Today my girl and I had plans to go to some stupid community BBQ thing, but she wanted to sleep and opted to stay home and watch movies, giving me the opportunity to pick this time (which is great because a man can only watch Dark Crystal and What's Eating Gilbert Grape so many times). So, thanks to NetFlix Instant View, we watched the original Nightmare on Elmstreet, Black Christmas and TCM 2. She loved NoE and liked Black Christmas, but 15 minutes into TCM2, she took her t-shirt off "because it's so friggin' hot" which prompted me to turn the movie off and do grown up things to her.
Yes, she used her boobs to get out of watching a movie, but I really can't complain. Pussy>chainsaws.
So yeah, I'm really loving NetFlix Instant View. If you have a decent computer and a good connection, the movies look rather good and stream flawlessly. When I get some off time, I think I'm gonna try hitting Ken Jennings' 'The War' which I missed when it was on PBS.
Also, I just got a panini maker and I'm in love with the damned thing. A PB&J on panini-toasted rye is a thing of beauty.
So what are you guys digging at the moment?
So yeah, I'm really loving NetFlix Instant View. If you have a decent computer and a good connection, the movies look rather good and stream flawlessly. When I get some off time, I think I'm gonna try hitting Ken Jennings' 'The War' which I missed when it was on PBS.
Also, I just got a panini maker and I'm in love with the damned thing. A PB&J on panini-toasted rye is a thing of beauty.
So what are you guys digging at the moment?