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  1. SabrinaDeep

    The Kalergi Plan

    Translation of an Italian article about the Kalergi plan: Some people start voicing their concerns, though, all over Europe. Here is a small excerpt of what's going on throughout Europe in the last couple of months:
  2. SabrinaDeep

    John McAfee: Ashley Madison

    Wow, the part where it says that assuming that a woman has done the job is misogynist and offensive is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. Political correctness' idiocy never cease to amaze me. Anyway, death penalty? Homicide? I hope not. Let's get back to earth. If you kill yourself because...
  3. SabrinaDeep

    US Marines thwart a gunman on a Paris-bound train.

    Shush! Don't be islamophobic. The poor guy was probably just trying to make a bit of noise to celebrate his first high speed train trip in Palestinian style. Stupid intolerant infidels, always putting themselves in the line of fiire. And what were American Marines doing on a train from dutchland...
  4. SabrinaDeep

    Trump Says 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional

    I wasn't try to prove anything, but merely suggesting the reason (right or wrong) why Trump played the unconstitutional card for the 14th amendment and pointing out that parts of any constitutions can indeed be unconstitutional. I'm not interested in US politics, but just in their foreign politics.
  5. SabrinaDeep

    Trump Says 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional

    I think he refers to this: No such amendment was ever legally ratified by three fourths of the States of the Union as required by the Constitution itself. Therefore it could be unconstitutional. Right or wrong that it would be to delete it, Trump didn't make an outrageous statement from a...
  6. SabrinaDeep

    Care worker jailed for 10 years for filming herself sexually abusing patients as old as 101

    The gene of sickness has no gender, really. Read more:
  7. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood Polls More Popular than the NRA and Both Parties

    Threads have a history. I haven't derailed.
  8. SabrinaDeep

    Redefining Rape - The Republican Agenda

    She can't show you. She has been banned from this thread for the inciting violence statement (i suppose) and now she is spitting venom on the other thread at...
  9. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood Polls More Popular than the NRA and Both Parties

    I see you quoted there. Where did you get that quote from? Link please. Too easy misquoting on a different thread so that people reading for the first time believe your bullshit. You are an unscrupulous liar. To yourself first of all. Nobody said that it should be made it harder to prosecute...
  10. SabrinaDeep

    Redefining Rape - The Republican Agenda

    I'm not a prosecutor. I simply believe in presumption of innocence. If you guys support the presumption of guilt, stop complaining about Guantanamo, black people shot by police and other shit like that which is ruining our society. It's the jury's duty to tell us if someone is guilty or not of...
  11. SabrinaDeep

    Redefining Rape - The Republican Agenda

    What is that you don't understand about ALL RAPISTS SHOULD ROT IN JAIL? Everybody has said so and agreed about it. What is that you don't understand about it? You keep calling names and inciting violence against relatives of people who have said that ALL RAPISTS SHOULD ROT IN JAIL. You're a...
  12. SabrinaDeep

    Redefining Rape - The Republican Agenda

    Men are bad and offenders, women are great (note, i haven't said good...they are great). There's no point in discussing any further. Take it or leave it. I know now the usual feminists will say "nobody said that..." but that's exactly the message that came through. If they didn't mean that men...
  13. SabrinaDeep

    Redefining Rape - The Republican Agenda

    Well, maybe your son will be part of one of those tiny % of men (8% in the US according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report and the United States Department of Justice - tiny my ass) who are accused of rape wrongly one day. We'll see then whom he'll think the bitch is. Oh are you saying that if it...
  14. SabrinaDeep

    Redefining Rape - The Republican Agenda

    So it's a necessary evil to have men going to jail and being ruined unjustly. As i suspected. Hurrah for the liberals.
  15. SabrinaDeep

    Redefining Rape - The Republican Agenda

    That fact that you have been raped is irrelevant, although i feel for you. Rape is shit and rapists should rot in jail. I haven't seen anybody on this thread disagreeing with this. Once we have established this, though, could you enlighten us on your position over men unjustly paying for false...
  16. SabrinaDeep

    Redefining Rape - The Republican Agenda

    Are you saying that abortionists are forced to have sex and get pregnant, in the majority of cases? I think we are losing it. The Holy Spirit impregnated one woman only once if you believe that. It's not about forcing children into the world, it is about enforcing people's responsibilities. If...
  17. SabrinaDeep

    Redefining Rape - The Republican Agenda

    It's irrelevant if i have been raped or not. I'm just saying that when possible i don't want to send a man to jail and ruin his life because a cunt of a woman got drunk with him, took it happily up her twat and the day after got assaulted by prudish remorse and played the rape card. Even if...
  18. SabrinaDeep

    Redefining Rape - The Republican Agenda

    Put like this sounds awful. However, rape is rape, but no rape is no rape as well. Someone can't be raped just because she says so. I hope we all agree that some evidence is needed that a rape has happened. Personally i don't think that if a woman gets willingly drunk and then fucks a man and...
  19. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood Polls More Popular than the NRA and Both Parties

    Ok, so you cannot understand the difference between a citation for marketing purpose and bragging solely based on your own opinion...fair enough. Even assuming that mine too was just pure bragging, you can brag about your youtube channel because in your opinion is the best of all time, while i...
  20. SabrinaDeep

    The Middle-East music

    Real goddam Finnish treasure
  21. SabrinaDeep

    Jesus said that he will be back

    No, only Mariah with her fake boobs is. Talk about morons.
  22. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood Polls More Popular than the NRA and Both Parties

    It's a quote from Howard Stern and i didn't self proclaim myself. However, The Best Foodie Thread of All Time! The Best Youtube Channel of All Time! camping on your sig show once more the kind of person that you are: telling people not to smoke while you are casually lighting a cigarette.
  23. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood Polls More Popular than the NRA and Both Parties

    What happens when you disagree with Mariah? That you know NOTHING. What happens when you criticize Obama? That you are a RACIST. What happens when you are critic towards Islam? That you are ISLAMOPHOBIC. What happens when you show concern about abortion? That you are an IDIOT. What happens if...
  24. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood Polls More Popular than the NRA and Both Parties

    I thought you loved animals with sharp teeth. :dunno:
  25. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood Polls More Popular than the NRA and Both Parties

    Can you post that one on your Twitter too, please? I'm try to find a new home for the kitten in the pic.
  26. SabrinaDeep

    another attention seeking unnattractive feminist promoting free bleeding

    Yeah i hate myself. And it's your fault.
  27. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood still running. SUCK IT REPUBLICANS

    Why don't you tell us why against-life people get all prude about hunting, first?
  28. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood Polls More Popular than the NRA and Both Parties

    When people have nothing to say they tend to try and being funny. Try. Keep trying. You'll get the joke before or after.
  29. SabrinaDeep

    another attention seeking unnattractive feminist promoting free bleeding

    Oh that's why men skidmark their panties all the time: to raise awareness about men who have no access to toilet paper. And i thought that it was gross... Well, if Miss Kiran will ever invite me for a cup of tea at her house when i have my period i will make sure not to wear a tampon when i sit...
  30. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood Polls More Popular than the NRA and Both Parties

    Quite a few. And offset too. Never looked specifically for it though. My mindset is about fucking men and/or socializing with them and the color is not even secondary. That's why the whole racist card upsets me. We'll never get out of it until the color affects any of our judgement. Stupid is...
  31. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood Polls More Popular than the NRA and Both Parties

    Since when being a rich white man is a discriminant? I thought liberals were very careful in choosing words. So, one can say that some people don't want a poor black man in Washington telling them what they can and cannot do without being called a racist? gotta love the "liberals"...
  32. SabrinaDeep

    ugly feminist claim air conditioning is sexist

    I don't know...i'm always cold too. In winter i love to stay heated and my husband can't stand the heat, but he just gets naked or almost and doesn't call me sexist. Since in an office i assume that a suit is almost mandatory for men, that journalist could simply put something on if she feels...
  33. SabrinaDeep

    ugly feminist claim air conditioning is sexist

    I was referring mostly to that. Mariah posted about the pussyfication of men a few days ago and here it is explained.
  34. SabrinaDeep

    ugly feminist claim air conditioning is sexist

    Sad is that more people than you think will have at least the doubt that she might be right. This is what happen when you hire people based on politically correct and not fit for the job.
  35. SabrinaDeep

    Bullshit Behind Attack on Planned Parenthood

    The baby who was born at 20 week lived outside of her mother. He is still alive and well. Abortion is legal at 20th week in the majority of the US. Try again.
  36. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood still running. SUCK IT REPUBLICANS

    Like biting your nails. Is it legal in all states, in the USA? I wouldn't want to get arrested for murdering my nails, when i visit. It's a living human being for goo's sake. You take it out of your womb and it's alive, formed, with arms, legs a head....fuck the tissue.
  37. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood still running. SUCK IT REPUBLICANS

    You shouldn't be ashamed to have had an abortion. I'm sure you're still have to deal with it these days and you did what you thought it was best those days. Nobody attacks you for that (to the contrary) and i never talked about shame or anything like that. I've even said that i have problems...
  38. SabrinaDeep

    Bullshit Behind Attack on Planned Parenthood

    Oh my fucking God....i knew changed your mind already. I wanna cry.
  39. SabrinaDeep

    Bullshit Behind Attack on Planned Parenthood You're not a cutie yourself these days. Said by someone who is slimmer than intelligent i take it as a compliment ;) Oh i assume you were joking, so i am joking too, eh ;)
  40. SabrinaDeep

    Bullshit Behind Attack on Planned Parenthood

    On another thread you went on and on saying that abortion is not killing a human life making stupid comparisons between sperm and a 20 weeks old baby. Now you claim that nobody debates that a fetus is a living thing (a human one, let me add). You are a disaster. Anyway, i'm glad that we finally...
  41. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood still running. SUCK IT REPUBLICANS

    It's not nonsense. It's the meaning of words. Performing abortion where it is legal is not murdering. If it was murdering it wouldn't be legal. It is killing though. Do we agree, finally? Is abortion killing a human life? You finally got it? Wanna stay with murder? Even worse: now you are saying...
  42. SabrinaDeep

    Planned Parenthood still running. SUCK IT REPUBLICANS

    Keep being a fool, Mariah: Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. Killing: an act of causing death, especially deliberately. That's why abortion is legal. If it wasn't, you would be a murderer and you would go to jail. According to the law you are not a...
  43. SabrinaDeep

    Bullshit Behind Attack on Planned Parenthood

    Oh she is going to ask you to prove it and if you don't bring enough dem scientist to back your statement up she'll dismiss the others as rubbish and she'll tell you that last night she was in a restaurant where they recognized her and took her into the kitchen to cook something awesome...