old article but shows people in the 'left' are just as guilty
Bill Maher is a fucking tool, he hasn't been funny since 'Cannibal Women in the Avacado Jungle of Death"
And Cheney is a fucking Dick, i'm a Republican (I do not go to church or thump a bible in any way or form!!) and he should pay for killing off the F-14 Tomcat!!
Well one girl I was seeing for a while lactated and I have to say she tasted delicious and she got so turned on when I suckled on her! Made sex very hot!!
Its entirly up to the voters in the area if they want their taxes raised a couple of percentage points to fund a new sports complex or race track, if done the area could see a big jump in revenue and a new job or two!
Not a lie my good friend, Chuck Norris would beat him down and fuck his mother while Juggernaut weeps like the new guy in prison after a shower gang rape!
I'm a Man therefore I don't need to stinking 50 step guide in getting dressed, I get clothes I put them on, I don't have clothes well I still got my b-day suit!
I guess there is a point when every porn star hits a point where they really think if this is something they can continue, hopefully she can get through this and keep going on with her career and not call it a day!
What a douche!! The bad thing is in this day and age there are wayyyy too many people that think they will make it big in porn! It just doesn't happen!
Not sure if it will really be fought, no one can really afford to economically or face the economic downfall if the world has a third free for all! But I have been wrong before!
Really I mean you guys in Europe have never got along and you all thought Joining up trying to get along and be a continental USA was really going to truly work?? I lived in England for 6 years and saw many times how much Brussels was fucking you guys over!!
I think we have reached a point that almost everything has been done to the point that most new movies have such a resemblence to some other movie that they will just take the old movies name in order to get more ticket sales!!
The only 'original' ideas that seem to be coming out of Hollywood...