PORN: Styles, Trends & Value

Since the era of the 'blue movies' which was the early days of porn being put onto film porn has been a part of our lives.
Does porn ever really go out of style?
Does porn ever really lose it's value?
Porn is constantly evolving, adapting, redefining itself through various trends of the times.

How has porn effected or changed your life? - lol


what the fuck you lookin at?
Does porn ever really go out of style?
Nope! Hell, I still like the smut from the 70's and 80's, actually prefer it!

Does porn ever really lose it's value?
Same porn gets old, gotta always look for something new to you!

How has porn effected or changed your life?

Well, I now need the internet so I have a steady supply of fresh porn at my fingertips!
Since the era of the 'blue movies' which was the early days of porn being put onto film porn has been a part of our lives.
Does porn ever really go out of style?
Does porn ever really lose it's value?
Porn is constantly evolving, adapting, redefining itself through various trends of the times.

How has porn effected or changed your life? - lol

Pornography and erotica are timeless, and it predates 'blue movie's by thousands of years. Many ancient cultures have explored the realm of sexual depictions, from the Greeks to the Romans, all the way to today's society. What changes is the manner it which it is presented and received from time to time and culture to culture.

In this way, pornography does go in and out of style. Thanks to the internet though, pornography is largely coming back in style in today's western cultures.

The value of pornography varies from presentation to presentation. Much like a work of art, it can be meaningless, interesting, trivial, inspirational, disgusting, instructional, or beautiful. It varies from artist to artist and person to person.

Porn hasn't really changed my life, but it has actually helped me to get work done. For the coders out there, it pays to take a break and get your mind off of the subject at hand. I have found that watching a young lesbian couple for 20-30 minutes can reboot the mind, and it has helped me muddle through a number of tasks. Just don't get all turned on and jerk off. That'll wreck your train of thought.
I don’t think porn will ever go out of style. Sex and erotica have been around as long as humanity has and people have liked it for just as long.

As far as porn adapting or refining itself I think they are at a plateau of what porn can do. There aren’t any more new nasty things they can add into it and they are at a point where they are about to run out of new gimmicks they can add in. Maybe someday when technology improves they could have something like a virtual porn, but I don’t see them advancing anywhere anytime soon. If anything I think they have a better chance of reverting a little to how it was 10-15 years ago than they do of having anything significantly new in it.