Redefining Rape - The Republican Agenda

I should've known that I couldn't open a thread about rape on here without almost every guys biggest concern being false rape reports..
something men sure do like to pretend happens a lot more than it does, so that they can easily question the validity of rape claims. Innocent until proven guilty.. unless you're a female victim! Right? Because we all know rape & assault victims regularly have their character and lives scrutinized.

Let me clarify- I believe reporting a false rape is heinous and should be punishable.
But I think people have honestly become totally fucking delusional when it comes to how often that actually happens.

The only person here claiming the frequency of how often false rape happens is liberallover when she claims it's a "very small %" which I think is delusional, but no one is saying it's an epidemic of lying bitches nor are they saying that we should automatically assume they lying. All we're saying is we want to see the lying cunts punished. THAT IS ALL. And yes it IS a big concern to us men because it is something that we have to be fearful of and it will CONTINUE to be a big deal for us, and the reason for this is because these bitches DON'T FACE PROSECUTION, or hardly ever do, and in essence have no real reason not do it if they don't just get the urge. Think about how fucked up things were in the past when men were able to either get away with beating their wives or suffer very little punishment for it. Nobody is assuming that when a woman cries rape that she's automatically lying. At least, I don't. But I will be damned if I automatically believe her too. Fuck that noise.


Official Checked Star Member
Men are bad and offenders, women are great (note, i haven't said good...they are great). There's no point in discussing any further. Take it or leave it. I know now the usual feminists will say "nobody said that..." but that's exactly the message that came through. If they didn't mean that men are bad, they would have simply said and agreed that rapists should rot in jail as well as those women who make false accusations and ruin people's lives. But no; instead they need to keep reminding us of how many women get raped and don't report it (based on what, nobody knows if it hasn't been reported, but this is a different matter) as if we said for a second that rape doesn't exist and so don't women being raped. It's always something like "nobody said that, but...". There is always a "but" in feminists statements when it comes to justice, depending on the victim/offender gender, to prove once more that the term "feminism" means female supremacy and it has nothing to do with equal rights and some other bs like that.

For me a rapist should rot in jail.
For me a person who makes false accusations of rape shall rot in jail.
Clear and simple. There is no but or that's more frequent than the other or the other is better than that or bla bla bla. They are both very bad crimes which share the same very bad outcome for the victim: a ruined life. I don't give a shit about the victim/offender genders. I want justice.
If all the feminists in here will reply quoting and stating "I agree" then i guess we would be done and we could all move to the next thread. If this is not going to happen, i take it that you are just interested in justice for women so i won't take lessons on equal rights from you girls (and boys).

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I should've known that I couldn't open a thread about rape on here without almost every guys biggest concern being false rape reports..
something men sure do like to pretend happens a lot more than it does, so that they can easily question the validity of rape claims. Innocent until proven guilty.. unless you're a female victim! Right? Because we all know rape & assault victims regularly have their character and lives scrutinized.

Let me clarify- I believe reporting a false rape is heinous and should be punishable.
But I think people have honestly become totally fucking delusional when it comes to how often that actually happens.

From RAINN with references from the Justice Department & FBI:

NSVRC & FBI say false rape reports make up about 2-8%, that's about THE SAME PERCENTAGE FOR OTHER FELONIES. (Stanford MAAN)
So I'll take that issue more seriously when every time someone reports getting robbed, everyone claims false robbery!

I would very much like to address rape against males with respect and consideration as well, as I've seen plenty of posts on FreeOnes directly where a man in an article reported a rape and a bunch of people on here all huddled together to talk about how "lucky" he was.. even if the male is an underage kid.

I think you may want to consider the fact that, the op, generally NEVER starts a thread with the intent of discussing things in a rational, and logical manor, but rather intends to inflame, and bait. Perhaps, the discussion of this vile subject would be more on the reasonable side if it were started by someone with far less attitude, and arrogance towards anyone, and anything that is contrary to their beliefs. I think if you look back over this section, I think you will see what I'm saying.
I read this and it sickened me. It sickens me that men can try to use rape of all things to twist legislation to work in their stupid religious agenda and at the cost of victims of the most horrible crime that exists to common people. Until you've experienced, you don't have the right to speak about it. Period. Look what Ari posted, the % of false claims is between 3 and 8% that isn't a small percent to you???????? so the other 90% can just deal with it and shut the fuck up right?

You are all fucking twisted if you don't think that this is ridiculous. Without saying that I hope all your wives and daughters are raped to show you the light, you best hope because I can tell you it's horrible and changes your life forever.

I've refuted her points for weeks. She just repeats the same nonsense mantra without even reading what she's replying to. She replies with the same shit. no new response. she throws the baby out with the bath water and takes everything out of context.
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Official Checked Star Member
I read this and it sickened me. It sickens me that men can try to use rape of all things to twist legislation to work in their stupid religious agenda and at the cost of victims of the most horrible crime that exists to common people. Until you've experienced, you don't have the right to speak about it. Period. Look what Ari posted, the % of false claims is between 3 and 8% that isn't a small percent to you???????? so the other 90% can just deal with it and shut the fuck up right?

You are all fucking twisted if you don't think that this is ridiculous. Without saying that I hope all your wives and daughters are raped to show you the light, you best hope because I can tell you it's horrible and changes your life forever.

What is that you don't understand about ALL RAPISTS SHOULD ROT IN JAIL? Everybody has said so and agreed about it. What is that you don't understand about it? You keep calling names and inciting violence against relatives of people who have said that
ALL RAPISTS SHOULD ROT IN JAIL. You're a fool. You should seek help.

she throws the baby out with the bath water
Do you know what it means? I say you don't. Claiming, like you do, that 8-10% of innocent men with ruined lives and in jail because falsely accused of raping is a necessary evil means exactly throwing the baby out with the baby water. You're a "genius".


Closed Account
[...] Look what Ari posted, the % of false claims is between 3 and 8% that isn't a small percent to you???????? so the other 90% can just deal with it and shut the fuck up right?

You are all fucking twisted if you don't think that this is ridiculous. Without saying that I hope all your wives and daughters are raped to show you the light, you best hope because I can tell you it's horrible and changes your life forever.

No one is saying that it is ridiculous Mariah. Everyone agrees rapist should rot in jail. But people also point out that if someone is intentionally wrongly accused of rape this person should be punished as well. Suppose a girl would accuse your son falsly of rape. Would you think "Ah well, nothing should be done, even if it means his life is over when he gets innocently convicted"?

[...] She just repeats the same nonsense mantra without even reading what she's replying to. She replies with the same shit. [...]

And this is what she wrote repeatedly:

For me a rapist should rot in jail.
For me a person who makes false accusations of rape shall rot in jail.
Clear and simple. There is no but or that's more frequent than the other or the other is better than that or bla bla bla. They are both very bad crimes which share the same very bad outcome for the victim: a ruined life. I don't give a shit about the victim/offender genders. I want justice.

So it's unfair to say she didn't even read what she's replying to, when you don't exactly read what she's writing either.
And no one debated the political agenda or the religious topic (at least not directly or in detail). Just the topic rape and that rape should be punished.


Closed Account
For me a rapist should rot in jail.
For me a person who makes false accusations of rape shall rot in jail.
Clear and simple. There is no but or that's more frequent than the other or the other is better than that or bla bla bla. They are both very bad crimes which share the same very bad outcome for the victim: a ruined life. I don't give a shit about the victim/offender genders. I want justice.
In principal this is nice, but what evidence would be used to constitute a false allegation of rape? In a few cases their is ample evidence that the accuser initiated a false claim; however I would be very concerned that a failure to gain a conviction of rape against the accused could be used as evidence of a false allegation. To me this would result in even fewer incidents of rape being reported. The statistics Ari Dee shared highlight how difficult it is to gain a conviction, and I do not believe that all cases where a conviction was not obtained equals a false allegation.

Stats are just a waste of time, don't trust them because no rape case is same or similar to other, you have a human being which is a personality on it's own, etc...
The reason why rapists walk free is that victims are traumatised and can't witness against them from the fear they will walk free and hurt them again. that's whi I stand for that rough, but a good way to fix it up.


Official Checked Star Member
In principal this is nice, but what evidence would be used to constitute a false allegation of rape? In a few cases their is ample evidence that the accuser initiated a false claim; however I would be very concerned that a failure to gain a conviction of rape against the accused could be used as evidence of a false allegation. To me this would result in even fewer incidents of rape being reported. The statistics Ari Dee shared highlight how difficult it is to gain a conviction, and I do not believe that all cases where a conviction was not obtained equals a false allegation.


I'm not a prosecutor. I simply believe in presumption of innocence. If you guys support the presumption of guilt, stop complaining about Guantanamo, black people shot by police and other shit like that which is ruining our society. It's the jury's duty to tell us if someone is guilty or not of whatever and this stands for both scenarios of rape and false allegations of rape. Of course not guilty of rape because of no evidence doesn't mean that there was a false allegation of rape, nobody is saying this: there was simply no evidence of rape and if there is no evidence of false allegations either it cannot be labeled as false allegations. I and others are saying, though, that proven false allegations of rape should send the offender rotting in jail. It should be a crime prosecuted and treated as harshly as a proven rape crime, while these days it is not. I believe in equal rights, not in double standards. The latter are intellectual property of the feminists.
why don't you try and refute her points instead of name calling?

I think you may want to consider the fact that, the op, generally NEVER starts a thread with the intent of discussing things in a rational, and logical manor, but rather intends to inflame, and bait. Perhaps, the discussion of this vile subject would be more on the reasonable side if it were started by someone with far less attitude, and arrogance towards anyone, and anything that is contrary to their beliefs. I think if you look back over this section, I think you will see what I'm saying.

I don't know if you are aware of her posting history, but name calling and attempts at shaming is what she does. That's pretty much her main tactic. She tries to win arguments by throwing out so many insults that either the other person loses interest in arguing or for whatever reason gets intimidated and just quits. It's the similar tactic of an immature person that has nothing logical or intelligent to add to the conversation. I believe TheWhiteDevil's comment was spot on.

Add to the fact that she's a complete narcissist that there's something wrong with anyone that doesn't believe what she believes or sees things the way she sees them. Case in point is thread she started where says people that don't travel as much as she does are uncultured.

Look what Ari posted, the % of false claims is between 3 and 8% that isn't a small percent to you???????? so the other 90% can just deal with it and shut the fuck up right?

Show me one person on this thread that said this shit, that rape victims should just deal with the fact of being raped. Of course you can't do it because no one said this. No one believes this. And you know this. But you see, that's not your real issue. Your REAL issue is people here not seeing things the way you do. That people on here aren't making post after post about rapists being the most evil people on earth or coddling up to rape victims, and even to some extent people on here have been doing that. We've all in some way acknowledged that rape is fucked up and rapists are fucked up, but it's almost as if you only see what you want to see, which would be sad if it weren't funny. Like I said to Ari, the only thing us guys and Sabrina have been saying is that we want the lying twats to face prosecution for lying. That's it. And the fact that you are so willing to dismiss liars that can potentially ruin every aspect of the life of an accused says so much about your character.

You quoted Ari when she said false claims is 2%-8%. I still believe that the actual number is indeterminable, but playing devil's advocate here, let's assume this to be true. She also says "that's about THE SAME PERCENTAGE FOR OTHER FELONIES." Go ahead and explain to everyone how you'd like to live in a world where 2%-8% of of murders and other violent perpetrators, drunk drivers, and thieves got to walk away scott free with no type of incarceration or penalty whatsoever, or even charge to their record, after they've blatantly admitted to committing the crime.

I invite everyone to watch this video from one of my favorite YT channels. It's an older vid but I feel still has a relevant look about feminism and rape, people that throw around the term rape apologist and victim blaming, and the controversial topic of women with rape fantasies (I've personally known 2 women that have admitted this to me and have been in a sex group on FB where most of the women there all admitted to it on some level). Fair warning: it's 27 minutes so it might be considered kind of long, and it's all text-to-speech so it might be off putting for some to listen to, but would still like for people to try to check it out.



Official Checked Star Member
Show me one person on this thread that said this shit, that rape victims should just deal with the fact of being raped. Of course you can't do it because no one said this. No one believes this. And you know this. But you see, that's not your real issue. Your REAL issue is people here not seeing things the way you do. That people on here aren't making post after post about rapists being the most evil people on earth or coddling up to rape victims, and even to some extent people on here have been doing that. We've all in some way acknowledged that rape is fucked up and rapists are fucked up, but it's almost as if you only see what you want to see, which would be sad if it weren't funny. Like I said to Ari, the only thing us guys and Sabrina have been saying is that we want the lying twats to face prosecution for lying. That's it. And the fact that you are so willing to dismiss liars that can potentially ruin every aspect of the life of an accused says so much about your character.

You quoted Ari when she said false claims is 2%-8%. I still believe that the actual number is indeterminable, but playing devil's advocate here, let's assume this to be true. She also says "that's about THE SAME PERCENTAGE FOR OTHER FELONIES." Go ahead and explain to everyone how you'd like to live in a world where 2%-8% of of murders and other violent perpetrators, drunk drivers, and thieves got to walk away scott free with no type of incarceration or penalty whatsoever, or even charge to their record, after they've blatantly admitted to committing the crime.

I invite everyone to watch this video from one of my favorite YT channels. It's an older vid but I feel still has a relevant look about feminism and rape, people that throw around the term rape apologist and victim blaming, and the controversial topic of women with rape fantasies (I've personally known 2 women that have admitted this to me and have been in a sex group on FB where most of the women there all admitted to it on some level). Fair warning: it's 27 minutes so it might be considered kind of long, and it's all text-to-speech so it might be off putting for some to listen to, but would still like for people to try to check it out.

She can't show you. She has been banned from this thread for the inciting violence statement (i suppose) and now she is spitting venom on the other thread at regarding this one, falsely quoting posters statements. There's no more room for dialogue for me so i'll try to take a hiatus from her posts, and maybe from the whole pol&rel forum if it keeps being spammed by her like it is lately. How many are we left posting regularly on pol&rel? 6, 8 people? No surprise. Soon she will be able to read her monologues and clap to herself. And i bet you she'll love it.

Of Course he brews up most of it for himself, but I reckon that don't make it any easier to bear. - Anne's House of Dreams


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I should've known that I couldn't open a thread about rape on here without almost every guys biggest concern being false rape reports..
something men sure do like to pretend happens a lot more than it does, so that they can easily question the validity of rape claims. Innocent until proven guilty.. unless you're a female victim! Right? Because we all know rape & assault victims regularly have their character and lives scrutinized.

First of all, just as I (a male) have zero honest understanding of what a female experiences when becoming a victim of rape, you (a female) have zero honest understanding of what a male experiences when he is the victim of being accused of a rape he did not commit. Just as a female victim is scrutinized when she reports being raped, a male victim is scrutinized just as hard when he is accused of a rape he did not commit. All it takes - LITERALLY, ALL it takes - to a ruin a man's life is for a female to simply say, "He raped me." Even if that man is innocent, he will forever be judged in the eyes of society, especially if it is publicly announced (TV, Internet, newspaper, etc) - employers will judge him, neighbors will judge him, people in his community will judge him. And, when he meets a woman whom he adores, SHE will judge him - she will doubt him, she will fear him. That man, who had done nothing wrong, will suffer for the rest of his life simply because a female accused him of taking sexual advantage of her.

With that being said, it shouldn't give you attitude hearing that men are concerned about being falsely accused of rape or hearing them question the validity of rape statistics. It should open your eyes. It should open your eyes because there's a reason that so many men are concerned about being falsely accused of rape - that reason? - because it happens more often than you would like to pretend. Unfortunately, it IS used as a weapon now-a-days, mostly because it's an easy thing to do. All you have to do is cry "RAAAAAPE!!!" and you can ruin a man's life. And, women know this. They're not stupid. And, the heartless, sadistic women who want nothing more than to a ruin a man's life know that all they have to do is claim that he raped her. Even if he is found innocent by a court of a law he still has to go through a trial which will covered by the news, his name and face will instantly be plastered all over the media, people will immediately associate his name and face with the word "rapist," his employer will possibly suspend or terminate his employment, his friends and family will never look at him the same way, his children will be scarred, his entire life will be fucked up. Even if he never even touched that woman.

And, many men fear that. Why WOULDN'T they?

And, no...I am NOT comparing the two issues (females being raped, males being falsely accused of rape). The two are incomparable and I will never attempt to pretend like they are similar in any way, shape or form. I am simply making a point.
3rd Fake Rape Report In Orlando In Past Month

13 girls puts innocent boy in jail for false rape for being a player

Failed False Rape Accusation by Woman. Man luckily had a CAM

Man avoid 35 Years in Jail, rape charges dropped, Woman lied

Maine Woman lied about Black Gang Rape,criticizes Media for reporting about false rape claims

do a google search on "false rape" and click news