The opinions of allies should never be deemed worthless, but America interferes in the affairs of so many other nations. Of course that's going to create greater interest in domestic American politics, when it has such implications for the rest of us.
If we were talking about an America which hardly ever engaged in conflicts with other nations, which simply protected its borders instead of maintaining massive military bases all across the world, which focussed on domestic issues (i.e. doing what was best for AMERICANS), while trading freely and providing humanitarian aid where it is needed, then I'd agree with you. It wouldn't really be our concern. But since that's not the case...
Absolutely the US has so much power and influence it's only natural others would be interested and care about our internal workings.And as you earlier commented on looking at our media and just how extreme in general it can be(and thats not left or liberal lol) I can only imagine how disheartening and frightening it must be to many in the world.It has the same effect on many of us who live here as well.The sad part is many here love that image of the country everyone should be intimidated by and afraid of.
And your discussion of how universal health care is not even an issue there and never has been is well taken.The vested interests here have done an amazing job selling the US on this for profit, double the cost of the countries with universal coverage knightmare we have.It's going to change soon as the current system is going to collapse from out of control costs which are not only costing the people who have care privately exorbitant amounts but are driving up the costs in the govt run systems like medicare as well.Just to bad some here are slow or to blind to see we can actually learn some things from other countries.