ugly feminist claim air conditioning is sexist


Oh silly season, how I love you. The newspapers are filled with absolute crap, our politicians are ignoring major national issues, because all the decent journalists are on holiday, and our 24-hour news channels have to rely on second string hosts and guests to fill time.

I can only imagine this is how someone like Radhika Sanghani manages to get a spot on Sky News to talk about how air conditioning is… wait for it… sexist.

Oh it was such a beautifully infuriating interview. I laughed, I cried, I vomited a little bit in my mouth. And I hope you will too. Not in my mouth, mind you. In your own.

There is nothing better than watching a trumped up, 14-year-old looking, RadFem make a total prat out of herself on live television.

Ms. Sanghani, who has come to personify the death of the Telegraph newspaper – for she is a journalist for their “Wonder Women section” – proceeded to shark jump, multiple times, as she argued that men controlled the sexist air-conditioning, forcing wimmin to be cold, and therefore unfashionable, and resort to wearing “emergency cardigans” in the office.

This is bigger than women’s suffrage, guys.

This is about summer dresses and sandals. No, I’m serious. She ACTUALLY SAID it was about her ability to wear summer dresses and sandals, and commented that if men were comfortable in their suits when she’s too cold, then they should strip down to t-shirts. In the office. Along with summer dresses and sandals. What the hell is going on at Telegraph HQ? Is it now an arm of the Liberal Democrat party?

Ms. Sanghani, the author of “millennial comedy” book “Virgin”… sigh… told Sky, “Often in offices, it is men who control temperatures. That’s just something that I’ve found anecdotally.”

Right. Well I’ve found, “anecdotally”, that “often in offices” it is men who have to do all the heavy lifting, repair jobs, and climbing under desks to fix your computer because the women have knocked out the power cord with their 3-inch stilettos that match their summer dresses.

That sort of stuff makes us hot, and sweaty. And we don’t like to be hot and sweaty, much as Ms. Sanghani hates to be cold. Except the fact is she can throw on an “emergency cardigan” (her words, not mine), while I can’t be wearing a summer dress and sandals around the office. I’m required to look like a professional. With a suit, and tie.

“So what’s the answer?” Ms. Sanghani was asked. “We just need a bit more flexibility. It’s just essentially about common sense.”

Congratulations, you have offered absolutely no solutions to the problem that you are yourself concocting, you complete and utter twat-waffling douche-canoe.

I’ll tell you what the solution is. Wear a cardigan if you’re cold. Take it off if you’re fine. I sometimes do the same with my suit jacket. Really, it’s not a big deal. I totally believe in you to be able to do it. Come on. You’re a big, strong, independent women.

N.B: It’s pretty strange that the Telegraph actually published her article on the subject twice. Once on July 24th, and presumably, because she couldn’t cook up enough controversy for some TV interviews (too early into silly season), they decided to publish it again, today. Not edit the existing article. But to publish the same article, again.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Truth is, there is a lot of credence to this since the standards that were established for air conditioning temperatures in public buildings and offices are based on data that were determined in the era when men by far dominated the office work environment. A formula based on the metabolic rates of an "average" man in that time frame (40 years old and weighing 154 pounds) was determined by something referred to as "Fanger's thermal comfort equation". Here's the formula:

PMV = [0.303e-0.036M + 0.028]{(M – W) – 3.96E-8ƒcl[(tcl + 273)4 – (tr + 273)4] – ƒclhc(tcl – ta) – 3.05[5.73 – 0.007(M – W) – pa] – 0.42[(M – W) – 58.15] – 0.0173M(5.87 – pa) – 0.0014M(34 – ta)}

Perhaps the fact that it has never been revised is indicative of the possibility that nobody is smart enough to actually understand Fanger's equation to begin with. Regardless, I don't see this as something that is intentionally sexist in nature since the research was done so long before women became a substantial component of the workforce and has yet to be revised. That being said, I think it is time to probably review the equation with more recent data that might justify making an adjustment. I know my wife always takes a sweater with her when ever we go out since she is invariably cold wherever we go....even if it's 105 degrees as it is forecast to be here in Houston over the weekend.
Sad is that more people than you think will have at least the doubt that she might be right.

And people wonder why I rip so hard on feminism. It's like I said in the other thread, they're not even real feminists. They're fucking children that just whine and bitch.

What's even more sad than the fact that other people will take her stupidity seriously, is the fact that all the pussy thirsty and weak minded men that will bend over backwards to make sure she's happy. People nowadays are so afraid of what women say and I think it's fucking sad and pathetic.

Feminists bitched about a scientist that wore a fucking shirt right after he accomplished one of the most monumental scientific feats in our history and he whimpered and cried on TV instead of telling them all to go fuck themselves. Feminists bitch to the comic book industry, an industry that has been around before most of us have even been alive, and all of a sudden the entire industry has to work themselves into making them happy and shutting them up. A feminist just sent some dude to fucking jail just because he disagreed with her on twitter and nobody fucking sees anything wrong with it. I won't even talking Anita Scamkeesian and her manipulating scammy bullshit. There are SO many stories of these internet feminists being spoiled crybabies and men and/or corporations just dropping pants and spreading themselves for them. It's not even fucking funny anymore. It's sad and sinful.


Official Checked Star Member
What's even more sad than the fact that other people will take her stupidity seriously, is the fact that all the pussy thirsty and weak minded men that will bend over backwards to make sure she's happy.

I was referring mostly to that.
Mariah posted about the pussyfication of men a few days ago and here it is explained.


Official Checked Star Member
Truth is, there is a lot of credence to this since the standards that were established for air conditioning temperatures in public buildings and offices are based on data that were determined in the era when men by far dominated the office work environment. A formula based on the metabolic rates of an "average" man in that time frame (40 years old and weighing 154 pounds) was determined by something referred to as "Fanger's thermal comfort equation". Here's the formula:

PMV = [0.303e-0.036M + 0.028]{(M – W) – 3.96E-8ƒcl[(tcl + 273)4 – (tr + 273)4] – ƒclhc(tcl – ta) – 3.05[5.73 – 0.007(M – W) – pa] – 0.42[(M – W) – 58.15] – 0.0173M(5.87 – pa) – 0.0014M(34 – ta)}

Perhaps the fact that it has never been revised is indicative of the possibility that nobody is smart enough to actually understand Fanger's equation to begin with. Regardless, I don't see this as something that is intentionally sexist in nature since the research was done so long before women became a substantial component of the workforce and has yet to be revised. That being said, I think it is time to probably review the equation with more recent data that might justify making an adjustment. I know my wife always takes a sweater with her when ever we go out since she is invariably cold wherever we go....even if it's 105 degrees as it is forecast to be here in Houston over the weekend.

I don't know...i'm always cold too. In winter i love to stay heated and my husband can't stand the heat, but he just gets naked or almost and doesn't call me sexist. Since in an office i assume that a suit is almost mandatory for men, that journalist could simply put something on if she feels cold. Wouldn't that be the common sense that she dreams of? No, because she is a feminist and her job is to bitch at men. Or maybe she just dreams to see one close to naked for once in her lifetime and the hotter in the room the better.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I don't know...i'm always cold too. In winter i love to stay heated and my husband can't stand the heat, but he just gets naked or almost and doesn't call me sexist. Since in an office i assume that a suit is almost mandatory for men, that journalist could simply put something on if she feels cold. Wouldn't that be the common sense that she dreams of? No, because she is a feminist and her job is to bitch at men. Or maybe she just dreams to see one close to naked for once in her lifetime and the hotter in the room the better.

The age-old argument over that what temperature should the thermostat be set is pretty much as old as "what's for dinner?" and, for physiological reasons, is divided on sexual lines. My wife always is too cold no matter where I find the temperature setting to be in the Goldilocks zone for me. Regardless, I think to look at this as a "sexist" issue is stupid. No man that I know is intentionally trying to impose his will on women regrading the temperature in the room. It's simply a matter of what feels comfortable to whom. Let's stop putting labels on everything that has to make someone out to be the sinister bad guy. Sometimes shit just happens with no conspiratorial intentions on anyone's behalf. Women often prefer things differently than men do? Wow....what a revelation!!! I say vive la différence!
Mariah posted about the pussyfication of men a few days ago and here it is explained.

Who is Mariah? And where is this posted? Because the "pussyfication" of men isn't just some new revelation. I've started to notice certain trends in these type of men from when I was in my very early 20's and I'm going on 35 now. It's only now become more prevalent with all the kind of bullshit that's been going on now.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
N.B: It’s pretty strange that the Telegraph actually published her article on the subject twice. Once on July 24th, and presumably, because she couldn’t cook up enough controversy for some TV interviews (too early into silly season), they decided to publish it again, today. Not edit the existing article. But to publish the same article, again.

Of course they did. I would be shocked if they hadn't. It's the job of the liberal media in the west to give a voice to any feminist chatterbox. And they're doing a damn good job. :clap:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Truth is, there is a lot of credence to this since the standards that were established for air conditioning temperatures in public buildings and offices are based on data that were determined in the era when men by far dominated the office work environment. A formula based on the metabolic rates of an "average" man in that time frame (40 years old and weighing 154 pounds) was determined by something referred to as "Fanger's thermal comfort equation". Here's the formula:

PMV = [0.303e-0.036M + 0.028]{(M – W) – 3.96E-8ƒcl[(tcl + 273)4 – (tr + 273)4] – ƒclhc(tcl – ta) – 3.05[5.73 – 0.007(M – W) – pa] – 0.42[(M – W) – 58.15] – 0.0173M(5.87 – pa) – 0.0014M(34 – ta)}

Regardless, I think to look at this as a "sexist" issue is stupid. No man that I know is intentionally trying to impose his will on women regrading the temperature in the room. It's simply a matter of what feels comfortable to whom.

I think you are looking at this from a wrong angle. The truth is: men are making women uncomfortable without thinking about it, without even realizing it. Men are so self centered and take their wishes so much for granted that it doesn't even occur to them that they might make women uncomfortable.

I guess a radical feminist will claim that such is the situation and that precisely that proves that we live in a society hostile towards women.