Obama supports building a mosque at ground zero

How could you guys of the anti religious far left political persuasion possibly advocate for a known far right wing persuasion of religious faith, a faith whose members have guaranteed that everybody must convert or die? Have the christians ever made such threats? You wouldn't defend them under any circumstances. I just don't understand where the connection is, is this where the extreme far left meets in harmony with extreme far right?
I plead with you, disclose your hidden agenda for all to see! Stop beating 'round the bush, be consistent! The muslim community sure as hell ain't gonna tolerate your risque progressivism, that's for damned sure, so why come to their defense?

Why would you be citing the Constitution of the United States of America as a means of defending your muslim fiends . . . err . . that's friends. Is it because the predominant number of people killed on 11 Sept., 2001 ended up being capitalist oriented people? No problem, you despise capitalists, the muslims despise capitalists.:dunno:
-or- Is it because the potus say's that it's OK to build a mosque in such close proximity to the site where approx 3k capitalists needlessly perished at the hands of radical extremist muslims, you must therefore march lock step with your freshman senator commander in chief? Other? :dunno:

There are a couple of things at work....
1. There is nothing rebuilt at Ground Zero (yet) and the idea that an Islamic Center would be built in the vicinity of Ground Zero before the "Freedom Tower" gets finished probably subconsciously rankles the Cheeze Whiz Eatin'/Nose-pickin'/NASCAR watchin'/Pickup Truck crowd.

2. "The Freedom Tower" is actually now called One World Trade Center because the Capitalists signed up a wonderful Chinese Real Estate company as a tenant...
The newspapers said the change came after board members voted to sign a 21-year lease deal with Vantone, a Chinese real estate giant, which will become the first commercial tenant at Ground Zero.

The negotiations with Vantone, which is closely affiliated with the Chinese Communist government, had nothing to do with the name change, Port Authority officials told the News, but was based primarily on bottom-line marketing considerations.
So, "values" get thrown aside for the almighty $$$ especially when it comes from the fist of a communist :thumbsup:

3. Isn't it convenient now that "The Freedom Tower" name has been "sold off" since it would be just a wee bit hypocritical (maybe even for Conservatives) to call something "The Freedom Tower" but not actually practice any kind of religious freedom in the area :eek::surprise::crying:
Instead of complaining about the mosque they should be complaining about the fact that its been nine years and ground zero remains empty.
They are! They are putting their lives on the line every day backing our policies.

Plenty do the will of a criminal enterprise...that's all we do know.

Some poor bastard planting a roadside bomb for money or fighting nationalistically against what they see as a foreign invader = automatic Islamist to you?:cool:

IOW, you're equally incorrigible.


Really they are? Well they need to do a hell of a lot more.

All we do know? No we have proof they've murdered for religious piety for decades let alone centuries.

Your so called "bastard fighting against a foreign invader" bit falls way short.

Foreign Islamists from Turkey, Chechnya and Pakistan have murdered for Allah in Afghanistan. They simply want to murder Westerners as we're "Crusaders" in their warped imagination.

So I'm as incorrigible as Hitler? Your treading a bit thin don't you think?

I'm a realist. If that's incorrigible to you then to bad.
Abdul Malik Executive Director to the Islamic Center says on his Facebook account:

"As-salamo alaykom .. I’ll try that again : As-salamo alaykom … I like the way that sounds, let me see it again : Salamo … As-salamo alaykom (wa alaykom es-salam wa rahmat Allah wa barakato) ! I look forward to hearing it out one day in the White House .. and then paint it black !

I want you to hear me very clearly : we must remember as Muslims, we submit and we surrender to nothing and no one : not the government, not the police, not the FBI, not the CIA. We submit and we surrender Allah alone, nothing else. Nothing else.

It is that we worship nothing, nothing except Allah and Allah alone. And there is a price for that, there are people who are giving their lives, so that you and I can have the privilege to say :

There is a price on the shahada, it’s not for free. There are people, from the beginning of time, who had die for this truth, that we say we want to be recipients up. We need to know that there’s a price that has to be paid if you want to walk with Allah.

I wish I had more time. I can tell you today brothers and sisters, the real terrorist, the real terrorist, are the people who profess to bring peace and democracy and liberation to the world. The blood of the innocent is all in their hands, and they are like vampires. They plan the death and the destruction of those whom they hate and despise. I’m telling you, make it to here after, make it to here after. Trust Allah, and don’t be intimidated. I tell American people everywhere I go : Islam cannot be stopped. And I tell people everywhere I go, they ask me the question : should Islam dominate or democracy? I tell them real simple, and this is my last comment to you, this is part of submission. I tell them real simple, there is a verse in the Quran : Allah says : it is He, Allah, who has sent his messenger, “bilhouda”, with the guidance that it may dominate and knock out the brains of falsehood, and that it may prevail even if the mushrikine despise it. Democracy is not revelation, and democracy does not equal freedom, for in democracy you have apartheid, you have slavery, you have homosexuality, you have lesbianism, you have gambling, you have all of the vices that are against the spirit of truth; so no we don’t want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy! That’s what we want. That’s what we want. And they play games with the mind of young people today. They wanna ask you : do you believe in the prophet Mohamed and he was married to a young girl name Aicha. And we start shaking : “the prophet Mohamed really married ** young, they evilly do it?” The same people that asked you that, they marry man onto man and woman onto woman! You’d better wake up ! You’ve got the best message and the best example, you’ve got to know that you are the lions of the jungle don’t turn in into a pussy-cat!

May Allah bless you, Salamou alaykoum"

Uh huh. Thank goodness you've got leftists as friends.
Oh, that looks authentic :facepalm:

:rofl: You have a career as a writer for "24" someday :thumbsup:

Hey Trident...pssst. I have this parcel of land in Florida. It will be worth a fortune someday, and I want to give you first dibs on it...
Oh, that looks authentic :facepalm:

:rofl: You have a career as a writer for "24" someday :thumbsup:

Hey Trident...pssst. I have this parcel of land in Florida. It will be worth a fortune someday, and I want to give you first dibs on it...


P.S. I lived in Florida for most of my life. I've since moved because that state is a dump.

Sell your proverbial property to a leftist. They'll believe anything. Better yet tell them you're a "Moderate" muslim.:clap:
Oh, that looks authentic :facepalm:

:rofl: You have a career as a writer for "24" someday :thumbsup:

Hey Trident...pssst. I have this parcel of land in Florida. It will be worth a fortune someday, and I want to give you first dibs on it...

I don't do the spacebook or myface junk but it wouldn't surprise me if it was a bogus entry or hijacked by someone.

But by the time it's figured someone from Tel-Aviv or Brooklyn actually hijacked and posted this...Fox News will have disseminated it to their wheat grass.:facepalm:

P.S. I lived in Florida for most of my life. I've since moved because that state is a dump.

Sell your proverbial property to a leftist. They'll believe anything. Better yet tell them you're a "Moderate" muslim.:clap:

So some religious boob posts some religious blather on his spacebook in 2009.:dunno:

Isn't that what they do?

I mean...do we really need to post every rant by some religious boob to demonstrate the absurdity of the importance of this???

P.S. I lived in Florida for most of my life. I've since moved because that state is a dump.

Sell your proverbial property to a leftist. They'll believe anything. Better yet tell them you're a "Moderate" muslim.:clap:

I'm still not sure what this post/facebook account means...in the big picture? :dunno: I pretty much give Facebook and wiki the same amount of credibility.

What if I told you that all organized religions were fraudulent? Even Islam. :yesyes: If we did a find/replace in the Quran and replaced "Allah" with "Jesus" how similar would the two texts read?

Why am I not surprised you used to live in Florida. ;) If that state is a "dump" today is it because Republicans have had control of it politically for years?
I included it as a look into the Mosque Center Executive Director's mindset. The guy's a tool.

Well Florida went belly up after the 80s. Too much contruction, too many friggin people and an upsurge in violent crime.

P.S. I really fuckin hate FSU.
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Slavery was legal in the South but does make it morally right.

Passing the local zoning for the Muslim Cultural Center near Ground Zero may be right but it is bad taste and morally right. We must stop it at all cost !
Abdul Malik Executive Director to the Islamic Center says on his Facebook account:

"...so no we don’t want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy! That’s what we want.

This statement right here is the whole problem. America is a country where government is seperate from religion. That is not the case in the muslim coutnries of the middle east, and the towelheads will stop at nothing - including mass murder, to make America like their countries.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
This statement right here is the whole problem. America is a country where government is seperate from religion. That is not the case in the muslim coutnries of the middle east, and the towelheads will stop at nothing - including mass murder, to make America like their countries.

Yes. This is why we must remain vigilant.
This statement right here is the whole problem. America is a country where government is seperate from religion. That is not the case in the muslim coutnries of the middle east, and the towelheads will stop at nothing - including mass murder, to make America like their countries.

Yes. This is why we must remain vigilant.

Do you honestly believe Christian or Catholic preachers or priests haven't made similar statements??? And this guy was a major contributor in the last election. Would you stop him from building a Church 600 yards (or ft or whatever) from GZ. He's basically say we are responsible and deserving of terrorism. BTW, hasn't Israel been divided already?
Do you honestly believe Christian or Catholic preachers or priests haven't made similar statements??? And this guy was a major contributor in the last election. Would you stop him from building a Church 600 yards (or ft or whatever) from GZ. He's basically say we are responsible and deserving of terrorism. BTW, hasn't Israel been divided already?

First of all, John Hagee is your typical "fire and brimstone" type of Southern Baptist minister. I don't agree with everything he says, but I do agree with most of it.

He says that America will pay a price, and God will be the one exacting that price. We can all choose to believe that or not.

The point is, as I've stated in several threads, that there is a HUGE difference between Christianity and islam. Muslims feel it is within their moral right to use violence to further the cause of their religion and way of life. Christians do not. Nowhere in that video did you hear John Hagee suggest that we should use violence to get our agenda across.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Do you honestly believe Christian or Catholic preachers or priests haven't made similar statements??? And this guy was a major contributor in the last election. Would you stop him from building a Church 600 yards (or ft or whatever) from GZ. He's basically say we are responsible and deserving of terrorism. BTW, hasn't Israel been divided already?

I'm not talking about that damn mosque. I'm talking about that insanely fanatical religion. And nobody is going to change my mind about that. Like I said no one can tell the difference between a sleeper cell of terrorists and a bunch of regular Muslims unless they're part of the intelligence community.
Do you honestly believe Christian or Catholic preachers or priests haven't made similar statements??? And this guy was a major contributor in the last election. Would you stop him from building a Church 600 yards (or ft or whatever) from GZ. He's basically say we are responsible and deserving of terrorism. BTW, hasn't Israel been divided already?

Hagee McGoo isn't building a mosque 606 feet from GZ. Nice try Mega.