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  1. Ike Stain

    Dry finger raped by my girlfriend??? Seriously. No joke.

    At least let her lube the finger, for goodness sake!
  2. Ike Stain

    Adele Sextape

    Yes please. (And I still don't have any idea who she is, except that she won some award and is considered to be hot.)
  3. Ike Stain

    What do ALL American warmongering windbags have in common?

    I hear you, brother. In my opinion it's always workers fighting workers while the fat cats keep drawing those big checks. But you're pretty smart so they'd likely have jobs for you that didn't involve face-to-face with IEDs. While I know one guy who served in Vietnam as a sniper doing...
  4. Ike Stain

    Who is your favourite Moderator?

    Yeah, I was gonna vote DOA as well.
  5. Ike Stain

    What banned troll shall we unban? If we were to unban one...

    I hate the guy and yet my cursor moved inexorably to his vote button.
  6. Ike Stain

    Bacon or Sex?

    Friend, you don't know what you're missing.
  7. Ike Stain

    Things you would like to see comeback.

  8. Ike Stain

    Ron Paul 2012

    It's too bad he's gonna stick to the Republican line in the end. He's a guy I could see actually being able to form a viable third party.
  9. Ike Stain

    Anal prolapse: hot or not

    And I was actually trying to give people a break. Guess it just goes to show, once Pandora opens up that box...
  10. Ike Stain

    Anybody know who these chicks are or what the fuck is going on here?

    Seriously, people. Let's get on this!
  11. Ike Stain

    A Note on Sam's sudden departure from the board due to banishment

    You can't just say that and not what it is!!!
  12. Ike Stain

    Who is this sexiest of womankind?

    Please help me find my future wife! :lovecoupl A protester carried a crate of Molotov cocktails yesterday near Manama, the capital of Bahrain. (Hasan Jamali/Associated Press)
  13. Ike Stain

    A Note on Sam's sudden departure from the board due to banishment

    And probably a pedophile. *sigh* I actually really miss the guy.
  14. Ike Stain

    Would you support "Death Penalty by Challenge"

    Kingfisher will actually be given a free license to hunt a human for having to put up with California's insane anti-gun laws.
  15. Ike Stain

    Nice posts lately, man. I like how you're keeping it clean an efficient, going right to the...

    Nice posts lately, man. I like how you're keeping it clean an efficient, going right to the core of the issues, and not leaving yourself open to attacks that only distract.
  16. Ike Stain

    What do ALL American warmongering windbags have in common?

    There's a strong case for a universal draft so that everyone has "skin in the game" when it comes to making decisions about sending our sons and daughters into combat. Of course, this system was abused in Vietnam and the burden fell disproportionately to the poor and disenfranchised, so it's...
  17. Ike Stain

    Straight from the NRA

    Rey C. for President. He lives in reality.
  18. Ike Stain

    Straight from the NRA

    Another reason to respect the NRA— they're smarter than you. Their point about civil disobedience is dead on: "I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the...
  19. Ike Stain

    Next After Healthcare: Guns, Then Knives.

    What we're debating is the details of that right, not the right itself. With that said, you make a very good point about the anti-tyranny element of the Second Amendment. If the populace is not allowed the same firepower as the Government, it undermines their ability to stand against tyranny...
  20. Ike Stain

    A Note on Sam's sudden departure from the board due to banishment

    Jews, Blacks and Mexicans also watch porn. (And I should know, I'm all three.)
  21. Ike Stain

    Next After Healthcare: Guns, Then Knives.

    It's true Obama might get re-elected and you might have to put up with things you don't like for another 4 years, but don't forget the other side had the same situation with W for the full 8. Even in America we can't all have everything we want all the time. The thing about executive orders...
  22. Ike Stain

    Straight from the NRA

    The NRA is your friend. They are among most influential lobbies in American Politics. Go Sam's way, you end up with Ruby Ridge. Go the NRA way, you might actually end up getting the freedoms you want. It's funny how these guys are trying to make you feel like an a-hole for acting like a...
  23. Ike Stain

    Hey, Americans...

    True. If Nader had been elected we likely be living in a green Utopia.
  24. Ike Stain

    Would you support "Death Penalty by Challenge"

    It would likely be based on viewer voting, but there'd also probably have to be a separate show for the rich people who can afford to pay for licenses to hunt "the most dangerous prey."
  25. Ike Stain

    U.S. Voter Registration Rife With Errors

    That's a good one. It's the really close races where that kind of thing can make a difference. Politics can get very dirty.
  26. Ike Stain

    Hey, Americans...

    True. If McCain won we'd probably be occupying Libya right now, and when he died and Sarah took over, a nuclear war with North Korea (which I'm actually still not convinced is an entirely bad idea. Just sayin'.)
  27. Ike Stain

    What Song Is Stuck in Your Head?

    Fuck. Now it's stuck in my head!
  28. Ike Stain

    Would you support "Death Penalty by Challenge"

    Your logic is unassailable.
  29. Ike Stain

    Why Is Dept. Of Homeland Security Patrolling the Vegas Strip?

    True. It's the one point of agreement between the white racists and the black rappers. They should have a convention.
  30. Ike Stain

    Hey, Americans...

    Tell us how you really feel.
  31. Ike Stain

    U.S. Voter Registration Rife With Errors

    My reading of this article may be different from yours, but I'm definitely in favor of a centralized system. There's the other side of election fraud issue which is also problematic, states like Florida "cutting corners" to deny minority voters who are lawfully entitled to vote. Elections...
  32. Ike Stain

    How often do you masturbate?

    I used to keep to a regimen of 3x per day. Now I'm down to about one. As you can imagine, life has lost some of it's luster.
  33. Ike Stain

    AA-12 Hot or Not?

    Fuckin' Pelosi-lover!
  34. Ike Stain

    For the ladies.

    I still don't see what's so weird about sitting down and watching some porn with your mom. I thought everybody did this.
  35. Ike Stain

    vivd expiration date

    pst me your account number and I'll take care of it.
  36. Ike Stain

    Who has the best movie culture?

    Winter's Bone
  37. Ike Stain

    Next After Healthcare: Guns, Then Knives.

    This is actually an interesting point. I wonder what the ratio of whackjobs who go on shooting sprees is to lawful gun owners. I bet you it's pretty damn miniscule. Maybe the real problem is it's such an emotional issue...
  38. Ike Stain

    Best board rivalry?

  39. Ike Stain

    Next After Healthcare: Guns, Then Knives.

    Absolutely. I'll take my business somewhere else.
  40. Ike Stain

    Next After Healthcare: Guns, Then Knives.

    I should also add that a few of my best friends felons. One is lucky to have a gun-enthusiast wife, the other lives in a state where it is legal for him to carry, (even though he works in a state where he cannot. He is however able hunt in this other state, which has some of the toughest gun...
  41. Ike Stain

    Americans are stupid

    If we were stupid, would we make it possible to eat yourself into disability? That's not stupid, that's genius.
  42. Ike Stain

    Next After Healthcare: Guns, Then Knives.

    THAT'S the issue. RIGHT there. That's all I'm asking for.
  43. Ike Stain

    Board Nemeses (Nemesises)

    Oh trust me. Ask Andronicus what he thinks about me. DOA however, made the mistake of becoming a mod: :)
  44. Ike Stain

    Feds Shutdown Top File-Sharing Site, Megaupload Today

    I don't know man, production is declining. It's a serious trend.
  45. Ike Stain

    Next After Healthcare: Guns, Then Knives.

    I am aware of it. Though we may have differing opinions regarding the changes, it's another good point. [Note on the sourcing: I went with this because it was the first one that came up and...
  46. Ike Stain

    Feds Shutdown Top File-Sharing Site, Megaupload Today

    Don't get me wrong, I'm sure some sliver will survive. But if you want the bonanza of the last 20 years to continue, you gotta support it with your pocketbooks.
  47. Ike Stain

    Hey, Americans...

    At least you're consistent. Props for that.
  48. Ike Stain

    who is girl is movie?

    Whoever she is she is certainly well behaved.