Possibly, I can't remember. ....thought You Might have a brain tumour?
B BlueBalls Dead Oct 25, 2009 #4,041 Possibly, I can't remember. ....thought You Might have a brain tumour?
L lurkingdirk Oct 26, 2009 #4,043 only after eating enchiladas. there was clean-up involved... ...wished you hadn't asked a question?
~Mandi!~ Banned Oct 26, 2009 #4,045 BeSt FrIeNdS ~bRoThEr~ If ThAt CoUnTs. ShE wAlKeD ~iN~ oN uS! hAvE u EvEr ~SlEpT~ wItH a SeT oF bRoThErS/sIsTeRs. SaMe TiMe?
BeSt FrIeNdS ~bRoThEr~ If ThAt CoUnTs. ShE wAlKeD ~iN~ oN uS! hAvE u EvEr ~SlEpT~ wItH a SeT oF bRoThErS/sIsTeRs. SaMe TiMe?
Wainkerr99 Closed Account Oct 26, 2009 #4,046 No. Tried hard to read what the person above you posted here, only to wish you hadn't?
L lurkingdirk Oct 26, 2009 #4,049 yup. tough to keep the car straight on the road. ...seen a woman topless in a moving car?
SashaSparks Official Checked Star Member Oct 26, 2009 #4,051 lol, yes, and I was riding in the backseat of a car when it happened! right on the arm! .....got a footjob?
lol, yes, and I was riding in the backseat of a car when it happened! right on the arm! .....got a footjob?
The Grasshopper was here Oct 26, 2009 #4,052 Yes a couple times. Have you ever had a conversion in real life with a true believer in bigfoot/ sasquatch/ yeti?
Yes a couple times. Have you ever had a conversion in real life with a true believer in bigfoot/ sasquatch/ yeti?
Korastiz Oct 27, 2009 #4,055 Can't remember but I don't think so. ... won a significant amount in the lottery?
A Audrey Oct 27, 2009 #4,059 nope ever go to restroom just to touch yourself in a public bathroom after seeing a hot/girl?