So I was wondering since this is such a big community and there are so many porn stars tied into the site if anyone on here is actually friends with a porn star, knows one personally or grew up with one?
maybe roald should known some cool pornstars personal^^
So I was wondering since this is such a big community and there are so many porn stars tied into the site if anyone on here is actually friends with a porn star, knows one personally or grew up with one?
I have my fair share of stalkers![]()
I only know 2 from my time managing a strip club. They were HUGE attractions. Unfortunately the owners were dumbasses and the club closed. It was a job I would like to have again!
I don't know any porn stars. I also didn't grow up with any, although some of the sluts that I went to high school with would make some porn stars look like Mary Poppins.
So it seems like a fair share of you know at least one. No ones naming any names I am guessing you dont want people to know exactly who you know?
Out of curiosity, when did it close? Was it do to the “stripper-bill” passed in 07?
Most of the time I don't like name dropping but, there are times if you know a porn star personally, creepy messages start pouring in from her "biggest fan" about how to contact them.
Its happened to me a few times at LA Erotica or AEE in Vegas, when that type of fans see me talking to a porn star they admire.
Yea I can definitely see how that would happen a lot.
Like I said in another thread seems like you have a great job hope you enjoy it
I do enjoy it. It has its up and down moments like any other job but, I am very happy to work in the adult industry. Its allowed me to get to know a lot of people on a personal level, I don't think I would have met otherwise.