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  1. Ainttalkinlove

    Mcheal Jackson dead

    First off Datelin is a news program they dont pay anybody for a story. people give that information for free. and the reason there is no accusations after they got paid of is because that is one of the stipulations of getting paid off. meaning you shut your mouth and dont ever say a word about...
  2. Ainttalkinlove

    Beware Brazzers Bait & Switch

    really? that dude is my first hero of porn I want to be the Couger Hunter. (I love older women)
  3. Ainttalkinlove

    should i use a sniffer?

    Fuckin weak dude, dont do it. thats just fuckin weak.
  4. Ainttalkinlove

    The official In Memory of Michael Jackson thread.

    Maybe you should respone to this poll because child molesters deserve no mercy EVEN IN DEATH.
  5. Ainttalkinlove

    Who are the coolest people you ever hung with?

    A chick that ive known forever.
  6. Ainttalkinlove

    Who would you like to do in Fuck A Fan?

    I want to be a fuck a fan weiner-ahchem-excuse me winner.
  7. Ainttalkinlove

    Beware Brazzers Bait & Switch

    Yeah I wont join big pay sites for any reason they have ways to rip people off in place thats how they make money.
  8. Ainttalkinlove

    RIP Farrah Fawcett
  9. Ainttalkinlove

    Sunny Lane - Hi from Sunny

    Sunny, you are truly an artist in your art form.
  10. Ainttalkinlove

    Mcheal Jackson dead

    Thats because Black Sabbath had true talent they played their own instruments and put real heart into their art. They also didnt walk around Creating a media circus around their lives and molest children. unlike micheal jackson who could just sing so he hired studio musicians to play the music...
  11. Ainttalkinlove

    Fat Tire fans?

    I dont know what the big deal is Where I live everybodies got a goddamn micro brewery and it gets old. my favorite beers in order are cold, free and cheap.
  12. Ainttalkinlove

    What is your favorite Michael Jackson Song??

    this whole obsession with everything micheal jackson since he died is a bit creepy.
  13. Ainttalkinlove

    Best Pussy / Pussy you'd like to eat

    Re: Best Pussy yup id have to agree the the other pussy's always pinker.
  14. Ainttalkinlove

    RIP Farrah Fawcett

    her beauty is unmatched
  15. Ainttalkinlove

    Mcheal Jackson dead

    i never molested children!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Ainttalkinlove

    Mcheal Jackson dead

    Whats the difference between Niel Armstrong and Micheal Jackson?... ...Niel Armstrong walked on the moon and Micheal Jackson molested little boys.
  17. Ainttalkinlove

    What's your favourite Michael Jackson wave..?

    I got so much negative rep because I hate child molesters.
  18. Ainttalkinlove

    George Carlin or Richard Prior?

    Richard Prior I couldnt find his bit about being on fire while he was high on cocaine which is the funniest shit ever. George Carlin This is a new one I had never seen before its great.
  19. Ainttalkinlove

    This Is What Video Games Are Doing To Our Youth!

    Yeah its staged, but I guarantee that reaction is what happens when those guys cant play that dumb character that they put the last 7 years of there life into its fucking pathetic. southpark was dead on with their episode lampooning wow
  20. Ainttalkinlove

    RIP Farrah Fawcett
  21. Ainttalkinlove

    Have you ever talked negativly about a dead person.

    At least she didnt molest children. That makes her a saint compared to micheal jackson. As for farrah fawcett she was a saint and deserves to be remembered. B.I.H. Micheal jackson
  22. Ainttalkinlove

    RIP Farrah Fawcett

    She had class.
  23. Ainttalkinlove

    Favourite Michael Jackson Album

    My favorite is the one he wont make in the future. B.I.H. micheal jackson (pedophile)
  24. Ainttalkinlove

    Are we into faces?

    I think im turning dislexic for a second I thought it said cutest feces in porn.
  25. Ainttalkinlove

    Michael Jackson RIP

    No. no, it doesnt He touched KIDS in an inapropriate way perception doesnt change. B.I.H. Micheal Jackson
  26. Ainttalkinlove

    Iron Maiden or Van Halen

    Not cool to make us choose. I respectfully decline to answer your poll sir.
  27. Ainttalkinlove

    Mcheal Jackson dead

    thank you Cpt. Obvious
  28. Ainttalkinlove

    Exodus series.

    I saw part of the one about mars but fell asleep, but not because i was bored, its always on to late.
  29. Ainttalkinlove

    Best Pussy / Pussy you'd like to eat

    The perfect pussy to me is the one my dick is in at any given moment my dick is in one.
  30. Ainttalkinlove

    Skinny pornstar thread!?!..

    oh dont get me wrong I love all lady types. except the one with guy parts and the ones who are obviously unhealthy due to weight but skinny girls are just so much fun to look at.
  31. Ainttalkinlove

    Mcheal Jackson dead

    He isnt even in the same galaxy as Elvis or John Lennon Not even close. And it will always be against him Im not gonna pretend for even one micro second that he didnt cause irreversable harm to CHILDREN.
  32. Ainttalkinlove

    The official In Memory of Michael Jackson thread.

    ...because he showed the kids how to make the magic wand disappear.
  33. Ainttalkinlove

    RIP Farrah Fawcett

    Ahh beauty.
  34. Ainttalkinlove

    Skinny pornstar thread!?!..

    Awsome thread idea.
  35. Ainttalkinlove

    Mcheal Jackson dead

    Actually if you recall there were count them two huge court cases based on accusations by numerous victims. If it had only happened once then maybe it was just a publicity thing but it happened twice, and there werent just two victims there were many. Possibly even Macaulay Culkin, look how he...
  36. Ainttalkinlove

    favourite porn movie

    I have a copy of The Davinci Load its horrible dont watch it.
  37. Ainttalkinlove

    Seriously why does everyone want to start a new thread about Michael Jackson thread?

    Re: Seriously why does everyone want to start a new thread about Michael Jackson thre yeah this thread is dumb
  38. Ainttalkinlove

    Immoral Girl of the Week - Kacey Jordan's Comeback!

    how do i get on board that fuck a fan thing? :eek: WAH-WAH-WE-WAH
  39. Ainttalkinlove

    The official In Memory of Michael Jackson thread.

    this is the first thing said thats made me feel stupid all day. Thats some real talk. Im gonna go pedal my moraltiy on a church board or even better a micheal jackson board.
  40. Ainttalkinlove

    The official In Memory of Michael Jackson thread.

    Frankly I dont care whats on the other side if I found out my neighbor was child molester even if let off the charges I keep a damn close eye on my kids when they were outside and they wouldnt be outside if i wasnt.
  41. Ainttalkinlove

    Mcheal Jackson dead

    No I wish the kids would play on the playground so they would stay off the lawn of a child molester
  42. Ainttalkinlove

    RIP Farrah Fawcett it really is a tragedy
  43. Ainttalkinlove

    Have to take a dam road test friday!

    Yeah DMV sucks.
  44. Ainttalkinlove

    Mcheal Jackson dead

    I cant wait for the media circus to end then we can all wash our hands of this stain on humanity.
  45. Ainttalkinlove

    The official In Memory of Michael Jackson thread.

    So hes no longer a high profile pervert because hes dead? everyone of the sympathizers have something wrong with their concious. I'll bet everyone of them doesnt have kids. Hey lets throw the blame on other perverts somewhere else because I like the song he did at that one time. YAY
  46. Ainttalkinlove

    The official In Memory of Michael Jackson thread.

    When you touch little KIDS...KIDS you lose all respect they need to burn all of his work I dont care how good it is. They are CHILDREN. people need to realize they were KIDS he touched
  47. Ainttalkinlove

    The official In Memory of Michael Jackson thread.

    Positives? He touched little boys.