wing darling you would've preferred, when you would've started holding THEM accountable. I'm guessing that would only begin sometime after you were scrounging in dumpsters for stale bread. :dunno:

Nice turn of phrase, sir :thumbsup:
And so true :hatsoff:


So what we gonna do with all this debt? What's the solution? :dunno:

First things first ! Stop the spending on government programs in perpetuity. Second, shore up meaningful employment opportunities here in America by cutting out some of the oppressive business unfriendly red tape as well as corporate taxes of which are amongst the highest in the world.

And forget about "jobs - jobs - jobs" when this country needs careers - careers - careers ... less government careers that is. ;) We seem to be tightening the noose around the private sector's neck and it must stop ! The fewer the burdens (subsidies) the quicker our debts get paid off.

Only private sector employment creates prosperity
and you can take that to the ..... well... local savings & loan.:D
How is it irrelvant?

I stated in the 6th post of this thread when do we hold him accountable? here is he telling us to hold him accountable, but every left wing bleeding heart liberal is quick to blame Bush for Obama's short commings and when someone does ask questions they are labled a NeoCon, warmonger, racist right wing nutjob.

Just like I got pissed for 8 years hearing about how it is all Clinton's fault.

Man up and take responbility for your decisions!

I stated that you hold him accountable for his decisions and their effects from day one. And BTW, it hasn't been a year yet...that's still 3 months away.

BTW, what exactly are you suggesting he be held accountable for?? I mean, we're making a ton of noise in this thread and I'm still not quite sure what you're whining about. We're transitioning through one of the worst economies in generations, we're in two wars; one was headed up shit creek and the other was stalemated....

Most mature people who've experienced anything in life know (or should know) it takes far less time to fuck something up than it does to fix something. I'm not quite sure when things will get fix or if Obama's solutions will ultimately work but I'm sure right now is a bit premature to determine anything in the way of his performance as POTUS.

Obama sought the job because he thought he had good ideas for his country. Although it is his job to fix what the other guy fucked up...I expect that he like any other person would like to be working on his agenda. Not expending his political currency fixing policy he was against in the first place (invading Iraq, GiTMO, etc.).

So what we gonna do with all this debt? What's the solution? :dunno:

Pay it.:dunno: I might add...all debt isn't bad and is mostly a reflection of your priorities. Forget for a second something as confusing to some as our national debt. Let's simply look at it in terms of a household. If you go and take out a mortgage for a new home....you don't all of the sudden say, OMG! Look at all my debt!! Going into debt for dependable transportation or a reasonable home is commendable and responsible provided you have the means to support the debt.

In other words, some things are worth going into debt for if you must.

In my view, our country can afford debt. I think it's pretty unwise though to take on debt for a war of choice like Iraq. Maybe $700B (and counting.....) so far...for what? A bunch of dead Americans and a busted country now aligned with Iran's hardliners?? Pretty stupid IMO.

I believe as a priority the US ought to provide basic education and basic health care for it's citizens. Certainly if we're taking out a $700B (and counting.....) line of credit for an excursion in Iraq....shouldn't some eyebrows get at least mildly elevated when the cheerleaders of the Iraq expenditure now express sudden heartache over spending on the wellness and health of their own citizens??

If I was working dayshift and I dropped the case of rotten eggs and then didn't do much to try and clean it up before my shift ended, should b-man write up evening shift for the mess?

No, the evening shift should deal with it and clean it up. Does not matter who made the mess it just needs to be fixed.

Bad analogy IMO. More like a CEO taking over a company his predecessor ran nearly in the ground. Of course it's the new guy's job to fix it but expecting it to be fixed faster than it was broken or that the old guy's history in the mess be forgotten is a little naive.
What does he have to take responsibility for? He hasn't fucked anything up. He's got people working on trying to fix problems. But has he or his actions really created any new ones?

You have to understand that when it comes to Obama all right wingers are psychic :)

Sadly they were unable to harness this remarkable talent during the previous years of this decade, when their stewardship dragged our nation into the deepest, most divisive pit on the broadest front since the civil war. Years when we got played like a giant rube, at enormous human and financial expense, by a frail but psychologically ingenious Saudi, who told us exactly what he hoped we'd do, only to watch us do it! :wave2:

But......never mind.....despite all of that, we should trust their judgement now :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Why is it the conservatives have the attention-span of a toddler? Why is it that Conservatives scream about anything Obama says, and then complain that "he hasn't done shit like he promised he would":rolleyes: Why do you really care what Obama does or wants to do? Aren't you already against it anyways?

The problem that all conservatives don't seem to be realizing is the Majority of Americans voted for Obama and the Dems and we want THEM to make the decisions. WE WANT NO REPUBLICAN INPUT ON ANYTHING:mad::mad::mad: The GOP had 20 years of deficit-spending BULLSHIT (Ronny, HW and W) and now have the gall to complain about 1 Democrat president who hasn't even finished his first year? Stop the madness Conservatives. Pease.

First things first ! Stop the spending on government programs in perpetuity. Second, shore up meaningful employment opportunities here in America by cutting out some of the oppressive business unfriendly red tape as well as corporate taxes of which are amongst the highest in the world.
EXCUSE ME! It was Corporations who Bankrupted and FUCKED THE ECONOMY into perpetuity! It wasn't the Gov't!!! We don't want the same business dooshbags who ruined their companies and our economy to have ANY SAY in how to fix the mess. How wise for the farmer to ask the Fox to build the Chicken Coop. :rolleyes:

And forget about "jobs - jobs - jobs" when this country needs careers - careers - careers ... less government careers that is. ;) We seem to be tightening the noose around the private sector's neck and it must stop ! The fewer the burdens (subsidies) the quicker our debts get paid off.

Only private sector employment creates prosperity
and you can take that to the ..... well... local savings & loan.:D

Aha...so Public education does nothing. We need careers not jobs. So, the corporations should run education so the corporations can simply, directly educate the workforce. The robotic assemblyline will be complete...and for a cheap price too:glugglug:



EXCUSE ME! It was Corporations who Bankrupted and FUCKED THE ECONOMY into perpetuity! It wasn't the Gov't!!! We don't want the same business dooshbags who ruined their companies and our economy to have ANY SAY in how to fix the mess. How wise for the farmer to ask the Fox to build the Chicken Coop. :rolleyes:

But yet the government threw BILLIONS at these same companies to keep them afloat.

Imagine if Obama turned his back on the economy and "let the free market decide the winners and losers."

Scenario A--BankOfAmerica, AIG, GM, Ford etc. all fail. Hundreds of community banks fail. Hundreds of car parts companies fail. Unemployment soars to 40% and bread lines form on every corner in every street of America. WHat would Republicans say if Obama let this happen? Wouldn't GOP voters lose their jobs too, or would only Democrats lose their jobs? Wouldn't the GOP say, "My gawd how could he have sat back and done nothing while our nation failed??"

Scenario B--Bank of America, GM, etc. all go running to China and the Middle East for financing. We, in turn, become slaves to foreign corporations.

Sounds to me like those 2 scenarios seem worse than what Obama did. The only criticism for Obama and Geitner is they are slow to bring in the regulations needed to prevent the next economic meltdown....


Imagine if Obama turned his back on the economy and "let the free market decide the winners and losers."

Scenario A--BankOfAmerica, AIG, GM, Ford etc. all fail. Hundreds of community banks fail. Hundreds of car parts companies fail. Unemployment soars to 40% and bread lines form on every corner in every street of America. WHat would Republicans say if Obama let this happen? Wouldn't GOP voters lose their jobs too, or would only Democrats lose their jobs? Wouldn't the GOP say, "My gawd how could he have sat back and done nothing while our nation failed??"

Ford took Zero bailout money and turned a third quarter PROFIT.

On Nov. 2, Ford posted a surprise third-quarter profit of $997 million and said it had its first profitable quarter in North America in more than four years.
Yes, Ford didn't take bailout money. My point was if GM failed and went bellyup, Ford would fail and go bellyup, Chrysler would fail and go bellyup. We lose them all at once.


Yes, Ford didn't take bailout money. My point was if GM failed and went bellyup, Ford would fail and go bellyup, Chrysler would fail and go bellyup. We lose them all at once.

how is that logical based on the fact that everyone was taking government money left and right and still struggling to break even, and here is Ford with no bailout money turning a profit.
The theory is that the Big 3 all work with the same suppliers and if GM failed it would take down the suppliers and the lack of suppliers would take down Ford and Chrysler because neither company would be able to hand replacement business to those suppliers to allow the suppliers to absorb the loss of GM.

The Reality is that GM has been a shitty company for years because of insular management. Ford finally kicked out William Ford, Jr from running the company, hired a real exec from an outside company and this exec, Allan Mullaly, actually knows what the hell he's doing. That's why Ford was able to not take bailout money. Mullaly said Ford would have to take bailout money if GM went under.

It took Obama to get rid of GM's shitty ceo even after GM took bailout money. Why didn't that ceo automatically resign on his own?