Search results

  1. Vosslier

    Puppies or Ice Cream?

    That looks like the dog I used to have lol.
  2. Vosslier

    Final Fantasy XIII

    Me too. I copy of ff3 for free. My friend loaned it to me and let me keep it when he moved.I got my copy of persona1 like that too lol.
  3. Vosslier

    Thanks for the rep! :D

    Thanks for the rep! :D
  4. Vosslier

    love guns?

    So my fav KISS song
  5. Vosslier

    What are you listening to right now?

    ZZ Top greatest hits
  6. Vosslier

    Best Nurse Ever!

    Hello nurse!
  7. Vosslier

    Thanks for the rep. Its funny cause I watch WWE, but I have to catch streams when I can. So I...

    Thanks for the rep. Its funny cause I watch WWE, but I have to catch streams when I can. So I really havent seen alot of Maryse
  8. Vosslier

    God of War 3

    What about Metal Gear Solid 4?
  9. Vosslier

    Best Nurse Ever!

    When I saw the tread title I thought of this pic I found the other day:
  10. Vosslier

    FrenchkissMaryse has launched !

    O.O just went to her site. Im not that big a fan of blondes but wow...
  11. Vosslier

    Country Music Sucks

    Being from a small town in Missouri, country music is about the only thing on the radio. I grew up listening to it and to be honest Im sick of it lol. I like some of the older singers but I dont really go out and get thier music. I got dragged to tons of country concerts as a kid and that wasnt...
  12. Vosslier

    missfreeones - anyone else bored?

    Oh no I couldnt lol but it would make a funny gag gift lol.
  13. Vosslier

    Final Fantasy XIII

    Yea all 6 were rereleased on gba and ds. I have been read reviews and the ps3 version has been getting higher scores than the 360. Mainly frame rate stuff, the game just looks better on ps3.
  14. Vosslier

    missfreeones - anyone else bored?

    Sorry, I just always go for the joke lol.
  15. Vosslier

    Back To The Future II: 5 years to go!

    I can't wait to get my Trans Am converted to a hovercar.
  16. Vosslier

    which gun do you own?

    Atm I have a .9mm High Point Carbine
  17. Vosslier

    Final Fantasy XIII

    Got my Amazon email saying they shipped my copy. I just wish this wasnt my long week at work so I had more time to play it.
  18. Vosslier

    What's Your Dream Car?

  19. Vosslier

    Heavy Rain

    Amazon is always the way to go with preorders. It usually saves you money and if you dont care about getting it the day it releases you can get free shipping and they get so many preorders goodies with them.
  20. Vosslier

    What are you watching right now?

    Re: What you watching right now! Psych
  21. Vosslier

    Pornography: Use it in a sentence.

    I find your lack of pornography disturbing.
  22. Vosslier

    Final Fantasy XIII

    First Final Fantasy game I played was the original one way back on nes. Then VI became my fave when snes was out. I haved loved them all and find each one amazing.
  23. Vosslier

    Final Fantasy XIII

    Yea you know it going to be good because of how much SE worked on it. That's one thing I love about Square is you know the majority of their games are very solid. I know I'm going to mark out when I get the email saying its shipped tonight lol.
  24. Vosslier

    Favorite Blondes (no hardcore)

    Was Trish Stratus but she changed her hair color recently.
  25. Vosslier

    Pornography: Use it in a sentence.

    I'm too old for this pornography
  26. Vosslier

    Facebook and myspace are not allowed?

    But he always ends up beating himself.
  27. Vosslier

    What are you watching right now?

    Re: What you watching right now! How I Met Your Mother
  28. Vosslier

    Favorite Asian Porn Star | Hottest Asian pornstar | Best Asian Pornstar

    Re: Favorite Asian Porn Star? Asia Carrera
  29. Vosslier

    I did O.o I was Wondering what that mod ment when he gave me rep lol.

    I did O.o I was Wondering what that mod ment when he gave me rep lol.
  30. Vosslier

    Thanks for the rep :D

    Thanks for the rep :D
  31. Vosslier

    The Cartoon Poll

    I mainly watch anime than any of the listed shows.
  32. Vosslier

    Name five of your fave films!

    Blazing Saddes The Outlaw Josey Wales McClintock The 40 Year Old Virgin M*A*S*H
  33. Vosslier

    Favorite Rocky Movie and Why.

    Rocky 3 because of Mr T and Hulk Hogan.
  34. Vosslier

    What age do you turn Milf?

    14 in the Arkansas hills.
  35. Vosslier

    If you could have any

    I already own the car I wanted, a 1977 Trans Am.
  36. Vosslier

    ★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★

    Re: ★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Official Round 3 Thread! Only 20 Girls are Left!!★★ Mine too :D
  37. Vosslier

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Cop Out It was pretty funny. I knew I was going to like it before I saw it but it was better than I expected.
  38. Vosslier

    Pornography: Use it in a sentence.

    Nobody puts pornography in a corner.
  39. Vosslier

    What are you watching right now?

    Re: What you watching right now! The Office (U.S)
  40. Vosslier

    Do You Smoke?

    Never have and I never will
  41. Vosslier

    What's The Latest Chick Flick You've Seen?

    Catch and Release
  42. Vosslier

    What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)

    Pc: Spider-man villians My phone: pics from Angel
  43. Vosslier

    What's everyone favorite comic book movie?

    Sin City Blade Batman Superman 2 X-Men 2 Batman Returns Ironman Spider-Man
  44. Vosslier

    What's everyone favorite comic book movie?

    Sorry double post. Please delete this thanks.
  45. Vosslier

    Don't worry you will always have my vote :D

    Don't worry you will always have my vote :D
  46. Vosslier

    I have just been using google and photobucket for sig mats. That last persona 4 sig was part of...

    I have just been using google and photobucket for sig mats. That last persona 4 sig was part of a bigger pic I found.