My imagination. It's a pretty though technique to get down, crossing the great metaphysical divide and all but once you've mastered it, there's nothing in this material world that can even live up to it.
Now of course I don't mean just imagining yourself ejaculating, there will have to be some wrist action and of course there will have to be some physical semen in the air (so to speak) but there comes a point in which that sweet, sweet jizz will no long obey gravities rules and splash down on your abdomen leaving you with a sense of post ejaculatory depression and mild annoyance at the thought of cleaning yourself up before someone knocks on the door of the stall you're sitting in wondering why there were several loud groans emanating from the restaurant bathroom and what you've been doing in there for two hours. No, there comes a point - once you have finally mastered the all important colon clenching exercises - when your physical semen transforms itself into nothing more than pure concious thought (for some reason) that clouds the mind with its wondrous promises that it always seems to fail to live up to.
Of course you'll have to learn to turn this off when you aren't in your mothers house, sitting alone in the dark at 2:30pm on a week day masturbating wearing nothing but a pair of 3D glasses and black socks, especially when it comes to your weekly paid visits to members of the opposite sex. You don't want to be coming in your brain with them, I'll tell ya.
So yeah... all the pleasure of jizzing on yourself with none of the pain of picking dried bits of jizz out of your naval hair. Unless of course you garner some sort of pleasure out of that, in which case by all means imagine yourself doing so, it's not my imagination.
Or is it....