Hiliary 2020
But I'm not articulate enough or have the time today.
What Rivero's is talking about here is the endless war agenda.
And how with Trump it's just more of the same.
the first 10 minutes basically sums up most of my feelings.
Caller Steve in California," I was pretty much bothered about the Trump speech about taking out North Koreaand that whole propaganda thing about using fear. I see this thing as very scripted.
We have a whole war industry, weaponry industry, we sell to ther countries, destabilize the world, and then they come in a couple years later and clean up all the mess that we actually created.
We are a nation thats addicted to war, not the people the Government.
He said "we would have to destroy N.Korea and that brought me back to H Truman dropping 2 nukes on heavily populated cities which is a war crime.
I'm very deeply troubled by this guy. We were duped. We had a choice between a criminal and a guy here who is definitely being controlled and is turning out to be a War Monger".
The people who voted for Trump did so on the premise we were gonna get off this track of endless wars.
Now war is pretty much all he talks about.
And ask yourselves this:
With all the garbage, the non stop assualt the controlled media throws at him day after day.
Not just the news but the entire media.
Why do they never critisize or even talk about the War Agenda that he's obviously all in on?
You'll never hear that because thats what they want. They are for the War Agenda. They are part of the war agenda.
Propaganda... a huge part of the process.
They dont want the people to be aware of that.
Of how the endless war and aggression has bled the country dry.
They want the sheep to focus on the most lowest, dumbed down, non issues.
And I think Trump is fine with that.
He's gonna play the role of Bad Guy President for 4 years and then they'll stick the Witch in there.
Everything in politics is scripted. Thats the 1st thing we need to learn.
What Rivero's is talking about here is the endless war agenda.
And how with Trump it's just more of the same.
the first 10 minutes basically sums up most of my feelings.
Caller Steve in California," I was pretty much bothered about the Trump speech about taking out North Koreaand that whole propaganda thing about using fear. I see this thing as very scripted.
We have a whole war industry, weaponry industry, we sell to ther countries, destabilize the world, and then they come in a couple years later and clean up all the mess that we actually created.
We are a nation thats addicted to war, not the people the Government.
He said "we would have to destroy N.Korea and that brought me back to H Truman dropping 2 nukes on heavily populated cities which is a war crime.
I'm very deeply troubled by this guy. We were duped. We had a choice between a criminal and a guy here who is definitely being controlled and is turning out to be a War Monger".
The people who voted for Trump did so on the premise we were gonna get off this track of endless wars.
Now war is pretty much all he talks about.
And ask yourselves this:
With all the garbage, the non stop assualt the controlled media throws at him day after day.
Not just the news but the entire media.
Why do they never critisize or even talk about the War Agenda that he's obviously all in on?
You'll never hear that because thats what they want. They are for the War Agenda. They are part of the war agenda.
Propaganda... a huge part of the process.
They dont want the people to be aware of that.
Of how the endless war and aggression has bled the country dry.
They want the sheep to focus on the most lowest, dumbed down, non issues.
And I think Trump is fine with that.
He's gonna play the role of Bad Guy President for 4 years and then they'll stick the Witch in there.
Everything in politics is scripted. Thats the 1st thing we need to learn.