favourite porn movie

hey freeones-addicts...

i just wanted to know, what are the most popular movies in adult entertainment... please no mainstream movies, and no gonzo "movies"...

something with a storyline would be nice, or at least where the director tried to build up s story around the fucking :D

here´s my personal top5 list:

Operation: Desert Stormy (Wicked Pictures)
Pirates II - Stagnetti´s Revenge (DigitalPlayground)
Pirates (Adam&Eve-DigitalPlayground)
Fallen (Wicked Pictures)
The Accidential Hooker (Wicked Pictures)

i also want to mention "camp cuddly pines powertool massacre"
it´s so hillarious, that it´s great :rofl:

ok, i think it´s not a secret anymore what my favourite company is :D
wicked girls, wicked movies, wicked directors :thumbsup:
Hmm, well if we are sticking to "plot" driven porn then:

Pirates II: Stagnotti's Revenge
Joanna's Angels
The Wicked
Predator II: The Return
The Sperminator (it was what the original Terminator based it self upon, honest!) ;)


I kinda like the all sex art-erotica thing. Just looks so pretty.

hey freeones-addicts...
Operation: Desert Stormy (Wicked Pictures)
Pirates II - Stagnetti´s Revenge (DigitalPlayground)
Pirates (Adam&Eve-DigitalPlayground)
Fallen (Wicked Pictures)
The Accidential Hooker (Wicked Pictures)

Is the Fallen really great? I've contemplated picking it up but I was so dissappointed in The Wicked that I haven't watched a Wicked film since :-/
My top five in no particular order:

Pirates II: Stagnetti's Revenge
Operation: Desert Stormy

I have other favorites but these are definitely my top five at the moment.
I have a copy of The Davinci Load its horrible dont watch it.
3 out of 5 are french porn movie, not released outside of Europe :

Le Parfum de Mathilde
Orgie en Noir
French ConneXion
Pirates II: Stagnotti's Revenge
Operation Desert Stormy
Is the Fallen really great? I've contemplated picking it up but I was so dissappointed in The Wicked that I haven't watched a Wicked film since :-/

yeah, fallen is awesome... i was a little disappointed by the wicked, too. its ok, but i expected it a little better.

btw: i just watched "vegas or bust", also from wicked.
starring devinn lane :thumbsup: and briana banks :boobies::rubbel: :thefinger
Incidentally, Unfaithful 2 and 3 from Viv Thomas are really good in the lesbian porn arena.
You guys really did not like the Wicked? I loved it! Even wrote a review for it here: http://www.gorezone.net/dvdcrypt/reviewstxt/vwx/thewicked.html

i wouldn´t say that i didnt liked it... it was just not as good as i expected.
i think they could have made the vampire make up better, and the movie finished way to early... the story builds up, and goes on, and goes on, and goes on... and all of a sudden there are the vampires, a lil fuck from kaylani and that was it... maybe if the director would have spend more time on the end, it would have been a classic.
whatever, the cast (and the soundtrack) still makes the movie worth watchin it. not to mention the great art-work of the dvd-package :thumbsup: