John McAfee: Ashley Madison

Will E Worm

John McAfee: Ashley Madison "Was An Inside Job"

John McAfee is not known for his reasonableness. McAfee, founder of the eponymous antivirus software company, is very well known for being a security expert, however. Wearing both hats, McAfee now says that “Ashley Madison hack was not hacked.” He claims, “It was an inside job.” And it was a woman!?

The International Business Times, which shares a parent company with Newsweek, just published a misogyny-laden report by John “I just got a new prescription for Xanax” McAfee. The findings include the claim that the Ashley Madison data “data was stolen by a woman operating on her own who worked for Avid Life Media.” McAfee claims that he figured this out by sifting through some 40-gigabytes of hacked data. Here’s how he says he figured out the inside job detail:

How did I discover that it was an inside job? From the data that was released, it was clear that the perpetrator had intimate knowledge of the technology stack of the company (all the programs being used). For example, the data contains actual MySQL database dumps. This is not just someone copying a table and making into a .csv file. Hackers rarely have full knowledge of the technology stack of a target.

That’s pretty compelling! Indeed, John McAfee knows a thing or two about security. That’s why he has a security company named after him. It’s not uncommon for massive hacks like this to start from within, either. Security researchers also believe that the Sony hack was an inside job, likely stemming from a disgruntled employee.AdvertisementSo McAfee is onto something with the inside job idea. But then he starts describing some of his other findings:

I have also practiced social engineering since the word was first invented and I can very quickly identify gender if given enough emotionally charged words from an individual. The perpetrator’s two manifestos provided that. In short, here is how I went about it.

Wait what? McAfee is saying he can discern someone’s gender just by the way they write? He explains:

As to gender of the perpetrator, there were a number of telling signs in the manifestos. The most telling was a statement calling men “scumbags” (for those readers that don’t speak American/Canadian English, this is a word that only a woman would ever use to describe men). In a separate section, the perpetrator describes men as cheating dirtbags. I think in any language this would suggest that a woman is speaking.

Uhhhhh… that seems… pretty subjective, not to mention offensive. But surely he’s not going to base all of this on some obscenely sexist conclusion about how women love Valentine’s Day, right? Wrong:

In describing one of them the perpetrator states the he “spitefully” joined Ashley Madison the day after Valentine’s Day. Anyone who ever had a significant other knows that women rate Valentine’s Day higher than Christmas, and men think so little of it that they have to remind each other the day is nearing. To call an act the day after Valentines Day “spiteful”, is a thought that would enter few men’s minds. If this does not convince you then you need to get out of the house more often.

We know from Snowden that insiders with an axe to grind can easily steal data and release it to the public. So the idea that the Ashley Madison hack was an inside job isn’t out of the question. If we take McAfee and his experience at his word, the inside job case seems more than a little plausible. The idea that a woman did this, on the other had, because “only women call men scumbags and men hate Valentine’s Day,” is bonkers—not to mention downright offensive. Welcome to the mind of John McAfee.

Ashley Madison puts out $500,000 bounty on hackers who ruined its business

Police: Ashley Madison hack might have led to suicides; reward set for info on breach.

Whoever did this is going to jail for many things, including murder.

Death penalty?


Official Checked Star Member
Wow, the part where it says that assuming that a woman has done the job is misogynist and offensive is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. Political correctness' idiocy never cease to amaze me.

Anyway, death penalty? Homicide? I hope not. Let's get back to earth.
If you kill yourself because you had a profile on a dating site and your partner/family got to know that, you are the only one to blame. If the site wasn't hacked, your family could have still caught you through emails, CC statements or even on a date.

If you have to blame someone for the leak, that should be yourself first of all, then AM, then the hacker/s

AM has a cheating (how ironic) and bad business practice history which many of us working in the adult industry knew too well about and which the general public is discovering these days:

1) A lot and i mean a lot of AM profiles are fake, either botted or encouraged by AM team: you pay to hope to get to meet people who are not existing at all. This is true for almost all the dating sites out there.
2) Your private, personal data becomes property of AM, once you give it to them. If you decide to pull off from AM, you simply opt to have your profile and its data hidden and not erased. If you want to erase them, you need to pay 20$: yes, your privacy costs you 20$ more as if you married AM and once you decided to leave them you had to pay alimony. But this is not all, most of your private data are still not erased when you pay 20$ and they remain in the availability of Mr. Biderman for the rest of your life.
3) There have been rumors for years that AM hacked a few dating sites competitors databases too, before being hacked few weeks ago. Yes, you understood well. These rumors are getting confirmed these days when among other things also Biderman and his chief engineer Mr Bathia email history was leaked:

“They did a very lousy job building their platform. I got their entire user base,” Raja Bhatia wrote Noel Biderman, CEO of Avid Life Media, Ashley Madison’s parent company, and Rizwan Jiwan, the company’s chief operating officer. “Also, I can turn any non paying user into a paying user, vice versa, compose messages between users, check unread stats, etc.”

4) At AM they were well aware of their security problems since at least 2012

“I am pretty sure we stored passwords without any cryptography so a database leak would expose all account credentials.", Mr. Bhatia wrote to Mr. Biderman

The hackers should be punished indeed, but even without them, your personal data wwere everything but private, when in the hands of AM. You just didn't know that.
Do you wanna date? Get out.
Priceless... I agree, McAfee is a very clever person... likely a woman and perfectly backed up with a fact of life experiences. That's the truth...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
misogyny-laden report

I hate to break this news to Adam whoever (the author of this little gender sensitive fluff piece), but the FBI, and most every other law enforcement agency that I'm aware of, does the EXACT same thing, in trying to build a profile on a suspect.

I've built a profile on this Adam feller in my head. I bet he looks and sounds JUST like Richard Simmons. :yesyes:
