Yes. The myth has been propagated by the exact entities identified in the link as prospering under the mess that is the American health care system.
A common complaint that is heard about going to a universal and compulsory not-for-profit single-payer system is "your taxes will go up". Well, yeah, they certainly will. However, one would be remiss not to factor in the reality that health insurance premiums will disappear (unless supplemental coverage is purchased) and deductibles will shrink. Last year the average American family paid out $9,996 in premiums and $7,983 in deductibles. That's almost $18,000. Add to this significant co-pays and varying percentages of the gross depending on individual plans and average annual costs can easily exceed $20,000 or, if you happen to get sick, even more.
Bernie Sanders' bill to expand Medicare for all isn't likely to gather enough support to even come to a vote on the Senate floor but it is certainly a step in the right direction. Sure, the AMA, the insurance lobby and big pharma will tell you the sky is falling and paint the typical evil socialistic doomsday prophecy they always do when it comes to universal single-payer health care but the reality is that the present system is a serious square peg trying to fit into an ever-increasingly round hole on the health care issue. It makes no sense to me to continue to pretend that the American health care emperor is adorned in the finest silk and satin when in fact he is walking the streets balls-ass naked in my view (and it's an ugly view at that!). The current health care system is a scam and it's way past time that we did away with it and provided a right to universal health care for all Americans regardless of income.