Search results

  1. H

    Teen Boys doing Pornstars?

    stfu and post em up
  2. H

    Which News Reporter Would You Want In A Porno?

    julie somethinorother on fox news... or gasia mikaelian
  3. H

    Thainee (petite Thai girl)

    pov doggy with mandingo would be nice
  4. H

    Black Girls fucking White Guys

    Re: black girls talking shit to white men "i swallowed yo cracker kids, all of em" lmao
  5. H

    Where does it all go?
  6. H

    Why Obama?

    the bloggers stayed on the payroll cause they were successful.. he won the primary this way.... why not keep em on for the general election. it's no surprise what money can buy eh?
  7. H

    Why Obama?

    just wait til we crack open the can of worms aka obama's tax plan.... shal we? is letting the bush tax cuts expire a tax increase? according to obama it's not even though your tax burden will increase. and this affects every american who earns a paycheck. ALL of you will get a tax increase...
  8. H

    Why Obama?

    a disgruntled mark levin caller? :cry:
  9. H

    Why Obama?

    thanks for the kind sentiment; it's appreciated but i'm afraid the bailout bill has already passed.
  10. H

    Why Obama?

  11. H

    Why Obama?

    i like obama because i don't like to work hard, i stay home a lot wanking and i think he'll give me help through the government. he'll make rich people making huge amounts of money- like 150,000 a year- pay for more welfare programs to support people like me :thumbsup: i mean, why not use other...
  12. H

    Biggest Bailout Ever: Did the Government Go Too Far?

    thanks for asking..... ^^ that's his plan according to friday :rofl: our economic situation has nothing to do with bad mortgages at all.... really.... :eyeso: and unfortunately for us taxpayers the gov does have the money to buy the bad debt of the moron americans and get us on our way out of...
  13. H

    Biggest Bailout Ever: Did the Government Go Too Far?

    yikes!!.. it was in fact clinton who put pressure on fannie and freddie- gov sponsored entities- to loosen qualifying terms allowing lower income and minorities to buy homes with mortgages that they had little chance of paying for. pretty much affirmative action. this opened the door to...
  14. H

    What makes people vote republican

    Nancy Pelosi has been in charge of the "do nothing" congress which has an approval rating in the single digits, lower than Bush's. her excuse for not getting anything done is "we were trying to end the war" which means surrender at all costs and she wasn't even successful at that thank...
  15. H

    What makes people vote republican

    i'd rather have condolezza rice than obama for pres.
  16. H

    What makes people vote republican

    i'm not a registered republican, don't like bush and didn't vote for him. for me it's not taking sides at all which was suggested in the first page or 2 of this thread. i'm voting for mccain on the few issues that mean most to me: taxes, smaller gov, and national security. i live in san...
  17. H

    Best Slang for Masturbation - Male

    a date with rosey palms
  18. H

    Obama win preferred in world poll

    Re: McCain/Palin '08 let me get this straight- you think i'm here, on a titty site, to convince pervs to vote mccain but after 7 years you are still not sure if al queda is responsible for 9/11??? i think that pretty much sums this up.. :violent:
  19. H

    Obama win preferred in world poll

    to control the society? neither because we are not a communist county (yet). mccain is strong on national security, obama weak. obama wants to cut billions in military and defense spending while spending billions more on social programs and hand outs.... the choice is obvious.
  20. H

    Obama win preferred in world poll

    Re: McCain/Palin '08 you're kidding i hope.. that is about the dumbest thing anyone could ever say about what happened, especially today. :lame:
  21. H

    Obama win preferred in world poll

    McCain/Palin '08 no wonder they like obama :crash: here's another world poll....
  22. H

    Obama win preferred in world poll

    sure, the world is envious of our capitalism and how little we pay in taxes compared to them. they would love to see obama turn us into socialists and see us pay out the ass like they do. if people don't like living in our country move.
  23. H

    Sarah Palin

    Agreed... she is great :thumbsup: I'm looking forward to her prooving herself to the doubters during the debates :thumbsup:
  24. H

    White Americans no longer a majority by 2042

    Here's an example of what you get when moron liberals give illegal immigrants too many rights and chances. I say ship them home for good.