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  1. Crazy4theBrat

    No good deed goes unpunished

    I hate to say it, but there is a reason hospitals are this way. They are probably trying to cut costs where they can because of the countless times they are put in a situation where they legally cannot. I have a good friend who is a nurse in a hospital emergency room, and the things he tells...
  2. Crazy4theBrat

    Mischa Barton

    She's such a beautiful girl it's sad to see some of these pics. She must be in a lot of pain. I hope she can overcome everything and get her life together before too long. She's breathtaking when she's looking her best.
  3. Crazy4theBrat

    Why is Got Gisele so popular?

    That's one of the reasons I like her. :)
  4. Crazy4theBrat

    I got into a fight with a neocon on facebook today...

    I can't believe it! Hellraiser must be the guy. I never thought I'd find out who it was. You're the one who voted for Carter and then for Mondale in those two presidential elections against Reagan.
  5. Crazy4theBrat

    Lucy Pinder:The Most Perfect Girl?

    She's ok. She's too big and too chubby for my tastes.
  6. Crazy4theBrat

    Why is Got Gisele so popular?

    She's very sexy, but I only have one question and that is why does she call herself "Got Giselle"? That sounds more like a question than a name. :dunno:
  7. Crazy4theBrat

    Should The Pope Face Charges? (for harboring pedos)

    Why? The Catholic church doesn't have a problem with gambling. I think you're confusing him with a Baptist. Not at all. The Church has bingo games for fund raisers sometimes.
  8. Crazy4theBrat

    The Growth in Income Inequality, 1979-2007 (Chart)

    Please explain why you feel that narrowing the gap between top and bottom should be the goal of any public policy. Why do you feel it's necessary to take away from the "haves" to help the "have nots"?
  9. Crazy4theBrat

    What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)

    Porsche 911 Turbo Click Image to Enlarge Adult Image Hosting
  10. Crazy4theBrat

    British teenager banned from America for sending Barack Obama abusive email

    Something tells me there is a little more to the story than what is being reported. Could it be that the kid did a little more than just call Barrack Hussein Obama a name? I think so.
  11. Crazy4theBrat

    The Growth in Income Inequality, 1979-2007 (Chart)

    Does it come as a surprise that the rich have gotten richer? If it does, maybe your thinking is what's keeping you poor. The rich have an advantage when they start making money because they can start making their money work for them. The "poor" usually do nothing but trade hours of their...
  12. Crazy4theBrat

    Choose Your "Trophy Fucks"

    Re: Which 5 girls would you like to fuck the most? Elisha Cuthbert Ashley Olsen Kate Beckinsale Jessica Alba LeAnn Rimes
  13. Crazy4theBrat

    Republican candidate's bizarre speech becomes internet hit

    Fortunately for the Republican party, Al Gore and John Kerry did too. :nanner: This guy is a real oddball. I hope he doesn't get elected. Who needs a guy like that in office for either party?
  14. Crazy4theBrat

    Saudi diplomat seeking asylum: 'My life is in danger'

    No surprise. Just more love being spread by the "religion of peace". They are such lovely human beings.
  15. Crazy4theBrat

    why don't asian girls shave pussy?

    To each, his own.
  16. Crazy4theBrat

    Anyone else tired of political ads?

    McCain looks like Al Jolsen in that picture. :rofl:
  17. Crazy4theBrat

    which would you rather see eradicated, cancer or AIDS?

    The way I see it, the reason so many of those people are starving and living in filth is not because the planet lacks adequate resources to support them. It is usually because of political reasons or because some areas of the world still haven't learned the technologies needed to support a...
  18. Crazy4theBrat

    Your very own Obama BINGO card

    There are a lot of other factors to consider when looking at the economy than just unemployment. One again, you are trying to cherry pick the issues to bolster your side when discussing Barrack Hussein Obama vs. Ronald Reagan, as if it were even a debate at this point. Mr. Obama, we knew...
  19. Crazy4theBrat

    Family in Tom Brady's car accident rips media

    I have two questions for this loser: 1) Why would you expect Tom Brady or the Patriots to "reach out" to you when YOU were responsible for the accident? 2) Are any of you even supposed to be in this country? Let me see your green cards.
  20. Crazy4theBrat

    which would you rather see eradicated, cancer or AIDS?

    It might seem like that if you live in California, but there is PLENTY of room for a lot more people in this world. I'd rather get rid of cancer. That takes out a lot more innocent people.
  21. Crazy4theBrat

    why don't asian girls shave pussy?

    In Asia shaving must not be a temporary fad like it is in the West.
  22. Crazy4theBrat

    Kickoff too the NFL season!!!!

    The Vikings were the better team in last year's game. They outplayed the Saints in most areas of the game, and this time around they are mad. I see a pretty convincing Vikings victory of between one and a half to two touchdowns.
  23. Crazy4theBrat

    Do people use desktop computers anymore?

    I have two laptops and one desktop. All three of them are around 7-8 years old, so I'm planning to buy a new computer pretty soon. I've been thinking I will probably go with a desktop this time because you can get more performance for the money.
  24. Crazy4theBrat

    Scarlett Johansson

    Re: Scarlett Johansson really is sooo pretty I'm kind of with you in this. A lot of guys love her, but for some reason I just can't get excited about her face. She seems very average looking to me. She does have an amazing rack though. I'll give her that.
  25. Crazy4theBrat

    The United States of Inequality

    I think it all evens out for the most part. Many of the country's most successful people were born in poorer surroundings. Most of them will tell you that it made them stronger. It made them want success more, and consequently, they put in the work to reach their goals. While being born into...
  26. Crazy4theBrat

    Whose Face Do You Wanna Cream?

    Osama Bin Laden
  27. Crazy4theBrat

    So, you are dead,......what if someone finds your stack of digital porn?

    If there is as much fine pussy waiting for me in heaven as I'm hoping there is, what's left back here on my hard drive is the least of my worries. Where it will get a little sticky is when everyone gets up there and finds out about my stable of 100 or more of my favorite celebrities. :D
  28. Crazy4theBrat

    Church Plans Quran-Burning Event

    Why? Were you downwind?
  29. Crazy4theBrat

    Taliban Go Bye Bye Courtesy of SAS

    Ooh Rah!!
  30. Crazy4theBrat

    The Republican Dirty Tricks Thread 2010

    That's your opinion. You must have conveniently forgotten the Clinton administration - one of the most corrupt in decades.
  31. Crazy4theBrat

    The United States of Inequality

    The United States does not, and should not, guarantee equality of wealth. It should guarantee equality of OPPORTUNITY. I once heard a theory that surprised me at first, but after thinking about it, I believe it to be quite true for the most part. The theory is that you could take all the...
  32. Crazy4theBrat

    Too Hairy?

    She is amazing. I picked the third option because I like a nice muff, but I wouldn't mind if she did a little trimming around the outer lips so that if she wore a bikini there wouldn't be any hair sticking out the sides.
  33. Crazy4theBrat

    Islam uber Deutchland

    Muslim terrorists seem to think the "good old days" never ended. They need to be stopped before they start flying airplanes into buildings in German cities. Speaking of the "good old days", you'd think that the countries of western Europe would have learned better than anyone the dangers of...
  34. Crazy4theBrat

    Countdown to largest tax hike in history

    Barrack Hussein Obama takes another step in his plan to "spread it around". This is just the beginning of what we can expect if BHO has his way. I have owned two businesses in my life, and I have to say that these new tax increases really motivate me to go out and start another one in order...
  35. Crazy4theBrat

    Islam uber Deutchland

    Germany of all places should have the perfect "solution" to islamic extremists who they catch in training camps. Germany has some old "camps" of their own that can be reopened for the purpose of housing their muslim extremist terrorist types.
  36. Crazy4theBrat

    sexiest uniform

    Cheerleader uniforms are my favorite
  37. Crazy4theBrat

    Bad Blowjob / Bad Blowjobs / Bad BJs / Bad Head?

    Re: Bad blowjob? I've had some that were pretty closely bordering on bad. The main thing is that, while most are not bad, some are MUCH better than others.
  38. Crazy4theBrat

    Awe-inspiring sight as hundreds of thousands of Muslims gather at Mecca for Ramadan

    Re: Awe-inspiring sight as hundreds of thousands of Muslims gather at Mecca for Ramad Only the Church Lady could sum up this "inspiring" occasion: "Well isn't that special?"
  39. Crazy4theBrat

    US soldiers play 'prank' on Iraqi motorist - by planting a LIVE grenade in his car

    Re: US soldiers play 'prank' on Iraqi motorist - by planting a LIVE grenade in his ca Is this really a story? Big deal. The guy was just joking around with the guy. It's not like he had the grenade set up as a booby trap when the guy opened the trunk or anything like that. This is...
  40. Crazy4theBrat

    US Cartoon of Mexican Flag Draws Ire

    That's just what I figured. Typical bleeding heart liberal. You like to look down your nose at the rest of us, but when someone asks something of you, you're nowhere to be found. I'm sure the Mexicans who are living in squalor due to mass corruption in their government police department, and...
  41. Crazy4theBrat

    US Cartoon of Mexican Flag Draws Ire

    It would certainly solve some of it. What do YOU suggest? I'm sure we would all love to hear some of your wisdom on the subject.
  42. Crazy4theBrat

    Tatoos on women?

    Putting a tattoo on a beautiful woman is like defacing a work of art. Tattoos are NEVER a good thing on a woman. They make women look cheap. It's the equivalent of some street punk spray painting graffiti on a Ferrari.
  43. Crazy4theBrat

    US Cartoon of Mexican Flag Draws Ire

    Mexicans should spend less time worrying about an American artist using the symbols of drug violence to taint their national symbol and worry a lot MORE about their own countrymen tainting their actual country with drug violence. If they would clean up their own back yard, maybe they wouldn't...
  44. Crazy4theBrat

    Meet the Tea Party--same as all the other U.S. political parties...

    Actually, Reagan DID increase revenues by decreasing taxes. The deficit did not go down during the Reagan years because he was in the process of fighting and winning a Cold War. Still, Reagan's tax cuts did bring in more money. To be fair, tax rates were considerably higher when Reagan took...
  45. Crazy4theBrat

    First glimpse at President Obama's revamped and thoroughly modern Oval Office

    The Bush and Obama oval offices were both a departure from the style chosen by Bill Clinton:
  46. Crazy4theBrat

    Why are some of you asshats so obssessed with women's feet?

    What happened to Blue Countach anyway? I haven't seen him around here for a while now.
  47. Crazy4theBrat

    Woman severely burned after acid-like liquid thrown into her face by total stranger

    Re: Woman severely burned after acid-like liquid thrown into her face by total strang There are some sick people in the world. I wonder if this was racially motivated? Maybe it should be treated as a hate crime when sentencing time comes around.
  48. Crazy4theBrat

    Have you been to Egypt before or any arabic country

    I've never been to any of those countries, and have absolutely no desire to ever visit them.
  49. Crazy4theBrat

    NWO-Illuminati, Bilderberg, FedR,Zionist, CFR, 9/11, Trilateral Commision [Agenda 21]

    Re: NWO-Illuminati, Bilderberg, FedR,Zionist, CFR, 9/11, Trilateral Commision [Agenda I think there is something to some of these theories. It's just hard to say how much.
  50. Crazy4theBrat

    Oil Rig Explodes In Gulf...AGAIN

    Which coasts do you know of that have been "ruined"?