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  1. ninetysixcavy

    April Hunter

    Which Hustler issue was this?
  2. ninetysixcavy

    Shauna O'Brien

    Still one of my all time favorites. Requires a bump. ;)
  3. ninetysixcavy

    What Scares You?

    Yeah, I'd have to put Lake Superior on my list. Just large bodies of water in particular scare the crap out of me.
  4. ninetysixcavy

    The Mt Rushmore of Freeones users (or: your favorite freeones users)

    Georges BlueBalls Facetious LurkingDirk :dunno: This place changes too much.
  5. ninetysixcavy

    Hottest Tennis players

    Re: Hottest Tennisplayers Radwanska's not bad. I'd say she's average.
  6. ninetysixcavy

    Julie K Smith

    Julie is a hottie
  7. ninetysixcavy

    Ali Larter

    Ali is a hot babe.
  8. ninetysixcavy

    Fox News again accused of airing misleading video

    Dude, that was a choppy statement of ridiculous proportions. Speak again??? :dunno:
  9. ninetysixcavy

    Adele Stephens

    I love Adele. I almost dated this chick who was cousin of my friends girlfriend, and she looked a lot like Adele. I missed out on that. Adele is a babe.
  10. ninetysixcavy

    Hundreds of Scientists Reject Global Warming

    Shit, someone bumped this thing while I was gone...:dunno: (wonder what other "evil" things they'll bump on me...)
  11. ninetysixcavy

    Fox News again accused of airing misleading video

    I don't particularly like FOX News (or any of the other MSM), but I'm pretty sure there are a plethora of infractions by the "others" when it comes to schenanigans like this. I think they (all MSM) air misleading videos. Is this news? It's just the way it is. Pick which one that supports your...
  12. ninetysixcavy

    Names for a womans snatch?

    'Crotch' is irreplacable.
  13. ninetysixcavy

    Blackonsblondes bothers me!

    What the fuck is 'cuckold'?!?!?!?!?! :rofl::rofl:
  14. ninetysixcavy

    April Hunter

  15. ninetysixcavy

    How smelly are your farts?

    Probably not good. If I go on a binge they smell like Steel Reserve beer, but otherwise they can be pleasant or otherwise, all depending... ;)
  16. ninetysixcavy

    Blackonsblondes bothers me!

    Wow...sounds like things have been crazy 'round here for a while...:D
  17. ninetysixcavy

    Who is for eliminating ALL socialist programs in the U.S.?

    Bump (I'm just listenin')
  18. ninetysixcavy

    White Girls Trapped in a Black Woman's Body

    I nead some beats. :nanner:
  19. ninetysixcavy

    White Girls Trapped in a Black Woman's Body

    lezbn is a troll. ;) All the hot white girls I know are HOT, THICK, beautiful women. (There are a lot of trolls on the Internet...:flame::flame::flame:)
  20. ninetysixcavy

    US Open 2009, NY -- Tennis

    Can't believe Isner Roddick. Thought Roddick was carrying the flama but...
  21. ninetysixcavy

    Stranger in Wal-Mart...

    Nothing more to say. This is an internet forum...for porn. lol. :rofl: Let people make their minds up, and I'll leave it at that. Last thing I say is I hope this old warped prune does good time because what he did was outrageous and inexplicable. I said that from the very first post I made in...
  22. ninetysixcavy

    Stranger in Wal-Mart...

  23. ninetysixcavy

    Stranger in Wal-Mart...

    That's the point! Don't you two even understand what my point was with that comment?!? It's the fact that this other person may have actually done something criminal against the guy! It was also a point that certain ethnic groups are exempt from public media scrutiny because they have an army of...
  24. ninetysixcavy

    Stranger in Wal-Mart...

    Wow. You're worse than Titsrock and Facial King combined. Kid? Are you so incompetent that you don't even understand the premise of my previous post? Go back and fucking read it and SEE what it said. I think I repeatedly said he should go to prison, did I not? And the other point flew right over...
  25. ninetysixcavy

    And This is How Obama Remembers 9/11?

    And the same can be found at the Huffington Post and DailyKos, only a lot more. :yesyes:
  26. ninetysixcavy

    Favorite 60's-70's muscle car?

    She works too: Sexy! Imagine her without the primer coat. :pimpdaddy:yesyes::thumbsup::bowdown:
  27. ninetysixcavy

    Favorite 60's-70's muscle car?

    I saw a late 60s ear;y 70s Skylark that was just absurd looking the other day. I should have took a pic. It looked real similar to a '66 Camaro. It was sharp. Looks real similar to this guy:
  28. ninetysixcavy

    which gun do you own?

    Walther P22. One of the same guns the shooter at VT used, I'm told. I've been thinking about a .38 for some time. Nice revolver, compact, and powerful as well. Ain't she sexy:
  29. ninetysixcavy

    How old is your dog?

    I'm a cat person. They age pretty fast as well.
  30. ninetysixcavy

    Obama goes back to school

    Maybe BO should go back to school:'s_GPA_in_college The Savior...yeah. Dubya had a C average at Yale. Looks like BO might not have even surpassed old Dubya. No wonder why he's the only pres to ever have czars on such a large scale. :D;)
  31. ninetysixcavy

    How do you guys feel about Michael Vick reinstated?

    He made a mistake and he did the time. I think it's fine that he is reinstated at this point in time. He seems remorseful about what he's done and went to prison. Let him play, I say.
  32. ninetysixcavy


    B: landing strip is my type.
  33. ninetysixcavy

    And This is How Obama Remembers 9/11?

    I was off on that one. When something hits you on a personal level and not from a history book, it hits home. I still remember everything I did that day: when I got up, who I talked to, watching people on CNN jump from a 88 stories up. Too much for me. About our friend Titsrock: he's just a...
  34. ninetysixcavy

    And This is How Obama Remembers 9/11?

    Obama's a lame duck. All the significant figures in politics believe the health care fiasco is going to be his legacy and likely the most important thing he will do. Meanwhile, Savior O's approval ratings continue to plumet..........................
  35. ninetysixcavy

    Stranger in Wal-Mart...

    Ostrich. Now off to your New York Times, CNN, Huffington Post and other "reliable" medias you love.
  36. ninetysixcavy

    And This is How Obama Remembers 9/11?

    The point is he's using the day to further his agenda.
  37. ninetysixcavy

    And This is How Obama Remembers 9/11?

    It was the worst perpetrated mass death of citizens in world history. Don't forget, you had people from your country in that building too. Do you not pay homage to the unbelievably unthinkable horror they suffered on that day?
  38. ninetysixcavy

    US Open 2009, NY -- Tennis

    Did Dementieva lose to Oudin?
  39. ninetysixcavy

    Stranger in Wal-Mart...

    A stranger can't hit a stranger's child, ever. This guy - regardless of the circumstances - needs to do time. No argument there. I am merely suggesting that we don't get all the facts in many news stories. Yeah, throw this guy in prison, for sure. It just seems like a weird story. Maybe the lady...
  40. ninetysixcavy

    And This is How Obama Remembers 9/11?

    Warning: GOP link used as source here. :D I think it's kind of disrespectful. I don't know, I'd have to get other opinions. The fact that the page was taken down from Obama's website at least suggests it was in poor taste. :dunno: Looks like healthcare...
  41. ninetysixcavy

    Stranger in Wal-Mart...

    There has to be more to this story. The lady must have thrown something at him or assaulted him, or maybe the kid did, simultaneously using vulgar language. It just doesn't make sense. Wal-Mart has cameras everywhere and they didn't see anything? I think this is racial and thus a PC case; a case...
  42. ninetysixcavy

    Stranger in Wal-Mart...

    I suspect there's something more to this story than meets the eye. I gaurantee whoever it was either 1) called him some nasty old people type epithets, or 2) called him a cracker or honkey...maybe he was even spit on or had something thrown at him? The news is so politically correct now. Now, I...
  43. ninetysixcavy


    My buddy's ex tossed his salad before. I told his brother about it and the kid damn near pissed himself. She seriously tossed his salad. I couldn't believe it when he told me that. I wondered after that how much of a pro she had to have been prior to meeting him. :D
  44. ninetysixcavy

    US Open 2009, NY -- Tennis

    Some of the best matches ever played at the Open were night timers with Todd Martin. I know I saw at least a couple with him where the points were spectacular all match, and they went late, late into the night. I always thought the late matches that go forever were great classic matches.
  45. ninetysixcavy

    Lorissa Mccomas

    Those old pervs must have paid a pretty penny for "private" films like those. I can only imagine what they were contracted in dollars.
  46. ninetysixcavy

    Still Losing Jobs

    The job market is atrocious. Several colleges by me are having record setting attendance this year as so many are out of work now pursuing degrees. It's a sad day when someone who wants to work, can't. :cool:
  47. ninetysixcavy


    You want something hoagley...try a pair of sweaty balls and a penis. Now that's some nasty shit right there. ;) I voted C, by the way.
  48. ninetysixcavy

    White Girls Trapped in a Black Woman's Body

    Ugh. She looks like a fuggin' gold digger for sure. Not my type at all. Does that make me queer? :helpme:
  49. ninetysixcavy

    what was your age when you first saw hardcore porn?

    Wow, this is an old thread. I think I was about 16 and some friends lifted it from a store. It was a different sight indeed.