Search results

  1. Wainkerr99

    Julie Strain

    This is the Wonderwoman actress I have been looking for.
  2. Wainkerr99

    What animal would you be.

    A mastiff.
  3. Wainkerr99

    Guy Fawkes Night...Remember, remember the 5th November

    Oh wow 'The Matrix' even influenced firecrackers.
  4. Wainkerr99

    None Dare Call it Conspiracy

    'cept, you know who. Even so, what a clever way to wage war or kill people, shown in this article on Chinese drywall:
  5. Wainkerr99

    Man I HATE that Geico Gecko!!!

    I dislike affected accents supposed to typify a nation, like when Hollywood always used the same actor to represent Germany, or an Indian, or Chinese etc. Also, there is too much of a muchness. It has been years that the same reptile has done its spiel.
  6. Wainkerr99

    Who Died Too Young?

    Princess Diana.
  7. Wainkerr99

    I'm very sad.

    IMHO studying International Relations is a shoe in for a career. Maybe you are just a bit stuck right now for direction. Have you actually spoken to anyone in the Sheriff's Department, the local embassies, etc? Researched avenues at the local College? Maybe scribble down a list of possible...
  8. Wainkerr99

    Thank you kind sir, (Danielle Derek).

    Thank you kind sir, (Danielle Derek).
  9. Wainkerr99

    Mia Zottoli

    Here is one of the most sexy, voluptuously shaped women of recent times:
  10. Wainkerr99

    That horrible Hefner made me do it, son. Go with your dad, Bart, avenge me. Aveeeenge Meeeeee!

    That horrible Hefner made me do it, son. Go with your dad, Bart, avenge me. Aveeeenge Meeeeee!
  11. Wainkerr99

    How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang rape

    Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra I think the perception is that gangsters stick together. If they be hispanic, they will defend each other, if they be black, ditto. If there is a white minority in a school, one would expect, seeing as the...
  12. Wainkerr99

    How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang rape

    Re: How's this'to cheer ya' up: Girl blasts school officials over her friends gang ra If this is going to be about other races thinking they can do what they like in this country, I can only hope the American public don't take it lying down like the Afrikaner had to in South Africa, where there...
  13. Wainkerr99

    Word Association

  14. Wainkerr99

    And you thought women drivers are dangerous

    He should have the white stick attached to the front of the car! ( ;) )
  15. Wainkerr99

    Hey hey hey. Beijos amigos.

    Hey hey hey. Beijos amigos.
  16. Wainkerr99

    The Member Above Me....

    Is going to up and go away, leaving us all to our own devices. :( :weeping:
  17. Wainkerr99

    The last person to post here WINS!

    annnnndd WON! Thank you, thank you.
  18. Wainkerr99

    Thanks Hot Mega. (Cry).

    Thanks Hot Mega. (Cry).
  19. Wainkerr99

    Thank you for repping on the Boroka pics.

    Thank you for repping on the Boroka pics.
  20. Wainkerr99

    List of Cruel Things Women do to Men

    I listen to the girls bitch about how nice their boyfriends are to them.
  21. Wainkerr99

    The last person to post here WINS!

    People think they can sneak in here and post when I am not looking. WELL I'M LOOKING!
  22. Wainkerr99

    List of Cruel Things Women do to Men

    13. When she starts telling you how much she loves you, puts her arms around you in public, tells her friends you are the love of her life, you know it is time to move on. She will dump you within three months. I have seen this happen two or three times to different guys.
  23. Wainkerr99

    Is it time for Ricky Gervais to retire?

    Yup. Couldn't agree more. Time to move into the director's chair, or write scripts, have a pint at the local pub, live your friggin' life, plant trees in the desert. Something. Anything.
  24. Wainkerr99

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Jealousy gets you nowhere. Usually.
  25. Wainkerr99

    Why did she cry after we had sex?

  26. Wainkerr99

    Problem with Firefox

    Firefox 3.5.4 is now ready. It is an awesome browser. It automatically remembers all the stuff you copied and all the places you have been. It is able to automatically defeat any virus or spambot. It intuitively finds sites for you, then keeps them for when next you log on. If you were looking...
  27. Wainkerr99

    Would You Fuck The Girl in The Avatar Above You

    I should imagine so. He he this should be interesting.
  28. Wainkerr99

    Rate the persons Avatar above you.

    9/10. Classic pose.
  29. Wainkerr99

    Word Association

  30. Wainkerr99

    Hitch a Ride on The Word Train

  31. Wainkerr99

    Race and Intelligence: Science's Last Taboo

    I also read that 2% of the population have an IQ of 130%. About 7% an IQ of 120%. In South Africa one of the biggest racist issues was that blacks were just plain dumb. Whites didn't hate the blacks so much as look down on them. After 1994, there was a dramatic change. Poof went that theory.
  32. Wainkerr99

    Jeremy Clarkson's greatest quotes

    I learned a bit about the USA before coming back here by watching a JK DVD. He is right, the Americans really can't make a decent cup of coffee. They also do wait until you cross the road, which is a plus. (At least where I am).
  33. Wainkerr99

    You are welcome.

    You are welcome.
  34. Wainkerr99

    Sarah Palin
  35. Wainkerr99

    Alaska Governor Palin to resign
  36. Wainkerr99

    Sadistic/Revengeful Women In Movies

    It is a wonder women have remained as gentle as they have for so long.
  37. Wainkerr99

    >>> Lookie what I got from Linsey Dawn Mckenzie!

    Lindsey doesn't really look as good as she did. I don't know how she does it, but she looks much more beautiful. Somehow she just keeps on getting better and better.
  38. Wainkerr99

  39. Wainkerr99

    Lesnar sick, withdraws from bout

    Any sort of exercise while sick with cold or flu is asking for heart disease.
  40. Wainkerr99

    trying to get my cute friend set up as a non nude model

    Nothing ventured nothing gained.
  41. Wainkerr99

    Talk about breaking and entering!

    He crashed into the wrong house in a a real basic instinct kind of way: Of course in Hollywood the car would have burst into flames.
  42. Wainkerr99

    Movie suggestions

    Here's a thought - if and when folk start a thread, they could just tag it all clever like, that way everyone can use the search function all clever like. The tags for the thread our erstwhile Greg brought to the noob's attention has the tags movie, cinema. All fair enough, actually, ahem, but...
  43. Wainkerr99

    Hitch a Ride on The Word Train

    :wave2: amicable
  44. Wainkerr99

    Word Association

  45. Wainkerr99

    Define yourself in one word

  46. Wainkerr99

    The Member Above Me....

    Knows some British cultural foods.
  47. Wainkerr99

    Have you ever.............

    No. Tried hard to read what the person above you posted here, only to wish you hadn't?
  48. Wainkerr99

    The last person to post here WINS!

  49. Wainkerr99

    Thank you kind sir, (Dee).

    Thank you kind sir, (Dee).
  50. Wainkerr99

    Hitch a Ride on The Word Train
