A shot out to the things you're currently loving

Today my girl and I had plans to go to some stupid community BBQ thing, but she wanted to sleep and opted to stay home and watch movies, giving me the opportunity to pick this time (which is great because a man can only watch Dark Crystal and What's Eating Gilbert Grape so many times). So, thanks to NetFlix Instant View, we watched the original Nightmare on Elmstreet, Black Christmas and TCM 2. She loved NoE and liked Black Christmas, but 15 minutes into TCM2, she took her t-shirt off "because it's so friggin' hot" which prompted me to turn the movie off and do grown up things to her. :D Yes, she used her boobs to get out of watching a movie, but I really can't complain. Pussy>chainsaws.

So yeah, I'm really loving NetFlix Instant View. If you have a decent computer and a good connection, the movies look rather good and stream flawlessly. When I get some off time, I think I'm gonna try hitting Ken Jennings' 'The War' which I missed when it was on PBS.

Also, I just got a panini maker and I'm in love with the damned thing. A PB&J on panini-toasted rye is a thing of beauty.

So what are you guys digging at the moment?


Postal Paranoiac
I was a NetFlixer until I got full cable with all of the movie channels. Truth is I just don't have the time to watch enough movies to make such a service viable.
Today my girl and I had plans to go to some stupid community BBQ thing, but she wanted to sleep and opted to stay home and watch movies, giving me the opportunity to pick this time (which is great because a man can only watch Dark Crystal and What's Eating Gilbert Grape so many times). So, thanks to NetFlix Instant View, we watched the original Nightmare on Elmstreet, Black Christmas and TCM 2. She loved NoE and liked Black Christmas, but 15 minutes into TCM2, she took her t-shirt off "because it's so friggin' hot" which prompted me to turn the movie off and do grown up things to her. :D Yes, she used her boobs to get out of watching a movie, but I really can't complain. Pussy>chainsaws.

So yeah, I'm really loving NetFlix Instant View. If you have a decent computer and a good connection, the movies look rather good and stream flawlessly. When I get some off time, I think I'm gonna try hitting Ken Jennings' 'The War' which I missed when it was on PBS.

Also, I just got a panini maker and I'm in love with the damned thing. A PB&J on panini-toasted rye is a thing of beauty.

So what are you guys digging at the moment?

young girls/ is that ok?
I was a NetFlixer until I got full cable with all of the movie channels. Truth is I just don't have the time to watch enough movies to make such a service viable.

Makes sense. I'm kind of on the same boat...little time at home to watch movies. So NetFlix is much cheaper and makes more sense than the cable movie channels. But I'm not a fan of any of the cable series, so that's not an issue. I'm probably the minority when it comes to that.


Member, you member...
I'm digging my cable and internet - hey, I was without them for three years.
I'm digging my Blackberry.
I'm digging my job and family.
Adults still eat PB&J? Instead of BARBECUE??

My, how DOES the other half live...:rolleyes:

I don't eat beef or pork, so barbecues, to me, are like being broke and going to Best Buy. It looks good, but looking is all I'll do. :D Though BBQ turkey's starting to become more popular I hear. So that opens up the options.

But you need to try the PB&J panini. The bread's all warm and crispy and the PB&J starts to melt...mmmm. Good stuff.


Official Checked Star Member
I'm loving Season two of Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations.
I'm loving being able to wear flipflops finally after a stupid winter.
I'm loving that I'm going to be eating shrimp and mushroom afredo for dinner.
I'm loving Chelsea Handler's "Are you there Vodka, its Me Chelsea"
I'm loving LaSenza for being hella fast on delivering my order.
I'm loving me some Burn Notice starting Thursday..
some NHL hockey..
Rafael Nadal winning the French and Wimby :bowdown:
the U.S. taking down England in the WC :yesyes::thefinger.....
I'm loving camping!

The good kind, without the campgrounds, bathrooms, RV's... REAL camping. 3 times so far this yeah, PLENTY more for the summer!


Hiliary 2020
good thread.
me? not much at the moment.
preparing my classes, going hard in the gym each day, eating a lot, having sex with one of
the hottest girls i've ever seen a few times a week and talking to her at the end of each day for about an hour.
plus another one is just starting to get better, hopefully that will be happening soon.
basically women in general, meet new ones each day, just don't have the time.

oh and reading about tudor history and the people who were in it, can't get enough of that history