But yet Obama still signed them into law. If he did not agree with the bailouts then should should not have signed it till Congress came up with a better plan. he is the President he has Veto power.
He for sure agreed with the bailouts.You really can't find any economist that will say that without those bailouts our economy would not have probably plunged into a depression and we would have dragged the rest of the world down with us. So no one Bush or Obama had any choice but to support them.
The real problem was how we let ourselves get to that point.We let the derivative market operate totally ungregulated and anyone who tried to warn about was crushed by people Greenspan and others even some of the people on Obama's economic team.They all now say they were wrong about the lack of regulation but not much has changed as far as I know so we might have to go through it all again someday.
And Bush is ahead of the game if he is still not being blamed for things well into Obama's 2nd term, if he gets one, like clinton was still being used as a scapegoat by pubs well into Bush's 2nd term.You heard how the economic crisis at the end of Bush's 2nd term was really clinton's fault lol.