hannah montana hater


Closed Account
and i thought all the kids liked her


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Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Smart kid, don't get brainwashed by that vile mouse. Mickey your reign of terror will soon come to an end bwah haha ha.....
sweet, never heard any of her music, but pretty sure i do not have to to understand what is going on. so you rock on kid
She is still little now; in about-- ohhhh, 5-7 years she will be rebelling her parents and buying nothing but Hannah Montana to spite them! :D
Respect!! I'm tired of seeing her too. Magazine covers, TV, movies, backpacks, plates, what isn't she on? And the parents dropping hundreds of dollars for tickets to see her. She came to town about a year ago and tickets were online going for upwards of $1K. A thousand bucks to see a concert?! Talk about wasteful spending.
That girl rocks, who would have thought it. I would have given that girl some rep if she was on this board!