MP....buddy....please get a grip with this paranoiac stuff....please! So how is anything a conspiracy if EVERYTHING is a conspiracy? You mean NOTHING happens spontaneously anymore? It's all orchestrated by some unseen evil that actually controls everything? How can so many people be in on...
Typical huh? More of this mysogynistic bullshit? got us man. There's a huge conspiracy on the left to promote a totally anti-male and pro-female approach to everything. I attended a meeting just last week. :facepalm:
You're quoting a David Horowitz website as being a legitimate...
You don't mention a relationship with a significant other so I am assuming you are single and not involved in a relationship at this point. ???
Just a couple of observations from a layman's perspective....there may be some sort of co-dependency between your perception of persecution at work...
This new slashing rule they are enforcing in preseason is a disaster. There are so many penalties that the flow of the game is being severely disrupted. Surely they will let up on this once the regular season least I sure hope so. And I am doing the same thing with MLB since the...
Indeed. What an asshole thing to say to someone. I'm sure glad I don't know you. What an irony it will be someday when someone laughs at you for a physical problem, Nicole. Perhaps you'll remember this.
WilliamsLake....I would ask you what kind of doctor are you seeing? What drugs are you...
Watching Texas Tech-Houston former Red Raider HC Tommy Tuberville couldn't be rooting harder for Tech if he were on the sidelines. Tech can do no wrong (if I hear him say "Air Raid Offense" one more time I'm gonna puke) and Houston is nothing but a group of fuck-ups according to Tommy. I'd...
It is in my opinion. Collins and Paul won't vote for it and McCain is already out so the bill won't even make it to a vote is my guess.
Nor should it. This THIRD totally partisan attempt to get rid of Obamacare is an utter sell-out to pressure being applied by wealthy republican donors who...
Holy shit over/under on Texas Tech-Houston is 68.5. I don't know if Houston will give up that many points since their D has been very stout so far but the competition has been a bit questionable so they'll get a good test from the Red Raiders today. I'll go with the under I guess but this game...
I originally posted this to the wrong thread. I would appreciate comments as well as similar analyses for your favorite team. I enjoy in depth geek to the max. I even watch exhibition games!
Names to watch....Vince Dunn (D), Ville Husso (G), Robert Thomas (F), Jordan...
OK I totally get the "wag the dog" reference but you need to remember that this isn't some minor league incursion into Grenada or lobbing a couple of Tomahawk missiles into Syria we're talking here. Trump starts a full-out nuclear war with North Korea and there will instantaneously be hundreds...
Just got turned on to this show on Amazon Prime. It's awesome. Just finished season 2 when Nucky kills Jimmy so I'm a bit bummed out about it. Maybe it's a good had revealed a rather bizarre sexual twist that was quite Oedipal in nature that was a real turnoff for me. Was glad to...
I once had a customer named Dick Reising. I couldn't help but laugh out loud before composing myself every time I would call him and his voice-mail greeting would proudly announce, "Hi. This is Dick RISING....". :1orglaugh:rofl2:
A primal gesture is called for from time to time. Glad you got it out of your system, Dino.
Bob's suggestion creates a mental image that is downright revolting. :pukey: :throwup:
Yes. His timing was impeccable for certain. He's not so much of a classic liar as he is a bullshit artist. Another thing is that he really has no idea how government actually works or what he is doing with the executive branch. Hence the reason he has made attempts to use the office of the...
I'd agree with you about the 70 and 80 year-olds....I wouldn't include the 60s quite yet. :D ;)
The answer isn't to eliminate these people from the process. Hell, as the baby boomers fade in senility we already comprise 50 million people....not exactly an insignificant number. The problem...
Geezus. That's so spot on it's downright scary. And to think....those quotes are from over 2000 years ago. :eek:
In a very important way, you are absolutely correct. He's topped out on Maslow's pyramid from the material side so he is in search of the only thing left for him to pursue...
Besides the OP, I don't see anyone sucking this up as gospel. I made a statement that the article is unsubstantiated and I stand by it. If there is further evidence it will have to be shown to all of us. Not holding my breath.
Well nothing about governmental abuse of power and violation of safeguards and individual constitutional rights would surprise me, regardless of party or administration. If this is indeed true, I wonder if there is further action pushed upstream from the FISA judge regarding this excerpt from...
The exhibition/preseason is in full swing and it looks like Vladimir Tarasenko is gearing up for what could be a career year for him. He netted 2 goals in limited duty last night (the second one an OT game-winner) against the Blue Jackets and it appears that Mike Yeo is giving him free range at...
Things are very quiet with her right now. I'm looking forward to her doing something new. There have been some rumors that she is contemplating retirement and possibly getting breast-reduction surgery!!! Say it ain't so, Masi!!! :eek:
She is so voluptuous and sensual....her face is...
Regardless of the details here, it remains a fact that the atmosphere and tension between the police and the black community in St. Louis are at a fever pitch right now. So many racial incidents illustrating this divide have been evident in the past several years. St. Louis is primarily a...
Wow. You had to dredge this old exchange up last night? sure must have been in a post-writin' mood late last night I reckon! ;) :rolleyes:
I know you're banned so this is sort of like talking to a corpse here but I will try to imagine the repartee as it might have been (pardon the poetic license but....what else can I do? :dunno:).
So, your plan would simply choose to ignore those on the lower end of the income spectrum then? If...
I love Bocephus. He's one of my favorite outlaws. I have tons of his music. I have been to see him in concert 3 times in my life and each time it was an awesome experience. He is an icon and I'm glad to see him back on MNF....even though I never watch it.
If he pulls the USA out of this deal it will be the biggest geopolitical blunder in history since the Munich Pact. Does Trump really want to provoke a nuclear war? His provocative and reckless rhetoric on North Korea and the virtual assurance that Iran will attain nuclear status in very short...
This seems very much like a contrived controversy to me. As long as Damon is paying his taxes I don't see the issue here. Voucher programs are unfairly skewed against those on the lower end of the socio-economic scale.
Damon is paying for his kids to receive a proper education because he...
President Trump. Paul Manafort is his former campaign manager.
The DOJ has said that there is no truth to Trump's allegations against Obama. Read here:
It is true that there is no hard evidence that has been presented or...
I would agree. These people are here illegally. If there were here legally, wouldn't we know it? Who knows how many there are?
That said, I don't want to be perceived as being dismissive of the illegal alien issue. Hell, I live at the epicenter of it right here in Houston. I can leave my...
You can find places in big cities where you can rent time in an actual aviation simulator. These are systems that are totally digitized 3D land, sky and water class topographic recreations that are incredibly real. You can fly almost any aircraft you want....from a Cessna 150 to a Boeing 787...
A bit over my tekkie head but it seems to be similar to comparing an increase in the speed of traffic simply leading to the exacerbation and size of traffic jams. If there is a 3rd-dimensional aspect that can be brought to the table to ease the logjam that seems logical to me. Is this even...
Just a quick calculation comes out to 1.8% (sorry, misplaced bad) if these figures are correct albeit dated. If they are, I cannot imagine that the number has declined...
Yeah well considering that his speech to the UN today demonized virtually everyone (ill-advised and ill-informed statements about each being made in the process) whom he is propping up as being the bogeymen without any real accusations at all placed on Russia and Putin makes him appear to be...
Yes. The myth has been propagated by the exact entities identified in the link as prospering under the mess that is the American health care system.
A common complaint that is heard about going to a universal and compulsory not-for-profit single-payer system is "your taxes will go up"...
No disrespect at all meant for the victims' family but what are you going to say when the wall is built and these types of stories don't go away? The complexity of the immigration issue goes way beyond simply building a wall or passing draconian laws to make right-wingers feel better about...
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Luxman again.
I was thinking about this very thing earlier today. If the last half of the 20th century belonged to the USA, the first half of the 21st represents a shift toward the populous emerging Asian nations like China and, often...
The idea of a cyborg as a conversation partner is intriguing but it's even better and more on point with the FreeOnes platform to have one that would be a sex partner.
From another perspective and, perhaps one that could...
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cornytone again.
Very interesting and insightful post. It is intriguing to speculate on the future geopolitical events that will shape the world as we go deeper into the 21st century. It is hard to imagine a scenario where China, if...
Here's a quote from Senator McCarran after Truman's veto was overridden and this draconian act was made into law.
Now, I want you to forget for a moment that he was referring specifically to those who were from Eastern Bloc nations, the "Iron Curtain" countries, and were fleeing totalitarian...
Bob Mueller's Russia investigation has shifted into a different gear with this bombshell that dropped last night.
This is getting awfully close to the president, folks., she's not a new porn star, you fucking perverts!
Looks like San Juan is in big, big trouble. San Juan's barrio is one of the worst and biggest I have ever seen. If Maria scores a direct hit there, the devastation will be incredible...
Drinks are a huge profit center for them indeed. That's why every meal combo includes a drink....even with free refills, they make a mint. Their profits suffer when you only order a sandwich....fries and drinks are both dirt cheap. Think about it....what kind of deal do you think McDonald's...
Anyone who gets banned here does so due to their own errant choices, actions and inability to control their emotions. To assess blame on someone else for bad decisions made by the individual in question is a defense mechanism that is extremely common and has been around for centuries.
Thanks Rey. I Feel Alright, both the song and the album, were Steve's rebound efforts directly on the heels of his recovery from addiction back in the mid-90s. He is definitely well-cast in his role from what I know about it (I have never seen The Wire) since he was once a hopeless street...
Back on point, other than giving a shameless plug on Trump World Tower it was apparently a pretty benign speech. I confess that I did not hear it so my comments are based on news reports.