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  1. Crazy4theBrat

    Should the Government Stop the Construction of the "Ground Zero Mosque" ??

    I'm glad I answered correctly. Now I can proudly continue to whine constantly about the intrusion of big government and all Barrack Hussein Obama stands for. :elaugh:
  2. Crazy4theBrat

    Guys - pedicure question

    I agree. Maybe you can arrange for "happy endings" in the back room too if you're lucky. :nanner:
  3. Crazy4theBrat

    Is Doggy Style Degrading???

    Andrew "Dice" Clay handled this perfectly. One time he wanted to do his girlfriend doggy style and she asked him "Why doggy style? Don't you want to look at my face?". In typical Diceman style, he replied "I don't know. Your face, your ass...what's the difference!?!?!" I love the Diceman. :D
  4. Crazy4theBrat

    U.S. wasted billions in rebuilding Iraq

    GREAT post!!! It's amazing to think how many "enlightened" liberals could possibly have been duped by such a stupid, stupid, president. Yeah, it's all Bush's fault. :facepalm:
  5. Crazy4theBrat

    Iranian newspaper: Carla Bruni "Deserves to die"

    The "religion of Peace" strikes again. :lame:
  6. Crazy4theBrat

    64 y.o. Man Tased in His Own Home After Wife Calls Ambulance Because He Fell Down

    The cop and the old guy were BOTH wrong in this situation. Cop: You shouldn't need to taze an old guy with a heart condition. The cop exceeded "minimum necessary force" in this instance. Old Guy: If you have a heart condition, and even if you don't, it shouldn't take FIVE MINUTES of having...
  7. Crazy4theBrat

    Emmanuelle Chriqui, hot or not?

    She's hot as a pistol. I first saw her in the slasher movie "Wrong Turn". She has a voice that's kind of squeaky, and it's just really sexy. Her body isn't bad either.
  8. Crazy4theBrat

    Who is becoming your flavor of the month?

    I'm not into porn too much anymore. I'm more into mainstream celebs. The one I've been kind of getting into lately is Megan Fox. I never used to liked her because of all the tats, but she's just so hot I'm almost willing to overlook them. She's the best looking blue eyed brunette since...
  9. Crazy4theBrat

    Is A Gal With Huge Gums An Instant Turn-Off?

    Fairuza is sexy as all get out too, so my answer to the question would have to be no. Ultimately, I don't have a problem with big gums as long as those gums also have teeth in them.
  10. Crazy4theBrat

    Should the Government Stop the Construction of the "Ground Zero Mosque" ??

    Once again, this is yet another instance where we don't need the government sticking their nose in people's business making decisions for them. Even though I don't like the thought of a muslim "community center" being built near ground zero, they do have the right to build it and that right...
  11. Crazy4theBrat

    'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to poll

    Re: 'I can't have my birth certificate plastered on my forehead': Obama responds to p You can't cherry pick statistics to try and make your guy look better. What were interest rates when Reagan took over? What were they when Obama took over? How about the inflation rate? Reagan may not...
  12. Crazy4theBrat

    U.S. wasted billions in rebuilding Iraq

    If I spent the time looking up an example, you would probably just write it off as being right wing propoganda anyway. I think most reasonable people would believe that there is corruption in both parties in our government.
  13. Crazy4theBrat

    U.S. wasted billions in rebuilding Iraq

    I think what you fail to understand is that religion and government work hand in hand in these countries. Was Iraq directly responsible for 9/11? No. But I do remember Saddam spouting off right after the attacks on how happy he was that it happened, and he was giving glory to allah for the...
  14. Crazy4theBrat

    U.S. wasted billions in rebuilding Iraq

    I fixed that for you. ;) GOP'ers were no doubt grabbing for money, but you're fooling yourself if you don't think the democrats were just as anxious to do some of their own grabbing.
  15. Crazy4theBrat

    Missing woman found buried under piles of rubbish at her home after 4 month search

    Re: Missing woman found buried under piles of rubbish at her home after 4 month searc That was my first thought too. If a dog can't find a dead body, you're dealing with an incredible stench in that house.
  16. Crazy4theBrat

    Obama supports building a mosque at ground zero

    I see you are up to your usual form. You managed to call the guy a sap, a clown, and an F'ing idiot, all in one short post. So let me get this right. You actually believe the aim of the muslims here is to build a memorial center in memory of the 9/11 victims?
  17. Crazy4theBrat

    Robin Ryder / Robyn Ryder

    Re: new Welcome to Free Ones! What I would do is search for her in the "Favorite Babes and Fetishes" section. There is most likely a thread for her in there. Good luck and have fun on the site. :)
  18. Crazy4theBrat

    U.S. wasted billions in rebuilding Iraq

    Oh really?? Does this mean we can expect the rags to pay for the rebuilding of the World Trade Center Towers?
  19. Crazy4theBrat

    U.S. wasted billions in rebuilding Iraq

    Bush and the Republicans no doubt deserve their share of blame for this, but make no mistake, there were politicians on BOTH sides just standing in line to hand out construction funds to their buddies. Once their friends get the contract, the politician gets his share under the table. This is...
  20. Crazy4theBrat

    Obama supports building a mosque at ground zero

    This guy sums up the situation about as well as anyone I've heard. vjS0Novt3X4
  21. Crazy4theBrat

    Republican & Tea Bagger ~ImPloSiOn~ leading up to the 2010 Elections...

    This thread will be an enjoyable one to bump after the November elections. :elaugh:
  22. Crazy4theBrat

    The Government's New Right to Track Your Every Move by GPS

    I have to disagree with you on this one Trident. I want to catch Jihadists as much as anyone, but I'm not willing to slowly give up my freedom to do it. We can catch this slime without giving up our freedoms.
  23. Crazy4theBrat

    Would You?

    No thanks. That just wouldn't do anything for me.
  24. Crazy4theBrat

    Do you like Glen Beck?

    He's a conservative on Fox, so the chances are that I agree with a lot of his ideas, but I don't watch his show because I think he's kind of an odd ball.
  25. Crazy4theBrat

    And it begins... again... (muslim stabbed after being ID'd as such)

    I would just like to encourage all of you not to overreact to this news. Not all taxi passengers are violent extremists. It's just a small minority. Most of them are just yogurt eating peace lovers. :1orglaugh
  26. Crazy4theBrat

    You'll Never Catch Me In Mexico...EVER!

    Unfortunately it doesn't really matter if you go to Mexico or not. Mexico is coming to you.
  27. Crazy4theBrat

    U.S. talk show host who used the 'N' word 11 times to a black caller on the air quits

    Re: U.S. talk show host who used the 'N' word 11 times to a black caller on the air q Artie Lange's routine was pretty funny too: iwkCztQhPvY
  28. Crazy4theBrat

    Serious question re: cheating

    What do you guys think is cheating? Trying to cheat (does trying to hook up consitute cheating)? Cheating is not just the act, it's what is in the heart. Trying to cheat, even though you didn't accomplish the act, is still cheating. A kiss with another woman? Absolutely. An online...
  29. Crazy4theBrat

    Meet the Leaders of the anti-(not-at-Ground Zero) Mosque Movement

    I'm not judging muslims in third world countries. The ones I AM judging are those who come to America and either cause trouble, or do nothing. Here they enjoy freedom and rights that are almost inconceiveable in their homeland. More often than not, when they get here they also have the...
  30. Crazy4theBrat

    Sorry to hear what happened to your cat, Scott. At least the good news is he's starting to feel...

    Sorry to hear what happened to your cat, Scott. At least the good news is he's starting to feel better. I know how it is with pets. I have a dog, a boxer, and he's a great pal. It's going to be really rough when I lose him. Hopefully it won't be for a long time. I hope you still have some...
  31. Crazy4theBrat

    Meet the Leaders of the anti-(not-at-Ground Zero) Mosque Movement

    How is this irrelevant??? As I stated at the beginning of my post, I understand what their "rights" are, and I am not a proponent of anyone being denied their rights. I brought up a different issue. What about the issue I brought up? It's VERY relevant because if they would be willing to...
  32. Crazy4theBrat

    Muslim employee sues Disney for right to wear headscarf

    Just wait. It won't be long until some camel jockey brings up a suit because Mickey Mouse, Goofy, and Donald Duck aren't all wearing diapers on their heads. Mark my words. We have to draw a line in the sand on these people or they will push it until everyone in America gives up taking...
  33. Crazy4theBrat

    Meet the Leaders of the anti-(not-at-Ground Zero) Mosque Movement

    The theory that a lot of you are trying to sell on us is that most muslims are peace loving, reasonable people. This is pretty difficult to swallow when you hear that the koran preaches the message to muslims that infidels should either be converted or beheaded. Let's forget about that for the...
  34. Crazy4theBrat

    What is the first thing you notice when you look at woman?

    I love blondes, so the first thing I usually notice is the hair. After that, it's her face. If those two things are in order, I then check out everything else.
  35. Crazy4theBrat

    US Has Now Lost 75% of Guantanamo Cases

    Why is Guantanamo Bay still open? Wasn't Barrack Hussein Obama going to close it down very quickly after being elected? Is this yet another campaign promise on which he has failed to follow through?
  36. Crazy4theBrat

    Your Perfect Woman

    2 or 8 I wonder how many guys would have actually picked number 7 if she had basketball sized juggs?
  37. Crazy4theBrat

    Palin Defends Laura Schlessinger. The Country Mourns.

    Sure. Let's just hope the "game" is something a little more substantive than just calling her names and saying she is stupid.
  38. Crazy4theBrat

    Obama supports building a mosque at ground zero

    First of all, John Hagee is your typical "fire and brimstone" type of Southern Baptist minister. I don't agree with everything he says, but I do agree with most of it. He says that America will pay a price, and God will be the one exacting that price. We can all choose to believe that or not...
  39. Crazy4theBrat

    Palin Defends Laura Schlessinger. The Country Mourns.

    So by that reasoning, you believe that all women should be against the Constitution? :dunno: Forget it. I guess you answered my question in a post further down in the thread. I don't buy your theory about the Constitution being a flawed document, but whatever. We don't agree on much anyway. :)
  40. Crazy4theBrat

    Anytime buddy. You make a lot of sense. I hope you're also right about the Twins and Vikings...

    Anytime buddy. You make a lot of sense. I hope you're also right about the Twins and Vikings too. It should be a fun year to be a Minnesota sports fan.
  41. Crazy4theBrat

    Anytime buddy. You make a lot of sense. I hope you're also right about the Twins and Vikings...

    Anytime buddy. You make a lot of sense. I hope you're also right about the Twins and Vikings too. It should be a fun year to be a Minnesota sports fan.
  42. Crazy4theBrat

    Obama supports building a mosque at ground zero

    This statement right here is the whole problem. America is a country where government is seperate from religion. That is not the case in the muslim coutnries of the middle east, and the towelheads will stop at nothing - including mass murder, to make America like their countries.
  43. Crazy4theBrat

    A World Without Organized Religion

    Hitler was an athiest, and he wasn't what you could call the most peace loving person in the world. Without religion there would still be wars. They would just be fought for the bigwigs to gain more power over the little people.
  44. Crazy4theBrat

    Mummified fetuses found in trunk

    Too bad they didn't find this a couple years ago. Michael Jackson would have paid BIG money for it I bet.
  45. Crazy4theBrat

    40 virgins or one woman?

    Give me the 40 virgins anytime.
  46. Crazy4theBrat

    Alienware m11x

    I don't have one but I sure wish I did. Those are nice computers.
  47. Crazy4theBrat

    Which Countries Has The Best Looking Dark Haired Women?

    I'd say it's a tie between Italy and Brazil. Asia has a lot of beautiful women too. Any of the Asian countries have some real hotties.
  48. Crazy4theBrat

    Which Countries Have The Best Looking Blonde Women?

    You're right about Ukraine. If Ukraine had been on the list instead of Russia, I would have picked that as the top. I don't know what it is, but Ukrainian women have a look about them that I absolutely love.
  49. Crazy4theBrat

    Which Countries Have The Best Looking Blonde Women?

    Blonde women are gorgeous no matter where they come from, except of course, France. :1orglaugh