I hate to say it, but there is a reason hospitals are this way. They are probably trying to cut costs where they can because of the countless times they are put in a situation where they legally cannot.
I have a good friend who is a nurse in a hospital emergency room, and the things he tells me would absolutely turn your stomach.
He estimates that 2/3 of the people who come into the ER there have no reason to be there. They try to find excuses to go in for the sole purpose of obtaining drugs. These are welfare slugs who will go in at the drop of the hat for such small things as an alleged sore throat, a tooth ache, or an ear ache.
On top of that, guess how these people get to the hospital? Do they drive, get a ride from a friend or relative, take a taxi, or take the bus? They could take those modes of transportation to get there, but no. They call 911 and have an ambulance pick them up! Then the county gets charged for the transportation for their drug run. The reason for this is because, for them, an ambulance ride is free. They would have to pay for a taxi or bus.
Keep in mind, that this is TWO THIRDS of the patients who come to the emergency room.
On top of that, the ER is now being charged with having to deal with drunks. The cops bring them to the ER so they don't have to deal with them themselves. The problem with this is that by law, the hospital has to then run any number of tests on them. Who pays for that? It is usually written off as a loss by the hospital because the losers don't have insurance.
I could literally write a book about the things my friend has told me. It never ends.
Unfortunately, then when a decent person, who actually has insurance, comes in and needs care, it isn't as good as it could/should otherwise be. We shouldn't be blaming the hospitals. We should be blaming all the welfare cases who are abusing the system, and the bleeding heart bureaucrats who are allowing it all to happen.
I hate to say it but your friend is full of shit.
The very reason that the hospital in this case is waiting to bill the kid's mother is so that she can sign him up for the Illinois children health care program: "welfare". What your friend either doesn't know or is lying about is that people on "welfare" (depending on what kind of "welfare" we're talking about: SSI, Medicaid, VA disability, ADC, etc.) generally have government paid health coverage, so the hospital isn't out a dime when treating them. With someone like me, my insurance is going to pay 80% max and they have to hope that I'll pay the 20% balance. Medicaid generally pays 100% of the allowable charges.
As for those who actually don't have insurance, what requires this? I wonder which President it was that signed into law the measure which requires all hospitals with emergency rooms to treat/stabilize ANY and ALL patients who enter, regardless of the patient's ability to pay, citizenship or immigration status? I bet it was the same left wing, liberal rascal who nationalized Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company and also gave amnesty to illegal immigrants. What was his name again? Uh, Ronald something or another... "Raygun" maybe? :dunno:
After my father had died, my mother got a harassing phone call from some shit brick in the local hospital's billing office. They'd forgotten to include $20 for an aspirin or some kind of pill on his bill and it was now too late to submit it, since he was dead! They claimed
she was responsible. So I called these lowlife bastards and told them that
I was responsible for his affairs as I was the executor. And I wasn't paying them the first nickel. But what I would do is bring my D.C. attorney to that sad Cornfield County excuse for a hospital and call my friends at the local newspaper and see if I couldn't generate some press for them. I asked this silly bitch to spell her name for me so that it would be right in the newspaper story. She hung up and we never heard from them again.
I have ZERO sympathy for any thieving bastards who cry poverty while they charge $20 for an aspirin. True, there are good people in ER's and other parts of some/most hospitals. But I know people who work in hospitals too. And there's enough fat in most of them that someone like me could reduce the staff in many by 20% or more, get the other 80% off their fat, lazy, coffee drinking asses, hold them ALL responsible for their actions and the damn place would be in the black within two quarters. Yeah, it's a tough job. But like other tough jobs, no one has a gun held to their heads forcing them to do it.
But now, I do agree with you that there are people who take advantage of the system as it currently is. I don't believe that 2/3's B.S. anymore than I believe in Santa Claus. But I'm sure the number of uninsured people (whether they need care or not) who cannot/will not pay is quite high. So some hospitals are being forced to close and others are discontinuing emergency room facilities on their campuses... which exempts them from the law that Ronald Reagan signed back in the 80's.