Obama win preferred in world poll

The opinions of allies should never be deemed worthless, but America interferes in the affairs of so many other nations. Of course that's going to create greater interest in domestic American politics, when it has such implications for the rest of us.

If we were talking about an America which hardly ever engaged in conflicts with other nations, which simply protected its borders instead of maintaining massive military bases all across the world, which focussed on domestic issues (i.e. doing what was best for AMERICANS), while trading freely and providing humanitarian aid where it is needed, then I'd agree with you. It wouldn't really be our concern. But since that's not the case...

Absolutely the US has so much power and influence it's only natural others would be interested and care about our internal workings.And as you earlier commented on looking at our media and just how extreme in general it can be(and thats not left or liberal lol) I can only imagine how disheartening and frightening it must be to many in the world.It has the same effect on many of us who live here as well.The sad part is many here love that image of the country everyone should be intimidated by and afraid of.
And your discussion of how universal health care is not even an issue there and never has been is well taken.The vested interests here have done an amazing job selling the US on this for profit, double the cost of the countries with universal coverage knightmare we have.It's going to change soon as the current system is going to collapse from out of control costs which are not only costing the people who have care privately exorbitant amounts but are driving up the costs in the govt run systems like medicare as well.Just to bad some here are slow or to blind to see we can actually learn some things from other countries.


Staff member
Obama win preferred in world poll

"People outside the US would prefer Barack Obama to become US president ahead of John McCain, a BBC World Service poll suggests.

Democrat Mr Obama was favoured by a four-to-one margin across the 22,500 people polled in 22 countries.

In 17 countries, the most common view was that US relations with the rest of the world would improve under Mr Obama.

If Republican Mr McCain were elected, the most common view was that relations would remain about the same. "

Fully agree

If we take in detail the polls, let's not forget this :"The countries most optimistic that an Obama presidency would improve ties were US Nato allies - Canada (69%), Italy (64%), France (62%), Germany (61%), and the UK (54%) - as well as Australia (62%), along with Kenya (87%) and Nigeria (71%)."
Canada has a left wing government so does Germany. Italia has Mr.Berlusconi so nothing is special except that he is as right wing as one right winger can be and likes right wingers not leftists, France has Mr.Sarkozy a right winger dumber than Chirac. Brown in the UK is also right wing, and in Kenya has a step brother that is a government official that lives there, don't know about Australia and Nigeria.
Question is who was polled? were the people polled poor people or middle class people? This could of course influence the polls.
Polls are misleading. In France most people who likes Obama are often poor and uneducated people who have few clues about American politics and who systematically compare the Republicans with the devil. If it isn't the fault of the liberal media then whose fucking fault is it. UK having a lot of left wingers, also has its share of clueless and uninformed people who always idolized and still idolize Clinton and who are such badmouths about the Republicans. Lot of them are either Michael Moore apologists or socialist dreamers. The rest of the world has no lessons to give to USA and should mind their own business, they should be thankful that the USA is there when help is needed. If you want to implement socialism in USA, you got it all wrong because everyone is enough individualistic and wary to preserve what they have/own. Socialism will never make it in the USA.
If we take in detail the polls, let's not forget this :"The countries most optimistic that an Obama presidency would improve ties were US Nato allies - Canada (69%), Italy (64%), France (62%), Germany (61%), and the UK (54%) - as well as Australia (62%), along with Kenya (87%) and Nigeria (71%)."
Canada has a left wing government so does Germany. Italia has Mr.Berlusconi so nothing is special except that he is as right wing as one right winger can be and likes right wingers not leftists, France has Mr.Sarkozy a right winger dumber than Chirac. Brown in the UK is also right wing, and in Kenya has a step brother that is a government official that lives there, don't know about Australia and Nigeria.
Question is who was polled? were the people polled poor people or middle class people? This could of course influence the polls.
Polls are misleading. In France most people who likes Obama are often poor and uneducated people who have few clues about American politics and who systematically compare the Republicans with the devil. If it isn't the fault of the liberal media then whose fucking fault is it. UK having a lot of left wingers, also has its share of clueless and uninformed people who always idolized and still idolize Clinton and who are such badmouths about the Republicans. Lot of them are either Michael Moore apologists or socialist dreamers. The rest of the world has no lessons to give to USA and should mind their own business, they should be thankful that the USA is there when help is needed. If you want to implement socialism in USA, you got it all wrong because everyone is enough individualistic and wary to preserve what they have/own. Socialism will never make it in the USA.

This hatred of all things socialist you say we have makes ya wonder how social security,medicare and medicade ever enacted.But you will be happy to know those "devilish" republicans were opposed to most of them and would still like to undermine them if they could.But luckily a majority of Americans are dead set against that.
McCain/Palin '08

no wonder they like obama :crash: here's another world poll....

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Seven years after the Sept. 11 attacks, there is no consensus outside the United States that Islamist militants from al Qaeda were responsible, according to an international poll published Wednesday.

The survey of 16,063 people in 17 nations found majorities in only nine countries believe al Qaeda was behind the attacks on New York and Washington that killed about 3,000 people in 2001.

U.S. officials squarely blame al Qaeda, whose leader Osama bin Laden has boasted of organizing the suicide attacks by his followers using hijacked commercial airliners.

On average, 46 percent of those surveyed said al Qaeda was responsible, 15 percent said the U.S. government, 7 percent said Israel and 7 percent said some other perpetrator. One in four people said they did not know who was behind the attacks.

The poll was conducted by WorldPublicOpinion.org, a collaborative project of research centers in various countries managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland in the United States.

In Europe, al Qaeda was cited by 56 percent of Britons and Italians, 63 percent of French and 64 percent of Germans. The U.S. government was to blame, according to 23 percent of Germans and 15 percent of Italians.

Respondents in the Middle East were especially likely to name a perpetrator other than al Qaeda, the poll found.

Israel was behind the attacks, said 43 percent of people in Egypt, 31 percent in Jordan and 19 percent in the Palestinian Territories. The U.S. government was blamed by 36 percent of Turks and 27 percent of Palestinians.

In Mexico, 30 percent cited the U.S. government and 33 percent named al Qaeda.

The only countries with overwhelming majorities blaming al Qaeda were Kenya with 77 percent and Nigeria with 71 percent.

Interviews were conducted in China, Indonesia, Nigeria, Russia, Egypt, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Mexico, the Palestinian Territories, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey and Ukraine.
Re: McCain/Palin '08

no wonder they like obama :crash: here's another world poll....

yeah, doesn't it just suck when people demand evidence to formulate guilt?
What would you all choose? Obama's invisible hand or McCain's iron fist to control the society?

to control the society? neither because we are not a communist county (yet). mccain is strong on national security, obama weak. obama wants to cut billions in military and defense spending while spending billions more on social programs and hand outs.... the choice is obvious.
Re: McCain/Palin '08

you're kidding i hope.. that is about the dumbest thing anyone could ever say about what happened, especially today. :lame:

considering that you non-subtly are a McCain supporter (not to mention someone who seems to have joined the board explicitly for that reason), why should I believe what you say to be credible when it comes to obama?

what difference does it make what day it is to demand sufficient proof of a supposition? Believe what you want to, but I haven't seen the evidence that proves beyond any reasonable doubt.
to control the society? neither because we are not a communist county (yet). mccain is strong on national security, obama weak. obama wants to cut billions in military and defense spending while spending billions more on social programs and hand outs.... the choice is obvious.

Yeah, freedom and democracy aren't free! Having free market economy also has a cost aka taxes.:cool:

Ruling whole world has the ultimate cost. :2 cents::thumbsup:
Re: McCain/Palin '08

considering that you non-subtly are a McCain supporter (not to mention someone who seems to have joined the board explicitly for that reason), why should I believe what you say to be credible when it comes to obama?

what difference does it make what day it is to demand sufficient proof of a supposition? Believe what you want to, but I haven't seen the evidence that proves beyond any reasonable doubt.

let me get this straight- you think i'm here, on a titty site, to convince pervs to vote mccain but after 7 years you are still not sure if al queda is responsible for 9/11??? i think that pretty much sums this up.. :violent:


It's good to be the king...
Everyone is right to point out that the "rest of the world" doesn't have a say in this year's US elections - but please remember those foreign countries who came to the aid of Dubya when he planned his little excursion into Iraq.

According to Bush himself, 41 countries -- and more than 140,000 foreign troops -- have participated in the Iraq conflict.

The Web site for Multi-National Force-Iraq says there are 21 countries still participating in the war effort in addition to the United States, including such contributors as Australia, Japan, Britain, Albania and Estonia.

Considering the ultimate cost of said excursion, I think those countries polled can be forgiven for their preference towards Obama....

Thank you and good night (or to be more precise, good morning, over here)......


Staff member
This hatred of all things socialist you say we have makes ya wonder how social security,medicare and medicade ever enacted.But you will be happy to know those "devilish" republicans were opposed to most of them and would still like to undermine them if they could.But luckily a majority of Americans are dead set against that.

Since when Americans were in favor were working people have to pay for other non willing to work people and people living in the ghettos??????:confused: Socialism has never been accpeted in the USA .It is mostly people who live in the ghettos, are poorly educated and who are lazy who think that working people have to pay social security, Medicare and Medicaid for them. The USA has always been a democracy and who means democracy means individualism and work hard in order to earn and benefit from something. People living in the ghettos and lazy people have to work and bust their asses off in order to get social security, Medicare and Medicaid. In France before 2005 Medicare, Medicaid and social security were free and many people who were unwilling to work and living in the ghettos benefited from this and they abused from these helps, in 2005 it changed because these were privatized and you had to work in order to get them. Even in Sweden in 2005 things changed too when a right wing government which was elected decided to stop to provide freely social security, Medicare and Medicaid to lazy people and people living in the ghetto with the money of hard working people. People who want to have social security, Medicare and Medicaid have to work in order to get them.
In the USA, none owes anyone else nothing, you want something then work and earn it.
Since when Americans were in favor were working people have to pay for other non willing to work people and people living in the ghettos??????:confused: Socialism has never been accpeted in the USA.
Taking your definition of "socialism" as a basis, FDR was a socialist.

How often did he win general elections?
I hope most americans arent stupid enough to vote john mccain into the white house....i'm most defintely not voting for him and the republicans....
Irregardless of how the elections turn out (I haven't made up my mind yet), the world cannot vote in this election unless they are registered voters. They can say who they like, but they aren't going to make the decision. If people who CAN VOTE, register to vote and then, most importantly, go out and VOTE...there can be change.

It is nice to know what the world thinks, but like many other things, that is their opinion. As a registered voter, its my choice to make.
McCain is gonna get his ass kicked in November.

The impression I get is this: if you vote for McCain, you are either a white church-going dweeb, a white supremacist, or a war-mongerer.

If you vote for Obama, you are either hip, most definitely African American, a hip-hop lover, a member of a minority ethnic group, or an open-minded and cool white person.