JesOS The First True Christian Computer Operating System

So that is where Will E Worm been lately. He's on a whole new OS that does not allow this website to go through.

It all makes sense.

The moment they would mess with my Kimmy is the moment I would completely dismiss it! :mad:


Postal Paranoiac
To each his own. Of course the religious right could always use existing systems to spread the word, instead of creating an exclusive new one.
What good is a computer if you can't get porn on it? :dunno:
Built-in video cameras will allow for monitoring of facial expressions consistent with self-abuse, (or tenderizing one’s tallywhacker as we call it here at Landover Baptist). This is to prevent any pornographic sites from somehow getting through our standard Baptist sex filters. The cameras will operate 24/7, and allow for constant sin protection. Single, widowed men over the age of 65 will have the option of removing these services.


No "tenderizing ones tallywhacker" = insta/fail


what the fuck you lookin at?


My Penis Is Dancing!
That's actually some pretty funny shit (I took it seriously for a few moments). Thing is...I can see a few trying this one out.
"The site was created by Chris Harper, who obtained his Master's Degree in English Literature from George Mason University in 1993 after being expelled from Liberty University (founded by Jerry Falwell) in 1989 for producing a satirical radio show which Liberty's administration found offensive. Harper frequently appears at atheist conventions playing the character of "Pastor Deacon Fred Smith". The website is owned by a company called Americhrist, Ltd."

I'd be interested in hearing the radio show that got him kicked out.
Now, since a PC with that OS can't get any porn, can it at least play some Craddle of Filth and other kick ass heathen type of music? :D