My Problem with Trump


Hiliary 2020
But I'm not articulate enough or have the time today.
What Rivero's is talking about here is the endless war agenda.
And how with Trump it's just more of the same.
the first 10 minutes basically sums up most of my feelings.

Caller Steve in California," I was pretty much bothered about the Trump speech about taking out North Koreaand that whole propaganda thing about using fear. I see this thing as very scripted.
We have a whole war industry, weaponry industry, we sell to ther countries, destabilize the world, and then they come in a couple years later and clean up all the mess that we actually created.
We are a nation thats addicted to war, not the people the Government.
He said "we would have to destroy N.Korea and that brought me back to H Truman dropping 2 nukes on heavily populated cities which is a war crime.
I'm very deeply troubled by this guy. We were duped. We had a choice between a criminal and a guy here who is definitely being controlled and is turning out to be a War Monger".

The people who voted for Trump did so on the premise we were gonna get off this track of endless wars.
Now war is pretty much all he talks about.

And ask yourselves this:
With all the garbage, the non stop assualt the controlled media throws at him day after day.
Not just the news but the entire media.
Why do they never critisize or even talk about the War Agenda that he's obviously all in on?

You'll never hear that because thats what they want. They are for the War Agenda. They are part of the war agenda.
Propaganda... a huge part of the process.
They dont want the people to be aware of that.
Of how the endless war and aggression has bled the country dry.
They want the sheep to focus on the most lowest, dumbed down, non issues.
And I think Trump is fine with that.
He's gonna play the role of Bad Guy President for 4 years and then they'll stick the Witch in there.
Everything in politics is scripted. Thats the 1st thing we need to learn.
Each time I see a video, an article or a commercial ending with "... hopes you'll never learn" or "... doesn't want you to know", I know it's plain bullshit


Well, Thank God some of you are catching on to what we've been warning you about for two years. Keenly spotted. :facepalm:


Hiliary 2020
Each time I see a video, an article or a commercial ending with "... hopes you'll never learn" or "... doesn't want you to know", I know it's plain bullshit

Thank you for youre keen insight Johan. You know so very much.
Now go make a post about Trumps hair or something.

I listened to Trump and Netanyahoos speeches.
They were scripted to go along with each other. So many lies.
Fear mongering and lies to promote war. That's what they just told the world.

And it only took him 9 minutes to bring up anti seminitism. Thats what he always does to blackmail the world into not disagreeing with him.

I dont expect much response but my point is an Anti War stance.
Cant you people see why The US has been at war for so many years now?
Cant you see who is benefitting from it?
And cant you understand it is the main reason most Americans are continuosly getting poorer and poorer?
Until is stops its only going to get worse here. But truth is I don't think it can stop at this point.

This should be top priority to us, not some made up nonsense the controlled media created.
I don't see how anybody who voted for Trump could listen to what he said and not be disgusted.

- - - Updated - - -

Well, Thank God some of you are catching on to what we've been warning you about for two years. Keenly spotted. :facepalm:

Me or Johan?


Me or Johan?


You and I discussed Trump before the election. Either of us could rewind and re-view the specifics, but neither of us is going too. But a lot of the stuff happening now is what we talked about before. The one thing Dear Leader isn't to me, is a disappointment. Nope. He's pretty much the meth-addicted mongoloid gargoyle that I said he was going to be. And so many others, here and elsewhere.

The fact that he's breaking promises, failing to deliver and lying in his teeth is what we said was going to happen. So sorry if I don't give you a big, sloppy kiss for your sudden epiphany.


Hiliary 2020
I don't remember anyone critisizing Trump in any other way except personality stuff.
Which I really dont care what his personality is as long as he helps the people of the US.
Which he is not.
What he is doing is just more of the same that the GOV has been doing since 9/11.
I dont remember anyone predicting that he would be continuing the same shit as his 2 predecessors or what we knew HC would have done.

Corn I dont agree with that video.
Trump is not a tyrant, he's just another puppet so far.

He was either full of shit from the start or he's been completely comprimised.
I think its the latter. He started off ok other than that stupid travel ban but then something happened about the time he lobbed bombs into Syria. for no reason.
I'll try to say this one more time is that I think he's playing a role.
The bad guy. And while the entire media focuses on make believe things like Russia and Nazis and they pay groups like antifa and blm and fake phony white supremecists to all fake fight and then blame Trump while continuing the phony fake terror attacks and blaming ISIS and muslims which is a fucking joke ........nothing changes.
Its all distractions while the ones in the Big Club just keeping ruining the world for the quick buck.
Sucking that wealth all the way to the top and leaving the rest of us peasants the scraps to fight over.
But we all gotta keep in mind that its all just a show. All scripted. All planned way in advance.
I still cant figure out why he would go through such effort. I guess just being PREZ was his motive.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I don't remember anyone critisizing Trump in any other way except personality stuff.

Because you weren't fucking paying attention, you were too busy pushing your bullshit conspiracy theories, convinced how righteous you are and how stupid everyone else is. Newsflash, amigo, you got it backwards.


Hiliary 2020
I was paying attention.
I don't recall anybody here being concerned that Trump was going to be exactly what we knew HC was.
I remember he was a racist, a bigot, gonna take away my birth control but I dont recall anybody saying he was going to promote the war agenda.

Again my point of this post is that Trump is continuing the endless wars that are destroying pretty much the whole world in one way or another.
And I got people jumping on my shit for it.

Ok then.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You were warned; "Trump is a con artist used car salesman." It's no one's fault but your own that you're too stupid to see what was right in front of you.


I was paying attention.
I don't recall anybody here being concerned that Trump was going to be exactly what we knew HC was.
I remember he was a racist, a bigot, gonna take away my birth control but I dont recall anybody saying he was going to promote the war agenda.

Again my point of this post is that Trump is continuing the endless wars that are destroying pretty much the whole world in one way or another.
And I got people jumping on my shit for it.

Ok then.

In this post, when I say "you", I speaking generally to Trump supporters, while also addressing you, without dragging a lice comb through everything said or unsaid.

Yes MP, you were warned. All of you were warned about exactly this.

For a guy that keeps promoting a jaundiced, conspiracy laden worldview, how can you live with the fact you didn't see this coming? Dear Leader is a moron trying to appease Republicans and Tea Baggers. As such, he has no choice but to take his orders from the Joint Chiefs and the Secretaries. Who else is he going to listen too? So now, we have a so-called President who is a puppet to the military-industrial complex....exactly as predicted. Why are you late to this party?

Trump says he wants a massive military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue on July 4
Hey, who saw this one coming? Not MP.

Senate passes $700 billion defense policy bill, backing Trump call for steep increase in military spending
Hey, who saw this one coming? Not MP.

I don't recall a single person on this board who was enthused about Hilldawg for Prez. I certainly wasn't. But you have to be particularly blind to the reality that Dear Leader is by far doing a worse job with everything than she would have. And despite the sheer tidal wave of hatred and venom the Right has for her, every single one of then knows that she wouldn't let herself get rolled by the military, or the Chinese, or Vladimir or anyone else that tried to sell her a used car (or fighter plane that doesn't work).

And I have to say, this claim that Hilldawg was going to continue the cycle of war is horseshit. It was just constantly repeated horseshit. Which is what you guys specialize in. I never bought into it and I still don't believe it for a second now.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue

Geezus. That's so spot on it's downright scary. And to think....those quotes are from over 2000 years ago. :eek:

I guess just being PREZ was his motive.

In a very important way, you are absolutely correct. He's topped out on Maslow's pyramid from the material side so he is in search of the only thing left for him to pursue outside of coming to the realization that he must search for a more spiritual route (which I don't see happening....he's not very far along on the 8-fold path from my reckoning) so he grabs for the only natural thing that is left to him....the pursuit of power. That's why a man like him would run for an office like president in the first place. Would you run for it if you had his money? I damned sure wouldn't! I'd be living like a king on some remote island in the Caribbean "drinking shots off a Mexican girl's thigh" as my friend xfire would say. Being a narcissist with an God complex only feeds his desire....he lives for the adulation of his adoring crowds for whom, evidently quite literally, he can do no wrong. He is their hero and he basks in the glory that surrounds him. That's who he is.
I think he was always the former. Full of shit. Or to put it in more naunced terms, he was full of rhethoric. He had a pulse on the zeitgeist. It as if he arrived just in time before America decided they wanted Rand Paul or Bernie Sanders as president. He assimulated their views of noninterventionism and nativist and ran with his brand of it. But he Usurp them before someone made good on those mandates.
United States foreign policy is run with continiuity. Rarely, are there systematic departures. Occasionally, Nixon will go China. But in general Democrats and Republicans administrations follow after each other. Successful candidates run as if they are going to upset the continuity, they run on negation of continuity by promising change and making America great again, but to those with less naivete and susceptibility this is just window dressing and recieved the hoodwink.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I think he was always the former. Full of shit. Or to put it in more naunced terms, he was full of rhethoric. He had a pulse on the zeitgeist. It as if he arrived just in time before America decided they wanted Rand Paul or Bernie Sanders as president. He assimulated their views of noninterventionism and nativist and ran with his brand of it. But he Usurp them before someone made good on those mandates.

Yes. His timing was impeccable for certain. He's not so much of a classic liar as he is a bullshit artist. Another thing is that he really has no idea how government actually works or what he is doing with the executive branch. Hence the reason he has made attempts to use the office of the AG as his personal legal department as well as interfering with FBI investigations. I would bet the title to my house that he has no idea what is in the Cassidy-Graham legislation nor does he have any sense for the complexities of the international political landscape or how the different aspects of foreign policy fit together (America's role in NATO for instance). This naivete was on clear display this past week at the UN conference. I have to believe that foreign governmental officials and media must be laughing their asses off in private at the level of buffoonery that he displays.
You were warned

It's true Mr. P you were warned.
Trump was ultra hawkish towards Iran and the nuke deal throughout his campaign, and that was discussed here quite a few times.
So was his determination to greatly increase defense spending.
But ok better late than never. At least now you're seeing it.


Hiliary 2020
General response to all.
Yes ok I was warned.
And Mayhem and bodes I know he was always big on Military and that was a concern from the start.
But Its one thing having a strong military and its another to have that military just continue the massive waste of money and the agression all over the globe.
Our military , our whole I dont know the word. The whole thing: The Armed Forces, The Pentagon, DHS, FBI, CIA and all the other agencies that are supposedly supposed to exist to protect the People has been hijacked and has been being used as a means pillage and plunder and like I said its destroying everything in the process.

Trump spoke about this. The only public figure I can recall really.
Again nobody warned that he was going to be a war monger.
We knew HC was, her record in Libya alone was all you needed, which was a slaughter of civilians, a lot of civilians no matter how you look at it.
And it set Africa way back which was really the primary goal.

Anyway, people suspected he might be a fuck up. People expected he would get no cooperation.
But for the last time I don't recall anybody warning that he was going to continue the War Machine agenda that is really the root of so many problems and as long as it continues things will only continue the downward spiral.

But You know what? Ok I should have known.
Moving on from that ...............


Hiliary 2020
In a very important way, you are absolutely correct. He's topped out on Maslow's pyramid from the material side so he is in search of the only thing left for him to pursue outside of coming to the realization that he must search for a more spiritual route (which I don't see happening....he's not very far along on the 8-fold path from my reckoning) so he grabs for the only natural thing that is left to him....the pursuit of power. That's why a man like him would run for an office like president in the first place. Would you run for it if you had his money? I damned sure wouldn't! I'd be living like a king on some remote island in the Caribbean "drinking shots off a Mexican girl's thigh" as my friend xfire would say. Being a narcissist with an God complex only feeds his desire....he lives for the adulation of his adoring crowds for whom, evidently quite literally, he can do no wrong. He is their hero and he basks in the glory that surrounds him. That's who he is.

Yep, that was always in my mind.
What do you give the man who has everything?
A high grade Amazing Fantasy 15?

Of course, and after that you make him PREZ.
Look at me Ma, I'm on top of the world!