Search results

  1. busaguy79

    Can tits be too big for you?

    Tits be too big for me??? What kind of stupid question is that!? Of course not dammitt!!!
  2. busaguy79

    Cikita : The best Czech Model for you ?

    She is hot but all girls from the Czech republic are hot!
  3. busaguy79

    happy whooty wednesday

    Why Wednesday just went from eh, to fucking spectacular!! Thanks GreenEyed! :nanner:
  4. busaguy79

    I hate hot weather

    I love hot weather, better on my joints and lots of days to ride!
  5. busaguy79

    My new fishing spot! :nanner:
  6. busaguy79

    Bill Maher Wants To Celebrate Dick Cheney's Death

    Yes and he has lived up to it quite well! lol:nanner:
  7. busaguy79


    mmmmmmmm good stuff, especially all those empty beer cans full of tobacco spit!
  8. busaguy79

    Astonishing photographs which capture the American landscapes as never seen before

    Re: Astonishing photographs which capture the American landscapes as never seen befor Amazing shots! Thanks for posting these!
  9. busaguy79

    tomboy ffm

  10. busaguy79

    ESPN Drops Hank Williams Jr. Over Obama Remarks old article but shows people in the 'left' are just as guilty
  11. busaguy79

    ESPN Drops Hank Williams Jr. Over Obama Remarks

    lol I think Nazi is pretty much the go to word when you are talking about a political figure you are not a fan of
  12. busaguy79

    ESPN Drops Hank Williams Jr. Over Obama Remarks

    Well its messed up what he said but if it was a few years ago and he said the same about W. would he of been dropped??
  13. busaguy79

    Bill Maher Wants To Celebrate Dick Cheney's Death

    Bill Maher is a fucking tool, he hasn't been funny since 'Cannibal Women in the Avacado Jungle of Death" And Cheney is a fucking Dick, i'm a Republican (I do not go to church or thump a bible in any way or form!!) and he should pay for killing off the F-14 Tomcat!!
  14. busaguy79

    Most bad ass starship

  15. busaguy79

    Glands of Montgomery

    Gotta love the female body, full of wonders!!
  16. busaguy79

    Breast Milk

    Well one girl I was seeing for a while lactated and I have to say she tasted delicious and she got so turned on when I suckled on her! Made sex very hot!!
  17. busaguy79

    Should taxpayers fund stadiums and arenas for pro sports teams?

    Its entirly up to the voters in the area if they want their taxes raised a couple of percentage points to fund a new sports complex or race track, if done the area could see a big jump in revenue and a new job or two!
  18. busaguy79

    Who Would Win in a Fight?

    Not a lie my good friend, Chuck Norris would beat him down and fuck his mother while Juggernaut weeps like the new guy in prison after a shower gang rape!
  19. busaguy79

    Funny / Memorable Movie Lines. Post 'em!

    "This is what happens when you FUCK A STRANGER IN THE ASS!!" If you don't know what Movie this is from then I am very dissapointed in you!
  20. busaguy79

    Who Would Win in a Fight?

    Dude, sorry to burst your bubble but a Roundhouse kick by Good ol' Chuck will beat Juggernaut straight back into puberty!
  21. busaguy79

    Advice to the guys here avoid these 50 mistakes guys make while getting dressed

    I'm a Man therefore I don't need to stinking 50 step guide in getting dressed, I get clothes I put them on, I don't have clothes well I still got my b-day suit!
  22. busaguy79

    Who Would Win in a Fight?

    The Winner of this fight would be Chuck Norris every fucking time!!!
  23. busaguy79

    Biggest/worst lie you've ever told?

    Ummmm biggest lie ever told to me..... 'Its ok i'm on the pill'......yeah that was a lie! lol
  24. busaguy79

    Truly Galactic

    Very cool stuff! Love the wonders of space!
  25. busaguy79

    Most bad ass starship

    Dammit I was gonna say that! lol but this is my choice! ;)
  26. busaguy79


    yeah I was thinking the same thing, he'd be very dissapointed! lol
  27. busaguy79

    Shyla Stylez Melts Down

    I guess there is a point when every porn star hits a point where they really think if this is something they can continue, hopefully she can get through this and keep going on with her career and not call it a day!
  28. busaguy79


    ok the avatar stays then! lol
  29. busaguy79

    5 severed heads found in Mexico resort of Acapulco

    you need to talk to the guy with the sweater!
  30. busaguy79


    lol well if anyone wants to know what I look like just needs to ask ;)
  31. busaguy79

    Man Sues Canada Over Shattered Porn Dream

    What a douche!! The bad thing is in this day and age there are wayyyy too many people that think they will make it big in porn! It just doesn't happen!
  32. busaguy79

    5 severed heads found in Mexico resort of Acapulco

    Like I said a while back....'Come to Mexico and lose your fun!!!'
  33. busaguy79

    Grannies. No....

  34. busaguy79

    Briana Lee sent me an email... (pics)

    Goddamn she is fucking hot!!
  35. busaguy79

    When you get a pant-boner at your place of work, do you...

    I sport it, alot of desperate woman at work and they notice, oh yes they notice!!
  36. busaguy79

    Farmer throws scantily clad Rihanna off his land

    What a dumb ass farmer!! No wonder you guys are all losing your land!!
  37. busaguy79

    titty tuesday

    Well now you got erection evening off to a great start! lol :nanner: Really that is a very sexy pic!!
  38. busaguy79

    Haiku contest: win free passes to clubgreeneyed

    Hope mine is in contention! lol
  39. busaguy79

    vote for greeneyed in shakinit's booty shaking contest

    You'll get em next time kiddo! ;)
  40. busaguy79


    Not sure if it will really be fought, no one can really afford to economically or face the economic downfall if the world has a third free for all! But I have been wrong before!
  41. busaguy79

    Robocop Reboot

    The 80's are back!! The shitty economy and the movies too!!
  42. busaguy79

    Cum in Pussy vs cum in Mouth vs cum on face

    Yeah I am throbbing here as well! lol
  43. busaguy79

    Cum in Pussy vs cum in Mouth vs cum on face

    My pleasure!! Will be keeping an eye out for that contest! hehehehehe!!
  44. busaguy79

    Cum in Pussy vs cum in Mouth vs cum on face

    Oh I will do that, just saw your sample vid from your site and Jesus Christ you are hot!! I wanna be a winner!! lol :nanner:
  45. busaguy79

    Another reason to hate the EU.

    Really I mean you guys in Europe have never got along and you all thought Joining up trying to get along and be a continental USA was really going to truly work?? I lived in England for 6 years and saw many times how much Brussels was fucking you guys over!!
  46. busaguy79

    Cum in Pussy vs cum in Mouth vs cum on face

    lol yes it is I enjoy it very much! sigh......So what you doing later?? lol ;)
  47. busaguy79

    Scarface is going to be redone.

    I think we have reached a point that almost everything has been done to the point that most new movies have such a resemblence to some other movie that they will just take the old movies name in order to get more ticket sales!! The only 'original' ideas that seem to be coming out of Hollywood...
  48. busaguy79

    Cum in Pussy vs cum in Mouth vs cum on face

    Well if you ever need any help practicing please do let me know! :nanner: