Ace Boobtoucher
Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
BC, I think you and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum as to what Petra actually looks like.
Petra.... I actually envision her like this but maybe with one of those Cthulu or what ever the fuck they are called paintings behind her desk.
Adam, don't chime in and fuck up the fantasy.
Funny, I always imagined Stiffy looks more like Vyvyvan.
Stiffy should appreciate this, this is how I picture him carrying out his mod duties...
Oh, stop. You guys know you all look like this:
Not my best side, but hey who cares.
Well, you could be right. Creepy, it is...Assari
Yeah, I know, it's a pic of Anders Breivik but 1) both him and assari are from Finland 2) both are christians 3) They have internet in Finland's prison cells