missfreeones - anyone else bored?


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I lost interest when I realized it attracted all the greedy OCSM's who will disappear once the contest is over.

Fucking spot on.....amazing how they come out of the woodwork when cash is flashed, and let's start taking bets on how quickly they vanish when this stupid thing is over.....I'm gonna go ahead and say IMMEDIATELY.

For the record, Chica and Vikki Vette are the Miss FreeOnes as far as I am concerned. Everyone else can piss off. My :2 cents: Take it or leave it, I don't give a fuck.


Official Checked Star Member
keep things on a positive note everyone. FreeOnes is an awesome place to hang out and you guys rock! besides my own forum, this is the only other one i spend time on and it's because there are so many cool peeps here.

there are some hit and run OCSM's but there are alot of dedicated ones like Sparky who you can always count on for a good time.

did someone say "boobs"!!!!



Trust me we are taking notes. This is our first time and allthough i think it is a fun ride sofar we will take a lot of suggestions in serious consideration.


If FreeOnes is planning to do this again I think it would be a good idea to find out why so many of the old and new OCSMs didn't participate in the contest.

Knowledge is power. There has to be a reason or two. :2 cents:
Hey Chica...thanks for the nice compliment and your tits look great...guys are lovin' it...glad someone else chimed in on this one :nanner:

keep things on a positive note everyone. FreeOnes is an awesome place to hang out and you guys rock! besides my own forum, this is the only other one i spend time on and it's because there are so many cool peeps here.

there are some hit and run OCSM's but there are alot of dedicated ones like Sparky who you can always count on for a good time.

did someone say "boobs"!!!!

Thanks...they're close to real but it sure was hard opening a beer or lighting a smoke...practically poked my eye out :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/elektra-knight said:
Elektra Knight[/URL][/B], post: 4257787, member: 376878"]I love the nails too.


to be honest, i think it would have been a better contest if you had to be a registered FreeOnes member in order to vote and if there wasn't prize money involved.

a good gesture would have been to pay the winners expenses to the award party but other than that, money just clouded a good intention.

just my :2 cents:

Chica's hot and she's right. :)

Money makes the world go round. :rolleyes: :crash:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
This contest definitely sucks on ice. It's about ten weeks too long. I honestly don't give a fuck who wins the money. Am I going to see a cut of the earnings? I'm leading towards a no on that.

The contest thread could be entertaining, but all five mob members post in it like overzealous little school girls and everybody avoids it like the plague. It is humorous that they think they're impacting the contest. I guess they don't realize that the majority of people voting are not members here. They can vote all they want, but it doesn't mean shit. I quit voting a long time ago and don't plan to participate anymore.