Wasn't John Kerry also miles ahead in a world poll?
Yep. But let's face it, Democrats are ALWAYS the preferable choice for us as far as other Western nations go. America is such a right-wing nation compared to nearly every other developed or near-developed nation on that list.
In Britain, is the idea of a national health service, free at the point of need, a point of contention for any of our political parties? Even our far-right racist parties like the BNP aren't opposed to it!
Is a Sarah Palin-type in any way a serious candidate for office in our country? How many people would support such a hard-line anti-abortionist? Can anyone think of a politician whose idea of a good photo opportunity is being down at the rifle range?
Can you think of an incident where the religion of a politician is an issue? There was some minor controversy with Ruth Kelly a year or so ago, but I'm struggling to think of ANYTHING else...
Even the way their media operates is different. If you switch on their news channels (MSNBC, Fox, and even CNN to an extent), there's a hysterical quality to their reporting which forgoes any sense of fairness and balance. We complain about subtle bias when it comes to the BBC or ITV, but with some of their networks, there's not even a pretence of impartiality.
If you look at Australian, French or even Canadian politics, there's a sense of familiarity about it. The things they talk about are similar to the things we talk about. When it comes to American politics, they might as well exist on another planet.
Barack Obama is a Democrat - that automatically makes him more favourable to the rest of the world. But in addition to that, Obama has natural statesman-like, diplomatic qualities. He also seems to be a million times more informed than this war veteran who has no idea who American troops have been fighting in Iraq, and who has admitted his lack of knowledge on economic issues.
After 8 years of Bush, supporting a guy who has voted his way 90% of the time is just downright stupid. This election ought to be a no-brainer, but I'm afraid it's going to be too close for comfort.