Who are the coolest people you ever hung with?

Dude, I swear he is the oldest, nicest, badest, guy you could ever meet. He is so bad ass he doesn't need to act like it.

Very unlike fake jerk offs like Chuck Norris.


Torn & Frayed.
Me myself and I
A chick that ive known forever.
I spent an afternoon working out with John Jaha in college.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Joe Pesci, Hank Williams Jr., Wilford Brimley, Hayden Fry, Chris Klein, Sean William Scott, my brothers, one of my sisters, a couple priests I used to drink with, Tony Gonzales and anybody willing to be a friend I consider cool.
Nelson Mandela. He truly is the kindest and wisest person I've ever met and the epitemy of cool. I once spent and afternoon talking with him wich was an experience I will never forget for as long as I live. Afterwards we even exchanged e-mails for a while. In our last correspondence he wished me a long and happy life and told me to never stop fighting. I promised I will and I intent to make good on that promise.
You are correct sir, but don't forget about the Oakland A's. He played for them as well.

He had a short baseball career though.

Bingo. He used to live about 10 doors down from a friend of mine in college, and just by chance he ended up working out at my gym, and I got to meet and work out with him.