Your favorite cancelled TV shows


i miss Fox and Scully (oh, and John Dogget, my hero!)

Damn. That was a good show.

I am missing Terminator: The Sara Conner Chronicals.

It is good because the Summer Glau portrayal of the terminator is much more sinsiter than either Terminators in the movie because she can also manipulates(sorry for the misspell) people into doing things she wants.

I loved that show so much. I thought the action sequences where spot on and the "supposed to be funny" moments where funny. A lot of people I know don't like McG, but this show really got me to take notice of the dude.

Yes sir-eee! That was one of my favorite shows when it was on.It was like Miami Vice for a new generation. Too bad that it cost a fortune to produce and they never pulled in the ratings to justify keeping it on.

Fox sucks!:mad:
The Critic and Pushing Daises get my vote. Both were brilliant shows that were axed way to early.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
What are the guidelines of being "cancelled"...??? I mean, technically, almost all TV shows are canceled. It's just a matter of how long they're on the air. But, I would have to say that Arrested Development, Worst Week and Judgment Day (a video game review show on G4, before it became a huuuuuge joke) are some of the shows I wish had never been canceled. Now, to be fair, Judgment Day wasn't all that great of a show, but I enjoyed actual reviews and critiques of video games, rather than just a few shots of gameplay, dubbed over with meaningless, unfunny chatter :coughX-Playcough:


I can't believe I forgot about Freaks and Geeks.
Judgment day was awesome! As was with Laura Foy (Hot!) and Tina Wood. Those were shows that made me kind of happy about the whole TechTV and G4 merge. I accepted them two shows wholly.
What are the guidelines of being "cancelled"...???

Here's how I define a canceled show.Any show that is ended by a shows respective network,instead of a shows creator(s),whether it be during the season or at season's end.This would include shows that have running storylines that are left unresolved at the end of the season,and that show is not renewed for a following season.

Shows that are ended by the creators of that particular show,are not considered canceled,e.i. Seinfeld,ER,Friends,Frasier,Everybody Loves Raymond,Alias, and soon to be,Lost.

Shows that finished their season,but were not picked up for a following season,are in essence,canceled.Examples of those shows would be Reaper(which I'm fucking missing a hell of a lot,pun intended),Jericho(didn't watch it,but from what I understand,there were a lot of unresolved issues),The Unit,Fastlane,John Doe,Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Shows that didn't even get to finish the season,or their network just didn't order anymore episodes to fill the season are canceled as well.Examples: Dollhouse,Bionic Woman,Firefly,pretty much everything that premiered on Fox between 6-8 years ago,like Greg The Bunny.

Now their is some gray area also.A show like Prison Break was announced as canceled,but Fox actually did something good by letting the creators give the show an actual ending,and not just yanking it off the air and having people wonder what the hell happened.I guess technically it was canceled,but the story was over,so I don't really consider it canceled,instead of it just ending.

Anyway,hope that clears it up.:D


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Enterprise & Terminator