Favorite Rocky Movie and Why.

Favorite Rocky Movie

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It's good to be the king...
Rocky III

Mr. T - I pity the fool...:D

First Rocky movie i ever saw, loved it back then as a child.... love it even more today as an adult. The storyline is awesome, as is the music soundtrack (heartssssssssss on fireeeeeeeeeeeee!!!), the training montage was fantastic. Today it is one of the most quotable movies in history (my mates have this thing about quoting Stallone movies.... and Rocky IV is probably the most quoted film - aside from First Blood Part II or.... STOP or my mom will shoot! :1orglaugh)

For storyline purposes, i generally like them in this order: I, II, IV, VI, V, III
Like other ordered lists i could flip flop and change them around at any stage as they're not that bad. As much as V was panned, i enjoyed it - Rocky back at his roots and all that sort of stuff.
Rocky V should never have been made, all around terrible film.
Rocky IV on the other hand was by far the best. Ivan Drago, the motherfucker who can't be beat, jacked up on roids, even kills Apollo fuckin' Creed gets destroyed by a little italian sumbitch that is half his size, with nothing to train with but a fucking barn full of shit, an axe and a couple logs, and a huge ass fucking mountain.
Rocky 3 because of Mr T and Hulk Hogan.
Rocky VII: Adriane's Revenge

I picked IV. It was the first one I saw when I was a youth, loved Rocky crushing the giant Russian and all the Russians chanting his name.

It single handily ended the Cold War :rofl:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'm going to go with none of them because they all feature that talentless fucktard Stallone.
The original. Best Picture Oscar winner, and well-deserved. Gritty, cynical. He even loses the fight. He's truly the underdog in this one and that's what makes the character great.