Why Obama?

If only it was that simple,but it isn't.Whites don't like the subject and it is politically incorrect for them to talk the way they might have a couple decades ago publically about it.But that doesn't mean it has gotten better or lessened due to that.The only real progress made has been when it has been confronted and discussed and not avoided.Civil rights were fought for and if blacks had just been quiet like they had been before that,nothing would have ever changed.

I don't like it when it's the topic of every subject. Race doesnt mean a damn thing to me. I wish people of this generation would let it go so maybe kids of the future generation wont have to deal with it.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I don't like it when it's the topic of every subject. Race doesnt mean a damn thing to me. I wish people of this generation would let it go so maybe kids of the future generation wont have to deal with it.

Until every single person in the world has the same exact skin color and comes from the same exact place, race issues/racism will continue to be around.

There's nothing that anyone can do about it.

If your kids don't find out about "race" and/or "racism" from you, they'll just find out about it from someone else.
I don't like it when it's the topic of every subject. Race doesnt mean a damn thing to me. I wish people of this generation would let it go so maybe kids of the future generation wont have to deal with it.

Slow progress since the 60's. I was surprised, never had a grudge of my own, no reason to. Around here there's a good amount of equality at least in my dealings with blacks, whites, and I think in Europe even more tolerance?


I don't like it when it's the topic of every subject. Race doesnt mean a damn thing to me. I wish people of this generation would let it go so maybe kids of the future generation wont have to deal with it.
Yeah, it's just like if you went through some hardships in your life or perhaps you had a child, years back, and an ugly divorce ensued which separated you from your kid or hell, any other challenge or undoing that you may have been involved in from the past . . . what do you do to remedy it ?
Whatever is required and promptly ! Correct ? :dunno:

Make amends and move on ! You don't spend the next 1,2,3 + decades talking about the specific intricacies as to why the events of the past occurred !

MoveOn.Com !!!!! :jester:
Or is it .org :dunno: :1orglaugh
Hi everybody.
So please, Obama fans, can you tell me in simple, plain english exactly why so many of you like this guy so much.
For those of you who don't like him , the same.

I just would like to hear real, direct reasons as to why, because I for one am baffled.
Thank you.

i like obama because i don't like to work hard, i stay home a lot wanking and i think he'll give me help through the government. he'll make rich people making huge amounts of money- like 150,000 a year- pay for more welfare programs to support people like me :thumbsup: i mean, why not use other people's money right? he'll even make those rich people help his own family out, like his aunt living in the slums of boston. boy, he's pretty smart.
i like obama because i don't like to work hard, i stay home a lot wanking and i think he'll give me help through the government. he'll make rich people making huge amounts of money- like 150,000 a year- pay for more welfare programs to support people like me :thumbsup: i mean, why not use other people's money right? he'll even make those rich people help his own family out, like his aunt living in the slums of boston. boy, he's pretty smart.

good for you son. You'll figure out how to live off the system no matter you supports you won't you? :)

I'd rather pay for you than a corporate exec who needs about 5,000 times more than what you need to live on. :thumbsup:
ON the same day Barack Obama spent up to $US5 million on a TV commercial, his frail Kenyan aunt has been found in rundown Boston public housing.

Senator Obama, the Democratic US presidential candidate, wrote affectionately about his aunt in his best-selling memoir Dreams from My Father.

But London's The Times newspaper has discovered Zeituni Onyango, 56, living in a disabled access flat in south Boston.

She was described as frail and relying on a metal stick to help her walk. Despite her modest circumstances, records show she had donated $US260 to her famous nephew's presidential election campaign.

She declined to answer questions about her relationship with Senator Obama until after the November 4 election, telling The Times: "I can't talk about it, I just pray for him, that's all."

^Yeah yeah. I guess I'll just repeat myself.

I'd love to now what criteria you use when judging political candidates. What exactly do you include in your "background check"? What "ideals" are you referring to? What "experiences" do you feel are prerequisites a political candidate must have before one can consider him or her qualified to be president? I'm sure we'd all love to know.

Maybe this time you'll answer.

Yooo Tubuler wake the fuck up, what ya doing sleeping sooo late, I have been up since 4:30am and running on caffeine (just messing with ya). Don't pull those coercive tactics on me C.C. with a gun does not intimidate me!

Look I told ya before my mind has been made up and he does not pass my background check and he lacks experience, besides you failed and so did Yankeefan to produce anything that he has done to better the economy or past experience that he knows a lot about the economy other than those flashy degrees that he has under his belt and don't act like you don't know about his background and questionable friends he used to hang out with you seem very smart. Like I told ya before, don't go around hanging with people with questionable past or present if you ever plan on running for public office it will come back and bite you in the ass.

I give him credit because he is fighting hard to win this and he might as well deserve it, perharps his youth compared to McCain gives him that extra
stamina that the older of the two just don't have no more.

Just like my caffeine energy is wearing out and I am about to bounce again, anyways chill out don't take things personal and see if your guy doesn't win what will happen? fraud? this nation is still too racist?
Whatever the flavor, color, sex or whatever my President is, I will vote for the individual that I BELIEVE best identifies with my world view. It's called politics.
Race doesn't mean a godam thing whatsoever ! It's all about representation and nothing else.

You are wrong, Senator Obama who is going to be President-elected after Nov wants to turn over the country to a Jewish guy to run the country !

I am a supporter of Obama but appointing a Jew to run the country as Chief of Staff in the White House is too much !

Say No to the Jews !
Well my first choice as a running mate will be to pick the pizza guy that brings me pizza on Friday night. I know he's not that sharp on world affairs right now, but as my own campaign shapes up for 2012, I think he can work in well. It's a wild shot, but as a Maverick, I have a reputation of bucking the trend.
Not all blacks are, in fact "black" according to a particular political party orientation, in fact, the accomplished, independent minded, self sufficient Black American is the bane of the democratic party.


Well, while most of the democrats I know roll their eyes at Al Sharpton, ALL of the democrats I know were mighty pleased to accept the endorsement of Collin Powell.

And Condi Rice, while still a republican, not only agreed in principle with Obama's speech on race back in March, but also agreed it was time somebody spoke his points.

Just a couple of any number of anti-stereotypical examples.

Say No to the Jews !

Unfuckinbelieveable..... (shakes head sadly)

If you hurry you can catch ShieldofHektor over at stormfront.com
I think your point of view would be far more welcome over there.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
You are wrong, Senator Obama who is going to be President-elected after Nov wants to turn over the country to a Jewish guy to run the country !

I am a supporter of Obama but appointing a Jew to run the country as Chief of Staff in the White House is too much !

Say No to the Jews !

That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said.
I'm just saying, black people have made this nation what it is today. White people have enslaved blacks and have treated them like dirt for many years. Blacks have served in wars for a country that didn't respect them.

I think it's about time blacks are put in power.

Aren't you the same guy who said the United States should take over the world and aren't the same guy who said that the only women you are attracted to are white women? In fact you made a thread about wanting to see black women who looked like white women.
What an extravaganza!

just wait til we crack open the can of worms aka obama's tax plan.... shal we?

is letting the bush tax cuts expire a tax increase? according to obama it's not even though your tax burden will increase. and this affects every american who earns a paycheck. ALL of you will get a tax increase once obama lets the bush tax cuts expire. and then he'll give you a tax cut maybe, which may come out to be less than the tax increase you get once he lets the tax cuts expire.. so all of us will actually see an increase in taxes under obama: lower income, middle income, upper income.. all of us. the only beneficiaries of his "tax cut" plan will be dead beat mofos who don't pay taxes at all but will receive a tax "credit" anyway in the form of a check... aka a welfare hand out.

obama drones and paid campaign staff under david axelrod who are paid to roam/post online (400 plus of them) only have a few more days to keep things under wrap and will fully deny this. they only have to do so for less than a week.. after nov 4th- and if he's elected- we'll get the same as we always get from politicians; unkept promises. then the truth will be revealed.
Obama Boys: Let’s Hire 400 Bloggers To Make Nicey With Those Bitches
By Uppity Woman on May 17, 2008 at 3:57 PM in Bamboozling, Barack Obama, Cultist Thugs, Current Affairs, Hillary Clinton, Hoodwinking, Misogyny, Sexism
Today’s male idea of a little “blip on the radar,” entitled Women Threaten Boycott of Obama is just the Start. This I already know from the past.

It seems that Barky Obama knows it too. He’s hired 400 new bloggers to “sway” us women that they and their fellow sexist pig, misogynist Barry Obama, is good for us. They hope to “bamboozle” us. “Hoodwink” us. God, I wonder how many of these guys’ wives actually stayed with them.

Those bloggers are going to have their work cut out for them. I mean besides us bitches, they have to convince other people to vote for Barack Obama, such as: Gays and Lesbians, Italians, Irish, Catholics, Latinos, Florida, Michigan, Old People, Jews, and Bitter Hicks With Guns.

They Rebel.

the bloggers stayed on the payroll cause they were successful.. he won the primary this way.... why not keep em on for the general election. it's no surprise what money can buy eh?


In less than 7 days, the whole world will witness the new world order exchange hands. On August 8, 2008 8:08 p.m., (8/08/08 8:08) a new world order will be formed. [ . . ]
The world is not coming to an end but on Aug 8, 2008, 8:08 the world will witness another emerging world power from the horizon.

Hmmm ? :p
How am I racist? It's the white folks that have been treating blacks like shit. All I'm saying is that a black person should for once be given a power of authority such as president of the USA.

If Obama is really 100% black and raised in the south side of Chicago in a single family on welfare, Obame would probably rounded up in BOP Bureau of Prisons as a Federal or State inmate.

But the theory of nurture vs nature proved "nurture" wins.

Senator Obama was raised by her white mother the first 8 years of his life and then the next 10 years by his white grandparents away from the racial stride in continental America, far away from south side of Chicago.

Obama will be given the chance to govern on January 20, 2009 and history will judge his ability to lead the country.

P.S. It is the black folks treating the black folks like shit, black killing black. It was the blacks who rounded up other blacks in west Africa in 1800's and chained them as slaves and bought them to America and they are still economic slaves in America after 232 years !!

Obama is black on the outside but probably has 50% white blood inside !! LOL !! :nanner: