Search results

  1. shaggydude

    Best album of 2010

    Best drink coaster of 2010
  2. shaggydude

    Does anyone actually own those real dolls???

    I prefer to fuck hand puppets.
  3. shaggydude

    Your discovery of the week - a rolling (I'd) hit (it) list

    Britney Beth
  4. shaggydude

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Britney Beth
  5. shaggydude

    Where is your favorite place to sperm?

    On the inner-thighs of the rare, West African tree frog.
  6. shaggydude

    Hand fetishes

  7. shaggydude

    I need a vacation, help me pick out a destination

    Brokeback Mountain
  8. shaggydude

    have u ever taste ur own cum

    Whenever I go to McDonald's I always bring a used condom with me and ask the girl at the counter to empty it on my chocolate sundae for me. Tastes pretty good!
  9. shaggydude

    doggie filmed from below?

    Some chicks will happily gape for you, but will never EVER show you "the girl stomach".
  10. shaggydude

    doggie filmed from below?

    Yes, it's called "bad camera angle".
  11. shaggydude

    Prince William to wed in 2011

    Has she done any anal scenes yet?
  12. shaggydude

    Pornstars who look like Celebrities / Porn Star-Celeb Look-Alike

    Re: Pornstars who look like celebrities Lexi Bloom and Vanessa Lengies
  13. shaggydude

    Build Your Ultimate Woman

    I found all the bits I need at Ikea Now,I gotta put it all together!
  14. shaggydude

    What are you listening to right now?

  15. shaggydude

    New Van Halen Album!......'Encore'

    Dave's back on this album.
  16. shaggydude

    New Van Halen Album!......'Encore'

    FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. shaggydude

    Emma Booth
  18. shaggydude

    Vulva or Vuvuzela?

    I'm actually gonna go with the lesser known Kuduzela! The vulva is where you put your vuvuzela at night....that's probably why the dudes can't stop blowing them!
  19. shaggydude

    What are you listening to right now?

    Watching the FIFA World Cup...and all I can hear is those fuckin' plastic trumpets!!!!!
  20. shaggydude

    Pornstars who look like Celebrities / Porn Star-Celeb Look-Alike

    Re: Pornstars who look like celebrities Addison O'Riley reminds me of Heidi Montag
  21. shaggydude

    Greatest Invention

    Freeones Search Button?
  22. shaggydude

    Barack Obama can kiss my german ass! I hate america! he glows in the dark!
  23. shaggydude

    Ultimate Deepthroat Challenge site

    Followed by "American Anal"
  24. shaggydude

    Ultimate Deepthroat Challenge site

    Challenge site...No Olympic sport...YES
  25. shaggydude

    Maureen McCormick....Would You Bang Her?

    Maureen McCormick Slims Down Again!
  26. shaggydude

    CSI Movie!!

    And then the porn version?........"Cock Sucking Investigation"???
  27. shaggydude

    Building my own PC?

  28. shaggydude

    Stuff about YOUR country that pisses you off

    This JACKASS!!!!! Kevin Rudd Australian PM
  29. shaggydude

    BP's top kill effort fails to plug Gulf oil leak

    Just spent alot of time reading the reports on this.........the magnitude of this disaster is fucking horrific!!
  30. shaggydude

    Does anyone know if Vega Vixen (, Zsanett Egerhazi)...

    No, she doesn't but President Obama gives free handjobs though!
  31. shaggydude

    how many guys here like assplay?

    Is there an Assplay App on the iPhone?
  32. shaggydude

    Al and Tipper Gore separate after 40 years of marriage

    Hopefully he gets hit by a bus next!
  33. shaggydude

    Which News Reporter Would You Want In A Porno?

    Leila McKinnon
  34. shaggydude

    Twilight Fans Vs Justin Bieber Fans

    Twilight Fans Aren't As Good As Justin Bieber Fans
  35. shaggydude

    Women in the kitchen

    Ohhhhhh....fuckin' hell!
  36. shaggydude

    What do you do for a living?

  37. shaggydude

    JesOS The First True Christian Computer Operating System

    It doesn't say anything about Hard Drive Exorcisms.
  38. shaggydude

    BP's top kill effort fails to plug Gulf oil leak

    A few of these might just do it....
  39. shaggydude

    There just ain't enough _________ in porn!

    glockenspiel players
  40. shaggydude

    The Official 2010 Formula1 Topic

    Sebastian Vettel doesn't know what a TEAM MATE is!!!
  41. shaggydude

    Babe at work gave me e-mail address...

    Big Bang Theory
  42. shaggydude

    Etch-A-Sketch Vs iPad

    Vs Vote Now!
  43. shaggydude

    Perfect 10, supermodel pornstars!

    Nikki Anderson