White Girls Trapped in a Black Woman's Body


You ever see some fine ass white girl who has all of the physique of a black women? You look at her and tilt your head sideways, almost to the point where you are actually starting to question if she is white or just very very light skinned? Well have lots of times.

Sara Jay for example at times looks like she should have been born black! She looks a lot like Cherokee D'ass!

Have you ever noticed that?

well in this thread post pics and/or links or give some names of "White girls trapped in Black Women's bodies"



Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Kim Kardashian. I don't know of any other white girl like her with an ass the size of a Buick.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
If I met Kim Kardashian and didn't know who she was, my first guess would be that she's Hispanic.

But anyway, I still don't understand the original post. Sara Jay is a White girl trapped in a Black girl's body, so... Heather Hunter would have been a Black girl trapped in a White girl's body? :confused:
You ever see some fine ass white girl who has all of the physique of a black women? You look at her and tilt your head sideways, almost to the point where you are actually starting to question if she is white or just very very light skinned? Well have lots of times.

Sara Jay for example at times looks like she should have been born black! She looks a lot like Cherokee D'ass!

Have you ever noticed that?

well in this thread post pics and/or links or give some names of "White girls trapped in Black Women's bodies"

just visited her site and she saw alot of scenes w/ black guys- maybe by osmosis???
God I cant stand all these Ridiculous Threads Lately.. I think Petra should make people take an IQ test before they are allowed to become members would save so much space on the forum

You ever see some fine ass white girl who has all of the physique of a black women? You look at her and tilt your head sideways, almost to the point where you are actually starting to question if she is white or just very very light skinned? Well have lots of times.

Sara Jay for example at times looks like she should have been born black! She looks a lot like Cherokee D'ass!

Have you ever noticed that?

well in this thread post pics and/or links or give some names of "White girls trapped in Black Women's bodies"

What is your IQ? :rolleyes: The thread should read black girls trapped in a white womans body, no? I find Caucasion women the most beautiful on the planet because they are Caucasion, and that's what I prefer. They always have been gorgeous and they always will be. :cool:
God I cant stand all these Ridiculous Threads Lately.. I think Petra should make people take an IQ test before they are allowed to become members would save so much space on the forum


orrrr the mods could tighten up the boards? This would take a lot of work though with all the stupid posts as of late. Seems like at least 25% of posts I could do without. And that number is steadily rising:mad: