Search results

  1. VeronicaVice

    Your dream of celebrating long vacation/holidays

    Yah, its actually not that attractive :( and they usually outnumber the prettier genitals
  2. VeronicaVice

    Nicole Grey - Quits porn after parents find out

    Very true. Make sure you go in knowing that your rents or loved ones will EVENTUALLY find out!
  3. VeronicaVice

    Breaking News: Lil Wayne Signs PARIS HILTON to a Record Contract

    This is going to be legendary! Everyone should be pumped about this :)
  4. VeronicaVice

    I like big butts and I can not lie

    I approve all.. dat.. ass!
  5. VeronicaVice

    Eating Pussy / Pussy Eating Tips and Techniques

    Re: pussy eating Yes, this is actually true. Some women prefer some pretty odd things!
  6. VeronicaVice

    The Rainbow-Unicorn-Thread

    I'm 100% sure this is somebody's legitimate fetish.
  7. VeronicaVice

    is kissing old men a fetish?

    This isnt my thing :( If it... is a fetish.
  8. VeronicaVice

    Should I get a Mac?

    I second this.
  9. VeronicaVice

    What do you do at work?

    Holy wow... deadly nerfs... why haven't I thought of this?
  10. VeronicaVice

    Man assaulted female police officer with penis

    This is actually beyond legendary, why am I only hearing about this now! I'm actually pretty thankful for the ressurect :)
  11. VeronicaVice


    Who doesn't like Bananas? Seriously? :)
  12. VeronicaVice

    This is pretty cool.

    Whats amazing is that this kind of thing already exists :)
  13. VeronicaVice

    Need some advice.

    Sadly, this is plausible. Wouldn't beat the bitch tho :)
  14. VeronicaVice

    So, has anyone ever noticed...

    My vagina smells like bananas? News to me :o
  15. VeronicaVice


    Re: whats your fetish? ^ This!
  16. VeronicaVice

    Rockstars then and now

    I agree with everything you said here. Except heroin. I'd say sometimes it has the opposite effect - actually most of the time. What preserves these guys is more black magic
  17. VeronicaVice


    Apparently... me!
  18. VeronicaVice

    The worst thing you've ever said/heard during sex

    I hate having to say that :(
  19. VeronicaVice

    The moon is beautiful tonight.

    I was expecting something funny. Like a picture of someone actually mooning me.
  20. VeronicaVice

    cool harmless ways to piss people off (rep for funny)

    LOL the crudest methods are sometimes the best methods.
  21. VeronicaVice

    Word lessons or what misuse of a word drives you crazy?

    Omg this. Please take note, everyone.
  22. VeronicaVice

    How to Protect Your Penis

    Abstinence. Penis Protection at its finest.
  23. VeronicaVice

    Serious question for all OCSM's

    Its natural to be shy at first, but then... you get into the rhythm ;)
  24. VeronicaVice

    Pop ups all over the fucking places

    Ye.. Chrome with AdBlock will work like a charm, even on YouTube :)
  25. VeronicaVice

    Any Guys Get Their Eyebrows Done?

    100% Win. LOL.
  26. VeronicaVice

    Neon waterfalls.

    That waterfall is so high.
  27. VeronicaVice

    An open letter (parody)

    This is the best proof if I've ever seen one.
  28. VeronicaVice

    Jenna Jameson Arrested For Battery

    Oh man that really sucks :(
  29. VeronicaVice

    Chinese Zodiac

    That's one of the best smily animations I've ever seen... LOL
  30. VeronicaVice


    Actually it has been a while... the dilution started ages ago
  31. VeronicaVice


    You make it sound pretty erotic :) I'm sure there are a ton of girls who wish they could try it out!
  32. VeronicaVice

    what makes a girl want to lose her virginity to porn?

    Fake hymens make a girl want to lose her virginity to porn! :) (Buy them from China apparently )
  33. VeronicaVice

    Interesting Facts

    These are actually very interesting! Keep em coming!
  34. VeronicaVice

    So Sick of These People

    Died of laughter :D
  35. VeronicaVice

    seduction tips

    The best advice I can give is to walk around naked. and if that doesnt work... well it usually works for me :)
  36. VeronicaVice

    After Porn Ends

    Wow, looks interesting... I'll definitely have to watch this!
  37. VeronicaVice

    College majors with the highest unemployment rates

    They can always fallback on pornstar ;)
  38. VeronicaVice

    Terrible Photoshops of men trying to look less alone

    That was just way too funny... I hope I'm never one of those girls that get randomly photoshopped in.. :(
  39. VeronicaVice

    Breaking News: New Pope chosen!

    Still strictly orthodox (meaning nothing will change about church's stance on same sex marriages, etc.)
  40. VeronicaVice

    Good vs Evil

    Its a powerful little parable :)
  41. VeronicaVice

    Damn, nature! You're one sexy beast! (awesome photos)

    All natural porn... mmm :)
  42. VeronicaVice

    Pornstars Without Makeup

    Re: Pornstars without makeup. It's an eye-opener right? nobodys perfect :)
  43. VeronicaVice

    How do you confirm natural breasts

    Just ask :o LOL easiest way.
  44. VeronicaVice

    Seriously Now, Who Burns Puppies?

    This is just :( ... absolutely unacceptable
  45. VeronicaVice


    Yes :( Some are just so nice to you, it would be a shame not to tip them at all...
  46. VeronicaVice

    In need of some good thoughts and prayers please!

    :( You have my thoughts and prayers for sure!
  47. VeronicaVice

    If you found out the woman you are dating has armpit hair or big bush?

    I honestly don't know .... do some girls still not clean up in the armpit area? haha :)
  48. VeronicaVice

    What Porn Parody Would You Like To See Made?

    I'm pretty sure this has been done in the past :O