What if my avatar is Big Daddy Cool? Do you see me as him?
Apparently, I have an amazing rack and look surprisingly like Krystal Seal.
What if my avatar is Big Daddy Cool? Do you see me as him?
All the female OCSM's rub one out to my avatar so I'm fine with that.
I have to agree with you Dirk's had some of the best avatars ....What about mine Ike?? ...
so you seem me as a woody?
Goes without saying, although
I think of you by the character's
original name which Disney-Pixar
had to change when the movie
got slapped with an R-Rating,
namely, "Hardwood Sexboner"
I think you have found a new favourite gif, no?
A. She was immensely hittable back when she was certified JailBait
A. She was immensely hittable back when she was certified JailBait
B. Now I'm forced to post the shit out of it or it's like letting the terrorists win!