I am very curious about this because I am wondering if people change their opinions about someone when they pass on. It seems a little false, and outlines other issues you may have, to dislike someone when they are alive. Then turn around and act like you enjoyed that person, when they pass on...
So are we only supposed to have positve opinions about everybody the point of an opinion is that its just that an OPINION. It serves no purpose other than to tell others what you think. you might not like others but you cant tell them they are wrong because its an opinion if you want people to...
Thank you I didnt mean to offend any one. Im an american I am an asshole who pretends that the world revolves around america. I am also insensitive to other culture and belief systems, But I love all your funny little accents.
(please note: That is alot of sarcasm for some of you so please...
sounds like some are upset that othersdislike pedophiles who:
1.) get away with it
2.) suck
My spelling is dead on check it at reference.com
and quit the flaming because your are in disagreement with my opinions.
Great just what we need more kids drinking underage then going out and getting behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle and smoking drugs with all there friends and crashing the goddamn car. Even if they dont get in an accident they go home and beat up all their loved ones. What is this world...
Yeah dude dont pay for porn on the internet do what everyone else does search the online equivalent of dumpster porn just type free porn in google. besides brandi belle is kind of weak shes not super attractive compared to alot of other chicks sites out there.
I was in the military I have been to war. I have seen realities that alot of people can shrug their shoulders at. The real world is not the world of comfort and technology that we all take for granted.
Everybodies got a mouth and a wild imagination until they live it.
Yes absolutely as an american citizen It is your duty to defend those in your country that cant defend themselves. Not only is it your duty but your abligation this is OUR country that WE have to protect. Im not saying we didnt come about getting this country by the most honest means (Sorry...
Who the fuck still watches Beck or O'rielly? They have been nothing but crybaby nutjobs since... forever[Giggles wierdly.] Everybody just needs to ignore fox News so that it just goes away or at least quits all the rebel rousing.
I read a playboy artical once about this very topic. One of the picks they had was a live album by the mime marcel marsou (spelling?). Apparently the album is completely silent. The artical said that if you time the album just right, when both partners achieve orgasm there is an applause from...
There are about three standard english sentences in there. It us helps, if your trying to correct peoples puncuation, if you know what your talking about. Especially, when you use a Question mark where a period should go, or are you confused?
What? You dont have your own thoughts and opinions if she dont want it dont push the issue but dont adopt her beliefs just to get laid that makes you spineless.
I Just recently caught the end of one call "Repo" I want to watch more of it. I was told its about a comany that get organs for people then when they cant pay they go take them back using repo men and they dont get anesthetic.
Does it feel good for the woman? My girlfriend wanted me to last night but we couldnt get it in.
1.)How much lube do you need?
2.)Does saliva work or is it better to buy the stuff at the store?
3.)Do condoms make it harder to do get going?
I have so many questions.
4.)What position works...
After reading another topic I was inspired.
The best musical ever is "Cannible the Musical" By Trey Parker and Matt Stone (South Park creators) Its about Alfred Packer The only man ever convicted of canniblism in america.
any one else got any good ones?
Look up what PETA is all about and do some reasearch about what they are really up to. PETA is shady as fuck for an abridged version of how fucked up they are, Penn and Teller's show Bullshit Did an episode on PETA, watch it.
Riley Mason has Bees on her arm and I think its the placement thats hot.
Micah Moore has a circle and thats sexy as hell
Gianna Michaels is just bad ass
If shes your Friend and you want to stay that way leave it alone. I lost a really good Hot friend When sex got involved now we hate each other and I want to punch her in the mouth.
vaporizer just heats up the THC in the weed so your not smoking Plant material. Much healthier. it takes longer for it to fully affect you but when you realize how high you are There is nothing like it.