Bad Teeth

Anyone else find bad teeth (particularly on women) totally repulsive? I got a look at this one chick lately and she was pretty fine, and then I saw her teeth. Damn, big time turn off. Maybe it's because my pearly whites are perfect, but I just have a real problem with it. :cool:
As long as they brush them and keep them healthy. We all have some judging on appearances in some way. I mean, I don't want her teeth to look like a bowling game gone wrong, you know?

Nobody's perfect, but you can do things to at least make yourself look good, at least. :hatsoff:


Anyone else find bad teeth (particularly on women) totally repulsive? I got a look at this one chick lately and she was pretty fine, and then I saw her teeth. Damn, big time turn off. Maybe it's because my pearly whites are perfect, but I just have a real problem with it. :cool:

Pretty sure most guys feel the same way. Bad teeth are the biggest turn off.
I was actually talking about this with a friend the other day. I guess it depends on what you mean by "bad" teeth. If you're talking discolored, yellow, fuzzy looking teeth then I completely agree with you; that's repulsive. But for me, a woman with some crowding can be extremely sexy. I'm not talking sabre tooth tiger, snaggletooth type stuff, but some crooked teeth with a little bit of crowding turns me on for sure. Kind of weird, I know. I think it has something to do with the fact that when you see an otherwise gorgeous woman with "imperfect" teeth, so to speak, it makes her that much more attractive because you can at least spot one flaw. Maybe it has something to do with viewing that woman as more approachable?

I don't really think I've done a good job explaining myself here, but it makes perfect sense in my head. Anyone understand what I'm getting at here? :dunno:
If she has bad teeth ever thought about just punching her in the mouth to knock them out?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
No British jokes yet? Wow, I have never been more proud of everyone.
Bad teeth are by far the biggest turn off for me. I wouldn't totally shut a girl down because of them (they can always be fixed) but I would be hesitant.
It's not only a turnoff, but a real hazard for your own teeth. Person with dirty teeth can infect your teeth if you kiss her/him.

Of course you can avoid that by brushing your teeth straight after kissing...


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Hey, as long as none of them are missing and they're at least some shade of white then who am I to complain?
I can look beyond bad teeth but obviously bleeding and receding gums is where I draw the line.