How could you guys of the anti religious far left political persuasion possibly advocate for a known far right wing persuasion of religious faith, a faith whose members have guaranteed that everybody must convert or die? Have the christians ever made such threats? You wouldn't defend them under any circumstances. I just don't understand where the connection is, is this where the extreme far left meets in harmony with extreme far right?
I plead with you, disclose your hidden agenda for all to see! Stop beating 'round the bush, be consistent! The muslim community sure as hell ain't gonna tolerate your risque progressivism, that's for damned sure, so why come to their defense?
Why would you be citing the Constitution of the United States of America as a means of defending your muslim fiends . . . err . . that's friends. Is it because the predominant number of people killed on 11 Sept., 2001 ended up being capitalist oriented people? No problem, you despise capitalists, the muslims despise capitalists.:dunno:
-or- Is it because the potus say's that it's OK to build a mosque in such close proximity to the site where approx 3k capitalists needlessly perished at the hands of radical extremist muslims, you must therefore march lock step with your freshman senator commander in chief? Other? :dunno:
There are a couple of things at work....
1. There is nothing rebuilt at Ground Zero (yet) and the idea that an Islamic Center would be built in the vicinity of Ground Zero before the "Freedom Tower" gets finished probably subconsciously rankles the Cheeze Whiz Eatin'/Nose-pickin'/NASCAR watchin'/Pickup Truck crowd.
2. "The Freedom Tower" is actually now called One World Trade Center because the Capitalists signed up a wonderful Chinese Real Estate company as a tenant... newspapers said the change came after board members voted to sign a 21-year lease deal with Vantone, a Chinese real estate giant, which will become the first commercial tenant at Ground Zero.
The negotiations with Vantone, which is closely affiliated with the Chinese Communist government, had nothing to do with the name change, Port Authority officials told the News, but was based primarily on bottom-line marketing considerations.
So, "values" get thrown aside for the almighty $$$ especially when it comes from the fist of a communist :thumbsup:
3. Isn't it convenient now that "The Freedom Tower" name has been "sold off" since it would be just a wee bit hypocritical (maybe even for Conservatives) to call something "The Freedom Tower" but not actually practice any kind of religious freedom in the area :eek::surprise::crying: