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  • You are a cunt arent ya.....

    What can I say, we cunts need to stick together, those cunts out there dont know a cunt from their elbow. If you dropped a cunt on a cunt what would he do, nothing that cunt would be right at cunting home. Now if we cunts cant cunt around with those other cunts what cunt to they have with the cunts of our mothers? Or our fathers cunts for that matter?

    No! Cunts are cunts and when a cunt cant get a cunt out of a hole, then there's no hope for any cunt here there or anywhere cunts can get fucked. Get fucked good and propa'!!!

    In the cunt......
    Oh dont be so cunty, we're all cunts here. Its not like youre a cunt and I'm a daft cunt. Cunts r us and there's nothing any other cunt can do about it.

    This cunt is your cunt, this cunt is my cunt
    From California to the New York Islands
    From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters
    This cunt was made for you and me.

    The Chefhole is fine. Back to normal, I would say. Now, the throat is a different story. Apparently, frequent vomit attacks can make for a sore throat. My voice sounds like Chevy Chase, after he's been violently beaten in the stomach with a wiffle ball bat wrapped in duct tape.
    Backbeat...... the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is ouuuuut!!!

    Thanx for the friend request ....your hooked up!
    I'm poop. I got a migraine last night and I've been throwing up ever since. It's nice though. I mean, I'm losing weight, so that's nice. Plus, my bathroom smells. So, that's good.

    Also, I'm watching Frasier and Daphne is giving my cock a hard time. HE HE HE, pun intended.
    I haven't generated a turd yet. I'm scared for when I do though. The Chefhole is going to be PISSED when it realizes what it has to pass through itself. I'll probably get a contact drunk from the fumes. Much like your...lingering proof?

    So, my PS3 is sucking a cock. When I hook up to the internet, it says that I can't log into my account, but it won't tell me why. Was I drunk one night and changed my password without knowing it? I've been known to do such mularkey.
    I drank some beers last night to pass the time. I ended up drinking so much beer that it's made my butthole emit some stinky stinks this morning. My apartment smells like a dog food factory.

    Huh? What is this? Where I am? Where are these words coming from?
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